Christians Need To Start Fighting For What They Want. The Violent Take It By Force (an excerpt from a non-fiction Christian book by Alfred)

   Christians are the only group of people on the earth who any other group can attack, beat and persecute; yet receive no push back. 
   Christians are continually stepped on and have their rights taken away on the daily and Christians never stand up to fight back. From Christians having their ability to pray in schools in the West taken away to Christians being imprisoned in the East for preaching the gospel. Yet Christians never stand up, put their foot down and say enough is enough.
   Christians have no fight in them. 
   Sadly, when the few that do dare to try to rise up or speak up; many mislead so called Christians shout them down and tell them to sit down and shut up even before the world does.
   Both Woke Christians & Religious Christians shout down and condemn any Christian who want Christian voices and interests being heard in politics. 
   Woke Christians & Religious Christians both say a Christian or church shouldn't be involved in politics. Leaving only atheists, satanists, haters of Christianity, the LGBTQ mafia, the leftist cult, and every other group to be the only people who have a voice and opportunity to impose their interests in politics.
   This is sad. 
   Jesus said, ever since the days of John the Baptist the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12).
   This is truth. 
   This goes against the interpretation that "the meek shall inherit the earth."

Matthew 5:5 KJV
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

   Matthew 11:12 clearly means the violent shall have their way on the earth not the meek.
   Is the bible contradicting itself? 
   The meek shall inherit the earth doesn't mean what you think it means. 
   You have to understand the time Jesus lived in and who he was talking to. 
   He lived in an age of Conquerors and Caesars. He was saying those who raid, conquer, and colonize others won't inherit the earth. Even though they might take the land; later all they have taken would be given to someone else who didn't rob and pillage others as a way to build wealth.
   The meek were those who believing in working and building their wealth by honest and humble means not by pillaging others. 
   The meek doesn't refer to those who are weak and timid and can't fight for what is theirs or what goals they want to achieve.
   Those who stand and fight to have their way would take the world. 
   If Christians don't, they won't take the earth in spite of the fact that the earth is their birthright since the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24: 1).
   Right now, only the world is willing to have their way by force on the earth. 
   The LGBTQ only got this far because of this principle; the principle of taking it by force. 
   The LGBTQ are willing to take the whole world by force and by any means necessary. Doing everything possible to make the whole world bow to them and refusing to take "No" for an answer. 
   It's high time we Christians who God actually told to do so follow suit and take the world by force. Refuse to take "No" for an answer.  

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