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NOTE: You Are Free To Download & Distribute Content that's Wholely Owned By Alfred However & Wherever You Please 😀

It's A Privilege To Have The Opportunity To Solve The Most Pressing Frustrations : Investing In Africa

A Race Of Innovations : Celebrating White History

A Lot Of People Who Ask For Advise Don't Want Advise : Breakfast With Alfred

A Life Of Fearlessness : Breakfast With Alfred

A Culture Of Honoring Women : Celebrating White History

New Autonomous Zone Dedicated To George Floyd Not Considered An Insurrection

The Kidnaping Of 30 Students Of The Federal College Of Forestry Mechanization In Kaduna, Nigeria

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NOTE: All Music, eBooks, Articles, Stories, Games, Comics, etc That Are Made By Alfred Are Free To Share. I Own The Rights But I Give Everyone Permission To Use & Share As They Please. Put It On Your Own Site, Add It To A Product You Sell.. Do Whatever. Just Don't Change The Content Itself And Don't Take Credit For It. Just put the "" logo or tag on it somewhere. You Also Have My Permission To Perform Any Of My Songs Publicly. If You Want To Send Me A Thank You For That Too It's Appreciated