Alfred Responds To What Pastor Chris Said About Gospel Music

NOTE: This is not a jab at Pastor Chris. If you are somebody who likes going at Preachers online; I am not one of you. You are on your own.
I love Pastor Chris. He is a gift to the body of Christ and if you can't see that, there's something wrong with you. However, no one is above mistakes and he's making a huge mistake right now with his new take on gospel music. 
Keep in mind his other revelations and teachings over the years has proven to be a blessing to the gospel of Christ. I am just concerned his new take on gospel music could strongly hinder the spread of the gospel of Jesus thru music if all of Christianity embraces his new revelation on gospel music. 
We as Christians need to be gaining ground in culture not losing ground. 
We spend at best 2 hours in church on Sunday only to leave Church and spend the whole week in a world that constantly feeds us the world's message via radio, TV shows, billboards, music festivals, school programs, etc. 
We cannot afford to lose ground and start thinking like: well, the Bible didn't say we should have our own Christian Disneyland or create our own Hollywood, or create Celebrities within the church that would be the light of the world which we plan to use to replace worldly celebrities. 
We must dominate this world if we are the light of the world. 
Secular music should not generate more money and fame than gospel music. Satan doesn't bless his children more than God.

To all Gospel Musicians out there. We don't need Pastors and their churches to be the ones supporting gospel music with offering money (even though we should have to right to if Pastors have the right to be paid from the offering money). They can keep their offering money. 
We can hold our own independent concerts and entertain people. YES, Entertain People With The Gospel. 
We Cannot Leave Entertaining People For Only The World To Do.
We can put on a show and make the world a more positive place.
Imagine instead of strip clubs & nite clubs people went to Christian Family Friendly Restaurants, Skating Rings, or Theaters where the Entertainers & Entertainment is Christian.
Imagine instead of Rolling Loud & Music Festivals of the world; we Christians have our own Christian Festivals in every city in the world. Entertaining the world. 

Satan used and still uses Entertainment to reach the world and communicate his message to the world. See how much of the world is under his influence through entertainment today.
We as Christians cannot deceive ourselves with false spirituality & say a Christian is not supposed to entertain people with the gospel. It's not biblical. 
Stop that. That is Fake Spirituality.
We must cover this world with the gospel like the water covers the sea. We must cover this world such that everywhere you look you see the gospel.
Keep in mind, before Trump's 2nd term the LGBTQ was covering everything with their gay message. Even MacDonald's hamburgers were wrapped in rainbow colors to celebrate gay pride in pride month. The Gays were even going to make every month of the year a month to celebrate one of their various weird new genders while they were fighting Christmas.
However, Pastor Chris & Christ Embassy is cool with losing ground and giving the world of entertainment to the devil. 
No! I Would Not Have It. 

Not too long ago, Rema gave millions to Christ Embassy. Pastor Chris didn't reject the money. 
So Rema can make music promoting adultery, fornication and smoking as long as he pays his Tithe. But if Rema was to sing Christian messages and entertain people he is now doing something wrong if he makes money from it. He is now to only sing in the choir and Pastor Chris & Christ Embassy gets the royalties from the album of the choir (aka Loveworld Singers). While Rema would be poor.
So this new revelation is encouraging people to use their talent for the world and not for God.
This new revelation of Pastor Chris financially rewards leading people to Hell and bestows financial difficulties upon those who chose to use their gift to lead people to Christ. 
I love Pastor Chris but the body of Christ should not follow him down this road he wants to go. 
Pastor Chris is surrounded by Yes men and I can't really blame them for being Yes men. His wisdom on other matters has lifted them and placed them among kings. 
So if Pastor Chris vers off into the wrong direction, no one around him has the ability to see it or speak out if they see it. 
Christ Embassy has a strong loyalty culture and a strong culture of esteeming their leaders highly which is a good thing and has kept Christ Embassy strong and difficult to allow for break away ministers who split congregations in half and go off to start another church which has been a tool the devil has used to break up many other churches. 
However, Christ Embassy should not take esteeming leaders highly (which is scriptural) to the point it has become esteeming leaders as infallible and not calling them to order behind closed doors.

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