Don't Fall For Satan's Scam & Get Turned Off By Church Because Of Sinners & Scandals In Churches : Alfred's Bible Club Podcast

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 hello everybody I'm Alfred and listening to Alfred's Bible Club podcast I like us to open our Bibles to the book of Philippians CH 3:2 I read beware of dogs beware of evil workers Beware of the con now the first part beware of dogs I'm sure you've seen that on people's Gates and before you enter some people's property you know it's more common in more in some countries than some others you know beare of dogs and what is he warning of is it warning of dogs that are out there on the streets or dogs inside the compound it's warning about dogs that are inside the house dogs that are inside the compound you know in a church there are people that are going to be inside the compound that are inside the church inside Among Us you know they move among us but they are not one of us Judas you know there are going to be people like that you know people like B Jesus you know um people

who are with us but are not of us they are short to be people like that you know so the church has to be prepared and guard itself regarding such situations now the AF Bible Club is structured differently you know it's structured in if completely different manner kind of like a giant gang with little clicks underneath and you can start your own click but it's all under the same umbrella so it's like um it's a organization that when you join you go through A discipleship program then you have the official you know um authorization to start your own Branch or start your own group underneath the Alfred Bible Club umbrella so it's structured differently and it's structured to keep it in small groups of Stu now keep in mind that you don't have to complete the first time discipleship you know program before you start your own group it's structure that way because in the Bible a lot of people started winning Souls immediately you know and that is important you testify I mean look at the woman that Jesus met at the well she started evangelizing that was basically the first evangelist you know she went and she started telling people about Jesus come and meet I've met the man who told me everything about my life you know you know bringing them ah is this the Messiah it's the Messiah you know going out and bringing all those people she evangelized right away there are a lot of people in the scriptures who did that and it's advisable to do that but note that you are still a baby Christian so there are a lot of problems that you could encounter so you have to do it w wisely there are problems that one could encounter that one is not ready for because that is still a baby Christian you know but however once you have heard the good news you should start spreading it but you also have to grow and it's very important that you grow and in this modern day and time I notice there are some people like a celebrity for example who recently gives their life to Christ and then they start going out and telling people now they in a huge position where they in the public eye and they asked difficult questions that they are too new in the F to know how to answer or to know the accurate so they often run into trouble if let's say that you living in the world let's say for example a famous only fans girl for example known online she has milons of followers she gives her life to Christ rather than her going from podcast to podcast to talk about Christianity which she just became a Christian and doesn't know a lot about because they are going to ask her a lot of questions and they are going to be those who are sent by the devil to bring her back to her old life or to you know who want to take shorts at Christianity and they are certain question that may seem difficult to a new believer but the answers are actually quite simple but because you don't know them you know that could be something that could be used to discouraging your Fai so be wise you already have a platform of millions of followers you don't have to go around from pod to pocast or be answering question from the world just tell your story tell your testimony and let people see on your journey you know because there are those who like and can think of a huge YouTube content creator who decided to make his life you know get serious with his life re Christ and he decided to abandon his channel and take a break and you know there are some that going into the business of ah that was in the world I want to build a new following posting chrisan content then you are going to be talking to a new market and not reaching the market and the demographic that you already have you know um God wants you to reach because you they already look up to you and they are in the world so that your channel start posting Christian content and then you slowly take away you know gradually all the old you know content but start posting on that channel and tell them your journey even though you don't know everything about Christianity you can't answer every question focus on where you are and what you have learned this is my testimony this is what God did for me you know I not know everything about Christianity I may not know the answers to the difficult question but this is what Jesus did for me you know be like that guy who was like you know I don't know these things that phes and SES are saying all I know is that I was blind but now I can see because of Jesus so all this one that you accusing Jesus did this and that is your cup of tea all I know is that I was blind now I can see you know be like that tell your testimony and then the new things you learn the faith as you learn and grow because keep in mind a lot of times the world and the Nations and the populace is CH is changed by people who do not listen to the opposing voices but just do their thing sometimes we Christians we waste our time time to explain to every individual or allow you know every single individual ask us questions and then we defend and then we are moving so slow but most people in the world that cause a lot of change they don't bother to explain themselves they do their own thing look at the UN did the UN need your permission to start the UN did the world economic Forum need your permission to start the world economic Forum but should they not require your permission this is an organization that influences the economics of the banking system and of President these are this is an organization that invites president pres world leaders and them advice and decides tells them this is I think you should go what direction you know it's in your face C for global domination and rule that is in your face you know all the G8 Summit and all of that what democratic rights do the citizens of those individual Nation have overs decisions when they have agreed oh you France you have to behave like this oh you president of Nigeria you have to do this those people do the president do it without consulting the citizens or even the Senate so what happens to democracy but the people who found this organization they don't bother about giving explanations they just do their thing and they end up making a lot of progress in their own agenda which is often an ungodly agenda look at the lgbtq movement Once Upon a Time in America if you say that you were lesbian or gay you were put in a mental assylum in America you know I believe in the 30s and 20s you know probably 20s and earlier on it was around the 30s that you know the LA changed but that was the standard you say that somebody is lesbian or somebody is gay they put that person in mental Asylum how did things change from there to now here where if you do not approve of somebody being gay you are the one that will pay all kinds of fines and taxes and you know probably end up in prison you know there are people who um have lost custody of their children because their child wanted to sex transition you know and the parents said no you know or in some case the father will say no but the mother says yes and then there's in addition to um cases where they are divorced both parents are divorced the father says no the mother says yes and then because of that espe if it's in California they give custody of the child full custody of the child to the mother these have happened on several cases that has become high profile you know that are known cases you know so and even Elon Mo was tweeting and talking about one of such cases you know so this is um these are decisions that people make an impose on everybody without asking for your permission so we as Christians we should learn how to do that too we don't need people's permission to preach the gospel we don't need people's permission to obey the Bible we don't need to start explaining to people that ah the Bible says this this this that is why I am obeying it you know and when they come with their but it doesn't make sense or blah blah blah and uh this and that we don't need to explain to them do they explain to us why they do the nonsense that they do I mean we have people waking up one morning and saying that there are as many genders as you want want to be is that not Mental Illness but they don't care about our common sense they don't care about our opinion they go ahead and they want to push and they going for to push all kinds of laws to make it so that if we oppose them as a matter of fact if we see a man that says he's a woman and we call him a man we could end up going in prison going to prison that is the word that they bu they did not ask for our permission so why do we need the world permission we need to be wise so stop listening to the opinions of the world on how you should practice Christianity and you know when they come with why are you a Christian why did you become a Christian you know and they come with soall hard questions you know you don't owe them an explanation they certainly don't give you any explanation for what they do so if you just give your life to Christ preach the gospel you know don't worry about those who will be trying to discourage you you know in the world and don't worry about those that are quote unquote in the house who be saying ah you're not good enough you know like um there's a popular um female you know only fans content creator you know that's um um you know did a 18 you know wants to walk you know in the Christian part and you know or is now pushing that um content you know and is now working in that direction and they are like oh she's a fake Christian she's not a real Christian oh you this you that now you want to represent Christ and you know a fake these are people most of people people who Christians are the dogs that BS of dogs so know that you are going to have this in the house of God you are going to have this in the church beware of dogs they are going to be Judas they are going to be people who are under the name Christian but are not Christian they are working with us but they are not of us you know so you have to um know that and don't let them DET tell you your mind should be focused on Christ and one other thing that people need to understand about churches and it should be obvious but people don't take it into account you know if the fact that the doors of a church are open in other words anybody can enter a thief can enter a serial killer can enter a rapist can enter anybody can enter and that is why that is actually how the church is built for these people to come and change so you should be cautious I don't understand you know people like to say oh they Hypocrites in the church why should they not be Hypocrites in the church they shouldn't only be Hypocrites they should be seral kill they should be MERS they should be kidnappers if a church does not attract these people how are these people going to change how is the community going to change such people are supposed to be in the church and then when they receive the word of God you know it is it is not even on the pastor for them to change it is on them the pastor job is to give them the truth it is on them to change you know but you have to be cautious about this because some people you know seem to be um they they run around with with the the foolishness of I don't like the church look at the kind of people that are there those kinds of people and Wars are supposed to be in the church that is where they supposed to be and keep in mind also it is just like you know someone once said about psychiatrist in the world that a lot of psychiatrists the reason they are psychiatrist is because they were trying to find out more and solve a problem with themselves they themselves have some serious issues and struggle in certain areas and they are trying to find out more of how they can solve it that is why you know in most cases they become psychiatrist and psychologists and you know um therapists you know now they giving people advice you you know but they themselves what brought them there is that they have serious issues in in certain areas and those issues May probably still be there because you know worldly advice really doesn't change anything a lot of the time you know and in the same way in church as you can see that the doors are open as it should be and all kinds of people murderers Killers rapist people with all kinds of things you know are brought into the church that means that there are people who will eventually become leaders who used to have issues or may still have issues just like there are therapists that have serious issues that is why they even became therapist they were studying the problem that they themselves are struggling with and now they have they have phes and degrees in therapy and they now giving people on that problem that they haven't fully solved ons the same way since the doors of a church are open there are people who will eventually become leaders who Killers um rapists you know they have all kinds of sexual perversions we don't know to what degree those perversions have completely gotten out of them or whether it is still you know a little bit of it is left or if all of it is left so you have to be cautious and beware of dogs in that scenario also the Bible is warning us beware of dogs so there are going to be people like that so it should not come as a surprise and people should not be off their guard and you you say this person is a Dev chrisan he's always coming to church so you can leave your child with that person no understand that the doors of a church are open so that person you may be leaving your child with could be somebody that they were struggling with sexual immorality and you know pedop feelings or whatever and that is one of the things that brought them to church so that those things can be knocked out of them those things can be taken out of them they wanted to be set free from those things but you don't know to what degree they have been set free or whether they have not fully and they still struggling with it and then you give your child to them to take care of them you know you just leave your child around them you know later we now start heing report of this clergy man molested this shout or that Shout keep in mind this this is a reality and understand that some people um can be temped in some things and cannot be tempted in some things you know people have different weakness there are some people who their own weakness is um women you know but perhaps they have never drunk alcohol is not their weakness so you cannot tempt them with alcohol they cannot be tempted to drink alcohol but their own weakness is women and there are some people who their own weakness is alcohol is not women you know anywhere you know um they see alcohol they want to drink you know every time they Cann on their own you know so the the weakness and the struggles of different people are different and what temps them is different so be cautious of the and you are going to find this in a church because the doors are open and the doors should be open so it should not come as a surprise to you and all this nonsense about Scandal oh this church has this Scandal this church have this Scandal when understand what I'm saying you won't be looking at it and saying um oh this church has this SC this church has SC you understand that the doors of a church are open and it is for all kinds of people to get in so why wouldn't all these kind of people be in you know why would there be dogs in the church why would there be wolves in the church a church that doesn't have dogs or Wolves the only way for a church to not have dogs or wolf is for it not to be a church

you know it means that they close the doors so it's not a church you Happ you got perfect people into a building you know or into a group and then close the door and say no more members or you you put all kinds of restriction before people can get in to make sure that they are purified and perfect before they get in that is the only way for a church to have no dogs or wolves and if you do that that is not a church you have now done something that has nothing to do with what Jesus told us to do you not reaching out you are getting perfect people that already have Jesus that don't need anything that you can clearly offer them in church because they already fully perfect and improved and don't need any any more help so why are you even bothering so if there's any church where there are no dogs or Wolves that is it you know it is not a church so be conscious of this situation there has to be dogs and wolves it's not like um you are hoping there will be but the way all churches are set up even um you know afred Bible Club afred Bible Club is set up differently there will be less dogs and wolves because you yourself can start your own group and it's sure that's way so you do not meet larger groups so let's say that you are listen to me online and you want to join Al Bible Club you just go through our online discipleship program our online Like A discipleship course Bible course and then you start your group you you know you meet in your house or you can meet in you know a restaurant or anywhere you know it's made up of your friends people that you know and when you hit the number 12 when you win and hit that number 12 you break off again you know and another group is formed so into groups of 12 12 12 you know so sometimes there may be a range of 12 to 15 depending on how Clos it is but that is how it is and you hold B studies and Bible fellowships together but in open places in public places no buying of buildings no need for a church building you are to infate and to Fellowship around with the people and the win people you know so you have meetings in parks in public places everywhere you know even in your office you know during the break period you tell your um co-workers you know during during the break you know we we are having a little um get together so you invite U folks within your office during the break period not office hours during the break period in between office hour you know you guys gather with your mail you discuss some Bible vers you know you have a little AF Bible Club there you know it could take just 5 minutes of your time or 10 minutes of your time you know and that's how you guys could do and of course you know there are other things involved you know that go outside of it but in that kind of situation it's so closeit that everybody knows everybody within the small group so it is less opportunities for dogs and wolf but there will still be dogs and wolf because you are still winning souls and you are to reach out to everybody without discrimination so there will still be dos and wolves so it is it is something that should come as no surprise you know and we should create a situation where the world will stop making a FSE an noise about hey there's a scand in this chur oh look at kind of person that that um this did this in this chur be like yo so you mean to tell me that this kind of person was in the society and we brought them into the church and because of our teaching for so long the person did not practice this or did not do all this nonsense it is now that is showing up and we are going to deal with it rather than excommunicate that kick out the person you know we have to understand the reform um um purpose of the church and function of the church you know in today's day and age so when people come we are built on making everybody better us ourselves you know the leaders of the groups we have to make ourselves better you know we are not perfect that we do not need Improvement and the people who come we also have to you know work on them with the word of God because that's what the word of God does the word of God you know sharpens us it makes us better you know it takes away the bad things you know it Shel us into the shape and image that God wants us to be you know so it doesn't matter how great or perfect you think you are if you do not have Christ you have not been shaped by God you don't even know what God wants you to be or to live there are a lot of truths about you know the the deeper mysteries of Christ you don't even know so how can your life conform to it you don't even know if your life conforms to it you don't even you're not even aware of those deeper Mysteries so the more you learn the word of God the more you grow in the word of God then you are changed and you are transformed into the image of what God wants you to be so everybody is on that Journey you know so we have to understand that and we have to be cautious and know yes it's a church but this is what we are going to encounter you know so don't be one of those who are always looking at say ah this brother in church did this this sister in church did this all those people are supposed to be in church you yourself you don't know what you are doing that other people are talking about but the reality of the matter that everybody you know is welcomed into a church therefore there are going to be all kinds of people in a church it's a it's actually a shame that there are not even worse people in churches you know the world should be ashamed of themselves that they do not have anything to reach out to all these kinds of people and to change them rather than criticize the church and say ah look at this kind of person in the church oh this person did this in the church What program does the world have to reach out to such people for free and change them because nobody is charg the fee to enter a church so it's a free program to help people you know the world needs the church more than the more than the church needs the word and that's a fact you know if you're a Christian you're satisfied you know to go to heaven and you know you have your life with Christ if you want to live an isolated life you know that is going to be unfortunate in the sense of if you do not win souls that is unfortunate for very many reasons but the reality of the matter is is the world that needs the church more than the church needs the world you know so that being said you know don't let people Gite you into uh the idea of oh look at all these kind of people in the church they are supposed to be those kinds of people in the church and the church is supposed to have programs to help change and transform people the word of God itself should be doing that and it does that if the word of God is preached without censorship if the true authentic word of God is preached without the word of God being censored and without the pastor scking to certain things and ignoring certain things if you preach the whole gospel you are going to obviously touch on and do things and say things that will be transforming and changing people and speaking to people's hearts and the spirit of God will be giving them conviction you know and people will be changed so yes there are supposed to be all kinds of people in the church and you that is going to church you know you must be aware of that you know so it should come as no surprise to anybody people should be thankful to the church that we have a program you know we have a a system on ground on to attract all kinds of people and to change them because there a lot of people who are in church that came in with all kinds of problems and with all kinds of propensities they would have been kidnappers some of them were and robbers some of them were andras in the making you know some of them were all kinds of things some of them were rap in the making they could have been rapist if they did not become a member of a church what about those you know celebrate those and celebrate the whole system of what is about changing people bringing all kinds of people good people bad people that you never Hur to fly and then people who are looking for somebody to kill be grateful that there's a place where all these people can congregate and you know make their life better so that they will be more like Christ more like God more like the perfect image of perfection which is Jesus you know so that's that thank you God bless you remember to check out alfred. VIP for more you know listen to this teachings over and over again discuss them with you know your friends you know download them you know and you also tell people about Jesus tell people your testimony you know don't just be somebody online who nobody knows a Christian you know don't be somebody online you know you happy to post about every other but to post about Christianity and your Fai and where you are with God about it and when you post and the opposition comes and people see all kinds of things no matter how wise or smart it sounds ignore them you know ignore what they say anything they try to do or say to discourage you about your Christian faith ignore them you don't owe them an explanation they don't give you an explanation for the things they do why should you give them an explanation why do you need to be justified in their eye before take the next step in Christianity you know why do you need need to see that they agree with the next move you making your Christian work you know if you believe for example if you want to give your tith you know and you put that out there you know that you just give your tith you feel happy you know you feel great and then some people in the world are tweeting you and like oh look at this such a giving the pastor money to buy a new private J blah blah blah blah blah blah that concerns them do they explain any do they explain their motives to you you know you don't need the approval you give you feel good about it you're great about it you know you feel great about it you see the good works that he doing you see the SCE you know that is leading to the kingdom you see the funds you're making available for the for the kingdom advancement you know you're laying up Treasures in Heaven so you do what you do you know let the world keep talking the the world does not ask for your opinion before they do all the things they do to change the world the world economic for does ask of your opinion World Bank does not ask your opinion IMF does ask your opinion they are just doing all that they want to do to control as much as they want Black Rock does not ask of your opinion you know all the wars that have been fought around the world the people where the people ask for their opinion do you want this war to be fought we are not asked so why do we now need to start giving people explanations for us doing the right thing we shouldn't so that's it thank you and God bless you

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