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Christians Need To Stop Fighting One Another On A The Internet (an excerpt from a non-fiction Christian book by Alfred)

1 John 4:20 KJV
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 

   No other belief system or religion has as much in-house fighting as Christianity does.
   When you go on the internet for example; Christian bloggers and Christian YouTubers channels are all about attacking other Christians and other churches. 
   They learnt it from their Pastors. Their Pastors didn't tell them it's wrong to act that way, in fact many of their Pastor's sermons are about attacking other churches and other ministers and telling their congregation why that other pastor or preacher is not a real man of God instead of preaching the gospel. 
   When such people are told they shouldn't be using their platform to attack other Christians and preachers, they pull up scriptures of admonishing one another and rebuking one another to justify their bad behavior. It's sad.
   First of all, you have no business admonishing or rebuking strangers over the internet. 
   If someone makes a video on the internet attacking you; do you listen and change to please the person. 
   No! You don't. 
   So why do you rebuke a stranger over the internet? Just preach the gospel and pray for them. That's all. That has a much higher chance reaching and changing them than rebuking them.
   I'll tell you what rebuking online surely does instead. 
   It surely drives people away from Christianity. Which non believer sees a bunch of religious people quarreling and attacking each other over who is more holier than the other... who is more a true Christian than the other and then is attracted to become a Christian because of it?
   I'll tell you the answer. None! 
   Rather they'll be put off by it and say you see why I don't want to have anything to do with religion. 

   Folks rebuking people online for not being good enough Christians does Satan's work for him.
   If you're a Christian doing that you're working for Satan not for God.

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