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NOTE: You Are Free To Download & Distribute Content that's Wholely Owned By Alfred However & Wherever You Please 😀

Christians Need To Come Up With A Unified Plan To Take Over The World (an excerpt from a non-fiction Christian book by Alfred)

Christians Need To Stop Fighting One Another On A The Internet (an excerpt from a non-fiction Christian book by Alfred)

Christians Need To Start Fighting For What They Want. The Violent Take It By Force (an excerpt from a non-fiction Christian book by Alfred)

Making Black Jesus vs White Jesus On My Falling Apart Cellphone Because My Laptop Is Bad : Alfred's Diary : 13th June 2024

Black Jesus vs White Jesus : A Rap Music Single by Alfred

All The Paid Ad Clicks To My Apple Music Page Didn't Translate Into Money : Alfred's Diary : 7th June 2024

NEPA Brought Light Last Night: Alfred's Diary : 5th June 2024

Buy Me A Coffee Takes Away My Ability To Send Email Notifications To My Subscribers : Alfred's Diary : 4th June 2024 : Entry 01

No Electricity In Nigeria Nationwide Yesterday Because Of The Labor Union Strike : Alfred's Diary : 4th June 2024 : Entry 02

God Bless Whoever Anonymously Sent Me The Gift Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Views; You're Appreciated : Alfred's Diary : 18th May 2024

YouTube Stole My Idea To Improve Their App : Alfred's Diary : 16th May 2024 : Entry 02

What's In My Hand : Alfred's Diary : 16th May 2024 : Entry 01

Shifting My Focus From Music To Mainly Books Because My Laptop Is Not Working : Alfred's Diary : 15th May 2024 : Entry 02

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NOTE: All Music, eBooks, Articles, Stories, Games, Comics, etc That Are Made By Alfred Are Free To Share. I Own The Rights But I Give Everyone Permission To Use & Share As They Please. Put It On Your Own Site, Add It To A Product You Sell.. Do Whatever. Just Don't Change The Content Itself And Don't Take Credit For It. Just put the "" logo or tag on it somewhere. You Also Have My Permission To Perform Any Of My Songs Publicly. If You Want To Send Me A Thank You For That Too It's Appreciated