How To Invest On Earth To Lay Up Treasures In Heaven : Alfred's Bible Club Podcast

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hello everybody I'm Alfred and you're listening to Alfred's Bible Club podcast let's open our Bibles to the Book of Matthew chapter 6 I'm reading from verse 19 I read lay not for yourself Treasures upon Earth where M and rot do corrupt and where theves break through and steal but lay up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven where nether M nor R do corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal for where your treasure is there will your hearts be also praise the Lord now these are the words of Jesus and it's extremely important you know someone said something along the lines of angels look at man they gaze at man and Ponder in amazement that men run Helter Skelter trying to acquire money to build up Mansions businesses and properties for thems on Earth where they will spend a little time but they have not yet bother about setting up a briak in where they would spend the rest of Eternity some people have done nothing towards building themselves

anything in heaven you know and this scripture highlights that Jes is saying that you shouldn't lay up for yourself you know your focus shouldn't be on laying up for yourself Treasures upon Earth where M and R do corrupt and where te break trans still you know everything you have here is temporary everything that is here all the Earthly wealth and prosperity is temporal but you can lay up Treasures for yourself in heaven is saying here so it's not like oh um you look at and are you talking about building mansions in heaven or you know building real estate and building properties you know there are some people that think of it as just a way of pre to get money to C things this is what the Bible says you know this is what the Bible says you can lay up Treasures in heaven how do you do that by your good works by your obedience to God by winning Souls into the kingdom there's a reason it is written he that win souls is wise it's important that is where we spend majority of Eternity of your life SP keep in mind that in reality your early body everybody's early body is temporal even if you receive healing from God in your physical body which is your inheritance if you are in Christ after the Rapture we are all going to let go of this body not by death but by transformation this body is going to be in a twinkling of an eye it is going to be transformed basically disintegrated and will put on a new body so everything of this Earth it's something we are going to leave behind including our bodies whether you die or you don't die whether you die or you are raptured you know whether you sleep or you are raptured you know because sleep is a more appropriate way to say these things because as Christians we do not die we fall asleep but that's a topic for another day and another seron you know there is a reason why such terminology is important and that is an entirely different s but whether you sleep or you are

raptured you are leaving this body behind I don't need to tell you of course you leaving all your money behind all the houses and everything but what you are taking with you is what you buil on Earth in the sense of the lives you

changed the impact you made made for God what you did for the kingdom of God that is going to be reflected on the other side some people need to really understand the concept it's one thing to get into heaven going to heaven is easy you know everything is easy but you have to understand the difference scenarios it's wanting to give your life to Christ and yes you you're qualified you know you're going to heaven that is that that is a given but but there's also the place of you walking in obedience and faithfulness so that you will not be rejected because if someone gives their life to Christ now they say the Salvation prayer with their heart and they confess it with their mouth they believe and they confess it with their mouth the Salvation prayer they qualified but there is you you can't stop there you have to walk out your own salvation with Fe and trembly you have to obey the word you have to Lear the word of God you have to grow in the word of God if you do not do that you stand the risk of losing out and not even entering into heaven should you show up or should something happen at your person you know because if follow up to saying you give your life to Christ is actually living for Christ you can't just say that you've given your life to Christ without your actions walking in that direction so you actually have to walk in that direction that is very important then not only that you know you have to be committed and the more you grow the more deeper you go you have to you cannot remain a baby forever and you have to be committed to God's business which is so winning how much of God's light is shining through you to this world now you can do good works outside of Christ that is cute but that is not eternal and when something is blessed by the spirit it is different there's a difference between when people in the world give to charity you see and when a Christian gives to charity because you have to understand the concept of the spirit of God of an action being anointed by the spirit of God an act that is Anointed by the spirit of God that is led by the spirit of that has the hand of the spirit of God on it it's not the same with that same act that is done without the spirit of God even if you're a Christian you know and more so if a Christian is doing something and a non-Christian is doing something it is not the same when the hand of God is present on one and the hand of God is not present on the other you have to understand the concept of the House of the spirit and the house of the flesh you know you may both have good motives of wanting to make the world a better place but one person is doing it by the spirit one person has the hand of God on it the spirit of God is working through them and on them and in them it is different from the other person you know think of um K and Abel they both offer sacrifices to God God accepted one and rejected the other you know some people you know you go to church you praise God but true worshipers shall worship the father in in spirit and in truth that means you can worship the father not in spirit and in truth and many people did that for ages before Jesus came before the death and resurrection that was for many the status to worship God not in spirit and in truth so there are many people even today who are worshiping God but not in spirit and in truth and then the person that is beside you in the same church that is worshiping in spirit and in truth we get Miracles and Advance even though they just joined Christianity yesterday and you'll be wondering what happened you know I'm not saying that this is the explanation the one explanation in all cases where such things happen where you know one person receives another person re there are other factors but this could be one of the factors or could be the s factor depending on the scenario so you have to understand the entire spiritual realm and the spiritual world how things work you know so this is a reality this is a fact you have to do things by the spirit you know and when you are doing your good works based on the word of God in obedience with God is different there's a difference between a charity organization that is feeding the homeless like this is this recorded during Christmas time there's a between a child organization that is feeling the homeless around this Christmas time but is not a Christian organization versus a Christian organization it is different the Christian organization probably has Angels was probably you know set up by God God called somebody to set it up so God is involved from the beginning the hand of God is on it the Angels assigned to it then also the Christian element the leading people to Christ talking to people about Jesus completely different from the person of the world who just giv out gifts and relief to the need and people remain in their s or remain disconnected from God they remain in darkness there's no connection and there's no Spirit transfering keep in mind that the spirit of God and the presence of God can rub up on things just the same way there's a spirit and there's a presence on worldly things the devil can influence articles and items

you know a man of God can simply give you a Bible and by that tou you receive healing this is what happened with Peter where he Shadow Peter was not praying he just walking then as his shadow falls on people they getting up they getting healed he was not praying just his shadow based on Association based on the fact that he had Holy Ghost and the spirit of God was upon him so everything that was associated with him his shadow carried that unction it was different his shadow was different from everybody else's Shadow the same thing with Apostle Paul handkerchiefs and aprons from the body of Paul the same thing is upon that same presence is upon everybody has an unction that they carry if you have the anointing of the Holy Spirit even if you do not have the anoint

there is a spirit that goes with people especially when you have a spirit with you there's a spirit that follows native doctors there's a spirit that goes with people that are not in God there are some people that they have their Aura like let's say um somebody who is a cultist or somebody who is a somebody who is a g member there's a spirit that fools him that has that violence anywhere he goes violence follows you will enter a train uneventful him will enter a train he have an alteration with another gang member why the same TR sometimes he may not be looking for trouble but trouble will just come and find him there's a spirit in him that is following him that is making that thing that way this has nothing to do with anointing you know so there everybody has you know an aura and the spirit and Spirits are contagious that you know Rob off on them and on what they do and a lot of times what is in you and your character could be a pool for what that spirit is going to be you know so this is reality you know and this is also why you see a lot of people in the world a lot of worldly musicians their record labels have wishes on stuff that put that do rituals on the music albums that they make why because they want to communicate the spirit upon it you know there are certain contents they say oh you have to promote sexuality or you have to promote promiscuity why is there so much promotion of promiscuity in music in entertainment because that is something that is important for demons to gain access your green lighting of sexual perversion giv Satan legal access into you and into things that concern you into your fear that is a reality when you look at all demon Spirits you know a lot of evil spirits that manifest whether Marine Spirits or whatever Spirits spirits that have to do with violence spirit that has to do with prostitution spirit that has to do with wickedness spirit that has to do with anger uncontrollable anger all of them they always manifest themselves and they always have a promiscuous sexual nature to them a lot of times when demons are cast out you see manifestations of that sexual nature you can see that they have that that is something that is a a legal ground is a welcoming because you see people should not be involved in it mankind should not be involved in sexual prcity it is from the pit of Hell and it's a key that opens the door for the devil to gain access you know and it's a shame that most people don't know that and Devils take advantage of this you know he who breaks the Hedge the serpent shall bite so when people allow such those such coming and that is why this music um Executives you know because the fact that people may claim that oh they are against religiousity oh they against religion oh they don't believe in God and all of that they believe in something they still believe in something a lot of people who claim to not believe in God believe in something that is more out there than anything anyone can claim will a point out and say ah believing in God makes you believe in things that are not real or you know youing in something that is Supernatural or esoterical out there you know a lot of these people you know in the world they you they do all kinds of weird rituals yoga is a ritual yoga is from the Eastern religion you know there apart from that you know Spirit cooking all kinds of different things you know astral travel and all of that most of these politicians most of these people that we come and say they against religion no what they saying even though they are using the term I'm against religion no they saying I'm against Christianity oh um religion should not be involved in public matters religion should have nothing to do with school teachers not teach religion what they saying Teach not teach Christianity it's Christianity that Target because other forms of ReliOn are always allowed and everybody believes in something if you if you if you believe that you know um if you put yourself as number one in your life you have put yourself as God in your life that is still a religion the religion where you are the god some people create religion where is their children that is their God some people create religion where is their spouse that is their their husband that is their God their wife is their God but everybody believes in something and everybody consciously or unconsciously develop tenets that are a reflection of what they truly believe so be conscious of this this is a reality I know because of this we have to be wise and understand what is really happening around us and know how to navigate the world wisely we as Christians we must understand the importance of Soul winning we are here to win souls we are here to reach lives we are here to change lives we are here to reach people with the gospel that is number one priority every other thing you fade away every achievement every degree [Music] every amount of money that you make all of that in fact the purpose of all your money should be to win people to Christ should be to lead people to Christ you know J has has made it clear here you know in the scripture that we read in the Book of Matthew chapter 6 verse 19 L up up for yourself Treasures upon Earth where M and Ro corrupt and where te breakr still but lay up for yourself Trea in heaven where neither M nor R do corrupt and where not break Tri or still now Jus is not saying that do not have any money be poor you know because Jesus blesses when you read through the Bible you see God blesses with money anytime God is pleased with somebody God gives that person money but God doesn't want you to put that money before him God doesn't want you to make that money your God God doesn't want you to put money before Integrity put money before for doing the right thing seek you first the kingdom of God and then all these other things that the Gentiles seek after what is it that the gentil after money power title all of that we follow but put God first put the kingdom of God first put you yourself building up yourself in the kingdom of God seeing you know um growing in the knowledge of God you know and then of course winning Souls building the kingdom of God leading people to Christ seeing that the kingdom of God advances seeing that the Church of Jesus Christ advances you know that is what should come first we are living in a world where we go on lying and the internet is a reflection of the mindset of the future Generations it's a preview there are a lot of things and mindsets that you may see on the internet that are prevalent that are not prevalent around you but the internet is a preview of of what is

coming if an ideology is growing in dominance on the internet keep in mind that that is a preview of what certain people are thinking if those numbers grow which they normally do think about the the re of influence in the real world now it may not be instantaneous like you can see somebody or an ideology might have a million people devoted to it in it community on the internet but in the real world you can't see such people of such a community but they are still there however they are few they may not be around you or they may be in Disguise or they may not be um open about it but that ideology keep in mind that they held by people in the real world who we grow who we spread the ideology in the real world one way or the other or influence people also online who would begin to change how they act when they join that Community online so it it is also a way of changing mindsets gauging mindsets and you know also propaganda the internet is you know and all the online communities so um keep that in mind and there a lot of riots that have happened and we coordinated because of the internet a lot of protests the protests in India you know the protest in Nigeria as well as the um INB governance in Nigeria protest all of all the things were would not have been possible without the internet even you know the what happened in you know Kenya recently so all those protests you can see the how Community changes online so when you look at the Move online with an anti-christian Spirit an antichrist Spirit you know like something happens to a pastor people are against the pastor people are always against Church oh Church always trying to get money Church always trying to get money oh doing this look at what the Bible is saying Jus is telling you you know that should lay up Treasures where what you should be doing you should not be that is your your what should be number one should not be oh I'm running around Skelter get money to build a new business build company build this and build that and build this mansion and have this and this company and have this great Empire on that should not be the what you should be looking at what should be number one is how do I build in heaven how do I lay up Treasures for myself in heaven so therefore you do it also with money all the money from the businesses so you are starting businesses but the goal of your businesses is not so that you are making Investments to be growing on Earth but making investment to have resources to lay Treasures in Heaven in other words you're sponsoring the gospel you using your money to preach the gospel you can use money to change ideology you can use money to change the mass perception of people and that is what it is you can use money to push the gospel forward so you have to when you are spreading and you are making money and you know you going after business and all of that your goal is this morning I'm crying it to the church if you do not have that mindset you at o with with Jesus Christ you may please the internet and the people on the internet and the people of the world who are like hey pastors all about money chur are always asking for money you are in the wrong doing that some of you are hearing this you know you have been blessed by Ministry have been blessed by a church have you ever given to that church you know it's ridiculous how the world Who We complain about giving in the church they hold seminars a lot and their own seminar you pay before you enter and it's compulsory in church you don't pay before you enter and you and there's nobody that is going to put a gun to your head and and say you must pay your tights many people who go to church do not pay tights you know and they not put in prison they not apprehended or reprimanded how would anybody even know whether or not you know they give or they didn't give their TI or or even give offering many people who go to don't even give offering but when the world is doing their own seminar upon seminar before you enter you are pay if you want to sit close to the front it is like a higher fee you are sitting VIP there's there are so many different categories of VIP there's the VIP there the super VIP and then there the super super VIP all of it different prices for tickets for you to sit down and listen to advice and seminar that is not based from the word of God but they stole some of the principles from the word of God and then subtract Christ from it when you can receive advice that is from the word of God wisdom that from the word of God for free from church you know it is so funny you know a lot of people who criticize the church amuse me you know and you need to be wise and see these things so you also it is your responsibility to give to a church or give to churches you know you don't have to give to only one church you can say oh all this you can take it upon yourself you know this church is making impact oh this ministry is making impact they making you know it may be something that is out of the like for example when TBM was you know back in the day of Paul that was a great place to give television this was before the internet you know with television and satellite TBN you know the impact it was making you see even though it is not a church like this a Christian Ministry they making impact on television on the Airways getting the gospel known getting the gospel out they advancing the kingdom of you give to that take it upon yourself that you will be a sponsor of the Gospel that on in heaven if they are calling people like this and this is the person you know because there some of you you know you have millions you have billions or you are in the process of making that make it wise let it be that you have more Treasures in Heaven you have up more Treasures in Heaven than you have on so let the majority of your wealth of your of your resources be laid up in heaven let it be a you single-handedly sponsor this Crusade the pastor needed 5 half million or 50,000 whatever the price is you even sell your house on and sponsor it you know interestingly this this is something that you may think it sounds atan but there are Christians doing that and you want to go to heaven with kind of Christians who are doing that and think that you and be on the same level their ranks in heaven God is very rank conscious look at angel Michael he's not on the same level with angel gri look at Lucifer when before he fell look at the level he was on now look at the level he in God is conscious about ranks so keep in mind also the discussion that Jesus had with his disciples when they were saying who will be greatest in the in the Kingdom of Heaven you know when when we get to heaven who is going to be greatest of the disciples you know and Jesus told them not to think like that I was telling them that who he who serves the most is the one that be the greatest you know I was you know explain to them that in the kingdom of God you know um it is not about um those who want to be in the world those who are are Kings want to load it on everybody but in the kingdom of God it's about service you know so Jesus did not condem and say ah there's no ranking in heav all of us are equal all of you disciples are going to be equal not see that so in the same way you are not going to be equal with every other Christian in heaven based on how much Treasures you lay up in heaven now there are some people who listen to it and twist it and think that ah this guy talking about buying a position in heaven is this guy talking about paying your way into heaven I've said getting into heaven is not a problem you give your life to Christ you obey God you know you're on your way but how do you what position what rank do you want to have there how much Treasures do you want to to have L there Jus himself saying up for yourself Treasures upon Earth where more than do corrupt and where breakr and still but lay up for yourself Treasures in where neither corrupt where do not break through and still keep in mind if you somebody laying up Treasures in Heaven God will take care of your own business on Earth so if your focus is on let me TR in heaven while you are here on Earth God will be making sure that he himself is going to be your provider of treasures on Earth but if you do not do it that way it is you yourself that to be the provider of your Treasures on a lot of you are where you are because you are not givers you do not give to the kdom there's a difference between giv to charity and giv to the church and giving for the kingdom you have to intentionally understand the difference so it is very important that your giving and your offering lands in the in the right place and where the spirit of God is where the anointing is so give to the kingdom don't mind people of the world who are talking nonsense on internet and say about giving and all of that and they just want to make money from people that is madness they don't complain about the BLM that scams people and takes all the money you know all the different charities of the world that the founders of the Charities are living large and are driving private jets and all that nobody complains about them the pastors that they want to focus on and criticize you know like if the pastors you know the church is the church building does not take money to build the church building does not take money to maintain you know the the equipment the electricity all those bills don't need to be paid you know for a single church for a church to have a single service it cost money the fact that you working there free you know and you have the N to be criticizing them and say they asking for money they asking for money how do you think they keep the lights on how do you think you know the volunteers and the and the permanent staff how do you think they going to get paid everything in this world requires money can you even have a a birthday party without you know spending money you know you have to buy balloons you have to buy this decoration and that decoration you have to buy gifts you have to um spend money on on invitations you know sending out invitations this and that you know getting entertainment all of that you know the refreshments just birthday party how much money will it cost you to to through a birthday party then think about a CH service how much money do you think do you think that one is free it's your birthday party that cost money but a church hosting a church service is the one that is free you see you need to be wise and you need to understand the WS of the enemy the games that the devil play one of such games is in always attacking the church always attacking pastors when you go online you see a lot of Christians have built you know their platform up from tearing down other Christians and the algorithm helps them it's intentional the devil knows what he's doing all they do is oh this pastor is doing this oh this preacher is doing this they always condemn they never see anything good they see a lot of good things that churches do they see a lot of good things that pastors do do they do they ever talk about it no they never talk about it they always keep quiet about it they don't see it it is to amplify rumors you know you see such people for example look at a situation with um Bishop TD J recently where he had some um medical complications while you know during a service while Ministry

many people who are quote unquote Christian who say they are Christian we happy criticizing him you know what kind of nonsense is that why should someone who says they Christian be wishing harm on somebody else in the name of that is the will of God so because you do not like Bishop Jake Simon or because of his ass with P that is a whole matter because of that now you now wish for him to die and you think that that is Christianity you think that that is the love of God you think that that is you being Christlike that is sad that shows how off you are how far away from the kingdom you are from how far from being Kingdom Minded you are and it's unfortunate we have have to be Kingdom Minded we have to put the kingdom of God first we need to be wise let the word of God become alive in us let the Bible change us transform us to be more like God to be more like Jesus you know the more we read we should be transformed be transformed you know by the word of God you know we need to be transformed by and have our mind renewed by the word of God until we begin to see and think like God wants us to think the world does not mind putting money billions towards pushing the ideology those who are homosexuals who are millionaires or billionaires they push their agenda heavy they put billions into their agenda look at all the weakness that we see weakness has a financial side to it it is sponsored by billionaires who believe in it the people that are pushing you know um um homosexual ideology is funded by black rock companies like Black Rock Vanguard and State Farm the executives are primarily gay so these are a bunch of gay billionaires who are funding and rewarding companies that put rainbow Flags in their logo during Pride months you know companies that use the banking system to provide incentives and benefits for companies who align to their agenda you know and they give out oh your your company how many lgbtq people do you hire what kind of question is that why are you asking a bakery or an engineering company how many lgbtq people do you have what does that have to do with the job you know but all these things they have they know what they doing they are planting their flag they want to dominate they want to make everything be them they are on a mission God gave us Christians a mandate to spread the word of God to spread the gospel and people are complaining about it you know some soal Christians either they go with it's only for preachers and now the preachers and pastors are being condemned and criticized by also the soal Christians and you know there are those who are like oh let be you know it is not their they they quote unquote Christians but so winning and the kingdom of God advancing and taking charge is not their concern but look at the world they so gho about their ideology whatever they push whatever segment of winess whether it's LGBT or whatever or their racial propaganda whatever it is they so g Who and they put billions nobody preached a h sermon to them nobody motivated them nobody told them oh when you give you be you you receive a 100 food they just giving billions and billions to pushing the agenda but Christians for you to put 10 10 10 na or10 into an offering basket is is is a to of War it's sad the world are more committed to what they are doing than the children of God who actually have light it is sad you know so we need to be wise and make sure that our priorities are stract that we are setting up Treasures in Heaven you know it is up to you you know to do your research on what church or what Ministry you are given and to see that they are using it it is not a scam because the reality of the matter is that the churches or Ministries where the funds are misused those are not churches run by people who are part of the church church they are not run by people who are part of the body of Christ as is Anointed and chosen by God those are infiltrators masquerading as Christians mascera at Tres those are Hustlers who build churches and try to exploit Christians and Christian beliefs that is what those people are so you yourself you have the spirit of discernment and you know nothing should discourage you from giving and giving make sure you give more to the kingdom of God to advancing the kingdom of God

than in building Properties or in anything if you are so um skeptical about um all the Ministries in the world you know and you're not called into Ministry you can start you you are actually called to be Ministry of reconcilation everybody has the ministry of reconciliation so you can start your own Foundation give out free Bibles give her fre Christian books there you know think about for example um I believe it is Gideon the organization they put Bibles in every Hotel give out free Bibles give out free you know apps Bible apps you know create create your own put your money in that create an organization that is pushing the go since you are not sure of all the other every pastor and every Ministry that is not an excuse because all the people who are online who are complaining oh this minister is fake this Mega Pastor is fake this Mega Pastor is fake this Mega Pastor is fake okay you that is real what are you doing for the gospel what what are you doing to push the gospel where is your own works such people never have and they don't care because they actually working for the devil all they want to see is to see the Church of God down they don't care you know what are they doing for the kingdom themselves you know so if you are one of those people who are um if if you are like that always criticizing and you know you think all pastors have a problem you should change and you should repent because youself are in trouble you know but for all the rest who are just you know so skeptical because of how you have heard so much you know and negative news and you are so if I give to this um church now or if I give to I don't want stories and all of that start your own foundation and then pour Millions let it be something that is at building up treasur in heaven you give out free Bibles sermons you like gather them buy sermons from others give them out buy Christian books from books Christian books that change that affected your that change your

life give it out you know you're doing the work of God you know you building up Treasures in Heaven you know the the world are putting rainbow symbols left right and Center and they being rewarded by doing so by Black Rock and State Farm and all of that you you have your own investment FM so create your own situation where um companies who cele Jesus at Christmas or companies who um put cross in their logos or have recognized Christian holidays or Christian you know Christian special days you know not just Christmas and Easter you know but L and other you know create a situation where where your investment FM incentivizes such things a lot of the things that the world does to push forth their message Christians do not do and we think it is wise you know for example a Christian can hold a crusade by the grace of God after years you know of ministry and all of that they hold a crusade where 2 million people came that is great that is amazing but get this after those 2 million people let us assume which is not going to be the case but let us assume that all 2 million people gave their life to Christ or you know they became Christians all those 2 million people we do after doing that is go back home where the radio will be BL bluring out not the word of God giving them an alternative message even if it is not even if the radio station is not aware of that Crusade or is not directly going against that Crusade or or explicitly against the the gospel of Christ the message and the are not based on the gospel of Christ it is the world's ideology so that is a stream of conscious from the world that is being fed you only had a crusade that lasted let us say The Crusade was 5 hours long it normally is is not that long but let's say it was 5 hours long the remaining hours they listen to radio they listen to television they watch movies from Hollywood what is there in Hollywood movies promoting homosexuality promoting all kinds of things that are ungodly they go their children go to school what is in school a man can be a woman a woman can be a man and all kinds of other ungodly oh um it's all about money oh this is this oh putting questions in your mind about what the Bible says you know schools every look at the business world look at the the seminars and all the other things that the world does all over but we as Christians we have we have we have restricted our reach into just church and Crusades so anybody in the world that does not enter a church or does not walk into a crusade ground we never encounter the gospel but if you in this world no matter where you are in this world whether you walk into a shrine or not you will encounter

the message of the devil you will encounter the message of the world because the world is getting their message out every via all kinds of me via politics via news regular news via newspapers via radio via television you know and in as much as for example you may say there preing on radio now that is good that is great that is thinking out of the books but what about the music on radio a lot of times even the the radio stations that play Christian music it's it's only on Sunday and some just Sunday morning you know and then there are those who do not it's like oh this is outside of this then what about the news what about the podcast what about the radio host are they Christian are they giv Godly advice they are giv advice but where is the advice from they are giving their Insight but where is their ins from is it of the world or is it against the world is it something that God would approve of is it is there Insight of things in line with the word of God because keep in mind everybody has where they coming from they have their whole body of beliefs you know they have their own root like I explained before you know um Everybody believes in something so whether they say they are not religious or not they still believe in something and everything they saying is a result of what their beliefs so they putting their beliefs out there beliefs of the world beliefs that are not in line with the gospel beliefs of somebody who probably disagrees with the gospel and it's everywhere so we as Christians we must formulate strategies to go beyond just church buildings and Crusades we must go into the seven mountains and Beyond every single feir of Life the same the world the LGBT for example they look at things that do not even have to do with anything sexuality and they want to put their flag there they want to put their rainbow flag there they want to put put M Mount their you know um flag there and say that we own this now you know so we must look at how do we christianize everything and we must take it seriously we must bring this the the the kingdom of of God you know establish it in every every look and cranny of the Earth in such that as the water covers the Sea The Gospel will cover the and how does the water cover the sea the water covers the sea in such a way that there is no dry spot on the sea every part of the sea is water when you look at the surface of the sea everything it is just water that is how the waters cover the sea nothing is there's no spots there's no land in the middle of the sea you know there's no spot on on the sea that is that that is not water otherwise it is an island you know we are talking about an island which is not a sea you know but on the sea itself you know and this is what the gospel says you know as the water covers the sea you know so I'm using biblical terminology about you know the end times and you know evangelism so that is how we should do it that is what we should look at you know the comic books that your children are reading the cartoons the program a lot of all these things are not innocent a lot of all these things when you listen to especially the new ones they have all kinds of propaganda in them you know that are completely anti- good and you wonder why your children do not respect their parents because the characters in the cartoons and in the movies that they listening and watching do not respect their parents and are rewarded for for that behavior I looked at a schol for that behavior I promoted a schol for that behavior it wasn't always like that but that the way it is now so where we Christians we have to go into all these things and make sure as a matter of fact that we leave nothing that is not consistent with the word of God so it's not like we are going to have Christian entertainment and worldly entertainment we must shut down worldly entertainment so that there's only Christian entertainment we must sh down all education anything that is in school that not glorify God Andes not exal the name of Jesus that is how we should think because keep in mind the world is already thinking that way and the different groups and sects in the world the LGBT sector the Socialist sector the anti-white sector a lot of all the SE and all the different even the SE that and different groups that we do not know about they thinking this way how do they dominate we are as Christians we are the ones that actually have life and want to help people we should start thinking about you know how do we get the gospel into every of Life how do we lay up Treasures for ourselves in heaven that is the important thing not that you will have you be like the story of the rich man you know in the Bible that when he died you know he went to hell and was begging the one pman in Abraham's bosom that he should please Abraham should tell him to put his hand in a drop of water you know and just let out you know so let us not be in that situation where we build up more Treasures on Earth than in in heaven we have the opportunity while on Earth to use our resources on to to lay up more Treasures in Heaven than on Earth and where your heart is your treasure is also you know so it shows who you are if all your mind is on Treasures on Earth alone you you are lost so that being said you know um that's the end of this broadcast make sure you listen to it again and again and again you know and let the spirit of God talk to you think about what has been said think about it you know just relax let the spirit of God speak to you and talk to you about what I've been said thank you God bless you remember to check out AF VIP for more have a nice day

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