Making Black Jesus vs White Jesus On My Falling Apart Cellphone Because My Laptop Is Bad : Alfred's Diary : 13th June 2024

Dear Diary, 
   Laptop or no laptop I've decided to still move ahead with releasing a new single every Friday. 
   Although the lack of studio mic connected to laptop quality audio recording makes the audio quality less than what I would like; it's still better than nothing.
   The story behind 'Black Jesus vs White Jesus' was that I needed a song to speak on the whole 'Black Jesus' movement; and shed the light of God's word on it so all men can see the truth. 
   The fact of the matter is Jesus is nether black, white, Jewish, etc. 
   Jesus is God. We are made in his image not the other way round. 
   Anybody who thinks of Jesus as Black or White doesn't believe he's God.
   If you think he is God, then God and man who came first? Who was before who? 
   God long existed before black people existed so how can he be a black man? God long existed before white people existed so how can he be a white man?
   In fact, when White people, Black people, and Jewish people no longer exists; God would still exist. 
   If you think of Jesus as God you would never think of him as Black, White, or Jewish.
   Jesus existed before he was born of Mary. He was there at the very beginning way before the first Jew; Abraham was born.
   In the beginning he was THE WORD not a White man, Black man or Jewish man.
   So why think of him as a White man or Jewish man.
   Also Jesus is still alive today. 
   Those who think of Jesus as a White man or Black man don't believe he's alive today. He still lives. He's not dead.
   The bible says he now has a glorified body. The bible doesn't say he has a White man's body or a Black man's body or a Jewish man's body.
   Think about how Jesus appeared and is described in the book of revelation. He doesn't even have a human body anyone and hasn't had a human body since his ascension.
   Anybody who believes Jesus is a White man, Black man or Jewish man does not even believe the bible. 
   Those who specifically push the Black Jesus narrative are black supremacy types with deep rooted insecurity issues.
   The Black Jesus narrative is motivated by hatred towards white people. It is demonic. It is not about Jesus or what Jesus preached.
   If you believe what Jesus preached you'll love everybody and want everybody of every race, tongue, and creed to receive Christ not alienating people and bringing race and division into Christianity. That's the plan of the devil. That has always been the plan of the devil. To divide and conquer Christianity by any means necessary.

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