YouTube Stole My Idea To Improve Their App : Alfred's Diary : 16th May 2024 : Entry 02

Dear Diary, 
   YouTube has stolen my "Rap Reaction" concept to create a remix songs feature in their app.
   It's funny how time and time again people use my ideas or concepts from either something I've done or something I've said; without giving me credit.
   I'm unknown but bet you've partook of something I'm responsible for creating.
   I've heard my sermons in other preachers lips, I seen companies create services based of something I said in a product reaction video; but I don't get credit. 
   When you see or hear it and you juxtapose it with what I said and when I said it; it's clear where it was gotten from.
   YouTube stealing my idea to come up with a service for all customers rubs me some type of way mainly because "Alfred's Rap Reactions" was created to inject Christian ideas and opinions into popular and trendy songs. 
   Now with everybody doing it who have much bigger channels and subscribers than me; the gospel side to it is lost. 
   Other People would not use it an avenue to preach the gospel like I did and their videos would be more popular and be promoted more on YouTube than mine is.
   Various big name musicians I did a rap reaction to responded to my in sublimals in songs. At least they got to hear the gospel.
   It's almost like YouTube didn't like that. They didn't like big name musicians hearing the gospel. They don't want big name artists or music culture to change and become positive.
   I fighting a battle. 
   Also it seems, these mainstream social media networks don't want me to be big. I've been online posting videos for a lot longer than most but there feels to be a strong conspiracy against me. From the shadowbanning of conservatives to more targeted weird things like how when I posted my first song as Alfred; only about 3 artists around the world went by the name Alfred. Now however they're like hundreds when you search for Alfred in YouTube music. 
   My profile doesn't even appear on the list even though I have released more songs than anybody and have more views.
  Anyway, I'll figure out what to do.
   The future of promoting what I do is clearly not social media. Clearly.
   I won't be stopped.
  I'll keep moving forward.

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NOTE: All Music, Audio Files, eBooks, PDFs, Games, Comics, etc That You Are Given Download Links For On This Site Are Free To Share. I Own The Rights But I Give Everyone Permission To Download & Share As They Please. Put It On Your Own Site, Package It With Your Own Digital Products That You Sell. Do Whatever. Just Don't Change The Content Itself Or Take Credit For It. Just put the "" logo or Audio Tag on it somewhere. You Also Have My Permission To Perform Any Of My Songs Publicly In Church Or Wherever. If You Want To Send Me A Thank You For That Too It's Appreciated