Cracking The Code Of How Anyone Can Become The Michael Jordan Of Their Profession & Even Become The New Michael If They Ball : Alfred's Bible Club Podcast

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hello everybody I'm Alfred and you're welcome to the Alfred's Bible Club podcast I like us to open our Bibles to the Book of Proverbs chapter 10 verse 4 I read he becometh poor that deth with a slack hand but the hand of the diligence Make It Rich let me take that again he becometh poor that dealth with his slack hand but the hand of the diligence make it rich this is very important you know it's saying that if you deal with a slack hand you will become poor and you have to understand this about going in and giving it to your all there are some people that are doing the right thing but they are not giving it their all they are dealing with a slack hand it's not enough to know the right thing to do some people don't even know that but it doesn't stop there in addition to knowing the right to do you have to do the right thing you know you can be the man that wisdom of the word of God you know like a man looks into a mirror and then go to be forgetting what manner of man he was you can't be that guy you shouldn't be that guy you know that shouldn't be you it's one thing to know the right thing to do it's another thing to do it and it's even more another thing to do it well and give it your or give it your best the difference between Michael Jordan and every other person in the NBA is how much work was put in behind the scenes that's the reality the truth about Talent is that Talent bows to Hard Work Talent bows to practice and it's not just hard work you know you have to understand this there are people who now dis hard work and they talk about smart work but no it is not the approach you should take you should take the approach of mixing the two hard work and smart work work hard in a smart way and be smart about it work hard in a wise way you know the fact that now we now have leverage and with leverage and this is where the argument for smart work over hard work comes in with leverage you can work for only 2 hours and accomplish what somebody who was just working hard accomplished after 2 years but you did it in such a brief time because you were smart about it you used a smart more intelligent approach to solving the problem however imagine if you put more hours in that your smartness think about the other goals yes you will achieve that goal but what about other goals and then other goals and then other gos and then other goals imagine all the different goals that you would have accomplished when you mix smart work with hard work the two of them are intend to go together because there's such a thing called wisdom and when you have wisdom your hard work has to be smart your hard work has to be wise you cannot isolate the two you know the when you look at for example um somebody like you know you hear people say stuff like if hard work was all that you know the most hardworking people are you know will are the laborers you know the people who do all the hard labor you know the when they World they are sitting in an air conditioned office it's a matter of being smart with it in life we all came into life naked you came into life with nothing and you know if you die you are living with nothing as a matter of fact if you are raptured they also leing they also leaving this this world behind and this body behind and you're going to be reformed into a new body so you came in naked with nothing and you are living that same way now even if you have um the privilege of having Rich parents that is your parents that were that are rich it's not you so if you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth you still came into this world with nothing it's your parents that had the wealth what if you happen to have parents that also belong to a cour and believe in richual what if they sacrificed you what is the benefit of being born into a rich family then or what if you know it is um parents that you know don't care about their kids they just let the kids you know go the kids are in a wealthy family but the parents never talk to the kids you know the parents don't have time for the kids the parents are off doing their own making money and fraternizing you know and doing all this sleeping around you know what about that situation so you have to understand the reality of the fact that we all came in with nothing you know and we are leaving everything that we get and acquire in this world behind so we all have an equal playing field on that level what matters is what you do when you get here it doesn't matter how you were born if you're born blind if you born with one hand one leg I didn't Crusades where Miracle healings why haven't you gone there and go there over and over again listen to the word and then walk the word on you receive a miracle you know it doesn't matter where you start but you are here now so you have to give it to all everybody in this world has the opportunity to become successful to become rich to become the best that they can be but you have to have this mindset and put in your all now back to the scripture you know it says he who be he becomes PO with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent make it rich this is what I saying about people like Michael Jordan the only difference between Michael Jordan and every other ATL is because he worked harder all the other atlet in the NBA you know this is the truth it is not a matter of oh talent I said it before Talent will bow to hard work you know and hard work should not be isolated from wisdom so you don't have to be differentiating and be saying hard work smart work join the two together you know let it be wisdom you should be living in obedience to God and in obedience to God's instructions so your hard work should be in obedience when your hard work is in obedience to God why worry about smart work you know because you are obeying God who is wisdom so it's not just smart work it's wise work in obedience and it's going to take you much further further than you just using your own intelligence can take you with soal smart work so understand that you know now back to the Michael Jordan um situation Michael Jordan is somebody who after winning you know um the Olympics you know this was in the '90s with the

team the next day when when others will be celebrating when others will be going to nightclubs Michael Jordan was in the gym and I've recently come across some new um Clips on the internet when Michael Jordan explained that everything that he did when it was gain time he had done them thousands of times during practice so when it was game time everything just flewed it was things he had done repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly during practice so all those special moves when people say ah look at how he jumped look at how this person was trying to block him from this person was trying to block him from me he maneuvered and twisted and called the boil and roll the ball from over here and the ball said enter theet oh Michael Jordan is so great Michael Jordan was practicing those moves during practice he practiced it so much so when it was time for the game you are seeing it for the first time you are seeing him doing it for for the first time you have never seen anybody do something like that before you're like wow but he himself has been practicing that move repeatedly and I also came across another clip where you know Bruce Lee Bruce Lee is somebody whose name still is all over the place this is somebody that passed a long time ago you know I believe around when I was a kid or even probably before that you know brce BR Lee is known as one of the um early Pioneer martial arst when it comes to Bringing martial arts to the big screen to Hollywood you know to TV Bruce Lee's name always you know he's the first major Pioneer and he said something he said uh he's not afraid of somebody who can do um or he's not worried about somebody who can do a thousand different kinds of kicks but he's worried about somebody who can do one kick one style of Kicking and has practiced this a thousand times that that is who you should be worried about that is how those people practiced and practic and practiced when you look at those who excel in their profession the practice is ridiculous they practice more than others they kept giving their all more than others and you see the scripture says here that a slack hand is going to result in poverty and this is why some people you know they are working but they are wondering why is things not working out it's because you're putting in the same ass that all your mates are putting in some sometimes you're putting in less yeah not giving you all and this is also why some of you are not getting promoted and some of you will not get promoted in the office because you have to understand that

there's the office eate there their are principles of the marketplace in the office that you have to abide by you have to be somebody that if you work for a company your absence should be felt and your presence should be felt based on the work that you do there are some people when they are not around everywhere is different because now everywhere is dirty because it was them that that cleaned things it was them that picked up things they did things that changed the entire environment now that they are gone everywhere is dirty now in this in the same way in in an if you work for a company be that person that when you are there everything is moving smoothly there are few customer complaints there are few confusions within the office of who has this who had this how this moving how this be a solution beyond what is expected of you beyond what you are supposed to put in putting above what is expected of you what is on your job description so that let it be that when your boss want something done and he wants it done right the first time he cannot take any risk it's your name he think of if you remember like when you were in school you know back in the even now there are people who if you want to play football it is their name you think of first and there are some people that if you have a problem in mathematics or in your school work there's a student that your name will think of let me ask this student he will probably know the answer why did his name or her name come up be that person that's in the office in the company you work for they think of when there's a problem let me call this this this person will probably have the answer you know so be be wise about it and do this be that person who is early to come to work and L to live you know the one that eager to put in extra hours when you do this life is spiritual don't say what if I do all this and then they don't give me promotion or they don't reward me life is spiritual what you s is what you reap if they do not promote you in that office somebody else who saw your hard work when they starting their company or some other company that is already active or perhaps even making more money we look at you see you at this guy if this guy is the reason behind this company's success if we remove him and put him in our own company we will go further and we also have no

competition life is spiritual so that is what is going to happen you know because whatsoever you Sue is what you reap so be wise you know and understand that Dynamic don't be that person that's always complaining some people they always have complaints about other people in the company it doesn't matter whether it's a for profit company or an organization perhaps even in a church you you're a worker in a church you're always complaining about other people's problem and what if you the always bringing up the issue oh this person this you're bringing it up to the boss or to the head guy or to the main Pastor whoever is in charge of that for-profit organization or nonprofit organization you are not a solution you you're a problem bringer even though it is not you the the problem with you that you are highlighting you always this person did this person did this you cannot solve the problems yourself no boss wants an employee that is always bringing problems to him rather he wants someone that is solving the problem themselves you see this person is doing this and doing this can't you figure out how to handle it yourself there are people that get promoted and there are people that won't get promoted for example let's say in a company and I'm using an illustration this actually happened in a in an organization somebody who was newer and these are these are leader leadership um qualities as seen you know in the company so it's not just a matter of I have been here so long oh the company owes me this somebody who was newer in a company in an organizations you know she saw a door somebody left the bus's door

open you know she saw it other saw it you know and you know the boss did not like that but the bus was not around that time but somebody left the buses you know the office door of the bus open sh she called out the person who did it disciplined them you know told them that they should close the door they all on the same level but she did it respectfully and highlighted it and guess what the boss was washing and guess who he promoted he promoted that fellow not the people that were there before her because she showed leadership qualities in this Su you know it's it's not part of the job description you did not sign into any job saying that you will make sure that the that the bus's door will be closed or all of that you know but she just knew this is this is not right the bus doesn't um like like this you know his door should not just be left open you know just because he's not around but he was somewhere Wasing you know it it it was not like he planned it but he he you know he he happened to be in a position he could what was happing they couldn't see him you know and you know he noticed them others others knew that it was wrong that the boss not like it and want to complain but they kept quiet but this lady that was new is the one that spoke up she took charge that is who they put who who ended up getting the promotion and that is how life works you have to look at what certain people look at so you have to understand the Dynamics of the office so you know you have to learn and be wise and when you do that when you mix this you know and you keep on going forward there's nothing in this world that is going to stop you you know as long as you are breathing it is on you to keep moving forward to keep pressing on to keep putting in your best you know it's not enough to put in little it's not enough to go halfway you have to go all in you know the Bible is telling you he he become poor with his slack hand that means the person that not do any work at all and the person that did the job halfway or sleep shortly or putting the mediocre average you know amount of work we end up poor on the same level you know not giving your best and putting in your best we end you in poverty just the same way like if you did not do anything at all so put in your best and like I said with the Michael illustration and all athletes when you see the work you know I I listen to you know some other athl talking about Kobe Bryant KOB Brant who passed away and K Brant had a very long career in the NBA he said that one time he decided to walk out with KOB BR KOB brand is somebody who woke up around 2 or three he walk out for 2 hours he will go to the gym play basketball 2 hours training go back relax go back 2 hours by the time the rest of the team the rest of the NBA wake up at 6 a.m. and come for training which some of them will be complaining that 6 a.m. training is too um is too much K brand has already spent about 4 or 3 hours exercising before that and then he will still exercise with the team so he explained that at the end of you know by the time 5 years has gone he has trained and exercised more than them and there's no way that they can cash up so when you see KOB br's career and all the amazing things he was doing look at what he was doing behind the SC this guy was exercising more than others you know look at even boxers like Floyd maywe this is a guy that with his cars and all of that he will jog and run you know he had when he was you know still boxing his training was ridiculous the same thing with Michael Jordan I mean with um Mike Tyson when he was back in the day you know in the '90s you know their training was ridiculous they trained more than others now I want to say this and it's very important some people look at certain things because you know it's in the public eye like for example if you're an actor or if you're an athl they look at it differently from a job like if you're a doctor or if you're an engineer or if you are you know um whatever you know working in an office somewhere you know a businessman or a retailer but I would like to say this bring that same passion that that someone who is training for their Olympics has bring it into business bring it into your job bring it into your profession that same passion you know when you look at somebody like for example when he plays basketball he plays basketball with so much passion you would think that they kidnapped his family and told him if you do not win this game we will kill your entire family he played with so much passion it was ridiculous you know bring that passion to whatever you do whether you a musician write more songs than everybody else in the world that is a musican create more songs more than everybody else that is a musician more than everybody else that is a musician promote your songs and your music more than everybody else that is a mus if you're a writer do the same write more than every other person that is a writer if you're a businessman you are selling things in a shop make sure you learn and read more about business and sales than anybody else in the world and make sure you sell you you you sell your product you Market your product more than anybody else in the world certainly more than everybody around you in your in your streets in your city you know your community in your nation you know go even make sure that there is nobody that is working harder than you that is putting him more than you in your profession and take it very seriously and this not something that you should um take it in the direction of oh that person is advancing like me let me take him down or no no no let the um hard work of others motivate you to work even harder not for you to try to pull them down or wish for them to fall no let them be walking if if they want to start working you know there's an interesting story I I heard and this is a true story about um you know in the movie Predator by the action movie by anigga and you know one other I can't quite remember his his name you know the guy who started with anigga in predor you know at that time Ana told a story about how the guy will wake up you know he discovered that the guy will wake up around like 5 and go to the gym before they started acting you know so he will now top it and he wake up by 4 so when the guy noticed that you know he was working up more than him you know it became a competition until they start getting little sleep anded affecting their performance and their acting and they had to to other and make a truth but they were competing as you know who going to work the hardest that is a good mentality to have you know in their in their case you know it's it's it's a funny story but you know this is not something that um you should take lightly and this is what differentiates you know people from the other it is not a matter of this person is talented you can have all the talents in the world but when somebody else that so does not have talent puts in more than you do they we succeed more the same thing with pastoring this the reason why some churches are mega churches and some churches are small is the same reason when you look at the the biggest churches some people have some people are pastors but they have never read a book about church GRS based on biographies not based on the not based on somebody even that people not do that you know but is not a book based on this is what I think this Theory and this the is how to grow a church but they have studied organizations they have studied all nonprofit organization their history they can tell you everything about the history of nonprofit every nonprofit organization through history and you know that brings to mind something that Napoleon said a lot of people talk about Napoleon as in on the military field this guy turned France which was an Army that was always losing into an army that almost conquered the whole world emper Napoleon and it was a threat to Great England in its he day you know the England was so afraid of Napoleon and he's one of the first people that the era of of wars in his time is named after him that's an entire era is named the Napoleonic era because he changed the way war and battles are done on the battlefield now this in the negative you know but I'm just showing you the the degree of commitment Napoleon said that every General should study battles since the beginning of time this guy Emperor Napoleon he studied Wars and what happened on the battlefield he studied what Alexander the Great did he studied what did he studied from every part of the world that is why he was he stood above others in his time when it comes to Wars fighting was and he was a CH and he was just taking down everybody you know and almost conquered the world Napoleon almost conquered the world if he did not fall at Water you know he would have taken all of England and with him as England and England as Aizer at that time he will spread into the colonies and nothing will stop Napoleon so we will all be speaking French not English if that had happened you know so you have to understand the the degree of commitment that this guy I mean who thinks about that to study every single war in detail that has been fought to understand how you know what's happened what went wrong you know um why did this guy um lose why did this guy win you know what what was you know he studed all the things nobody before that had had studed and he created his own ways and patterns of fighting was with what he had imagine if he have the technology today or somebody like that have that kind of technology today and then it be a problem but in as much as that is for the negative Wars it applies everything you know that is why some pastors you know a lot of people you look at some pastors they struggling but some other pastors they they are doing very well because they understand and they have read and studied all the successful Ministries you know if you are thinking that churches grow from tith and offering you are lost you know there's a lot you you do not know about churches and organizations you know but if you are looking at tit and offerings you know you you're setting your church and you think that is how you will grow you are in soup you know so there so much about that entire world you have to whatever profession that you are in learn everything that there is to learn you know there's a book that Donald Trump you know released years ago like maybe 10 about 10 years ago or there about I bought the book The book had quotes by

different CEOs that was the time that everybody still like Donald Trump so he he had quotes every single page you know was every single page or two pages was a quote or a a short note from a CEO so it's like the book is a compilation of I guess he wrote the book by sending out um letters to different and billionaires saying what is the best advice you you can give on business so that's what the book is a bunch of different CEOs giving their best advice on business you know if you had one advice to give on business what would it be so some people were giving um six sentences some people will write two pages you know so that is what the book is about and one of the things that is in that book is learn all that you can learn about whatever profession that you are going into if you're going into baking for example learn everything about baking every single thing learn the history of all the of of baking itself of all the different bakeries the ones that survive the ones that are very old you know the ones that um wether the storms learn all of that and study on how you you know you can weather the storms because the reality of the matter is like um someone once said J that do you know that everything most of the things trying to achieve somebody else has already achieved it before and has already written a book about how they achieved it but you haven't read it you know if you trying to become great in something a lot of the things that we try to Aspire to be is something that somebody else has already achieved if you're trying to be the richest man in the world there was a there have there have been many richest man men in the world at different times in history you know El musk Bill Gates you know Jeff Bezos you know different people King Solomon this that there have been different people at different times who can say that I was the richest man in the world what have you learned from them or stud from them if you want to be the greatest actor in the world the greatest actor in the world in one generation is not the same in the next or he not even um most time the same in the the next year or even the next month so a lot of the things we are trying to achieve you know you want to own a multi-billion Dollar business many people have already done that have you read their Auto biographies and their biographies and studied what they did and how they did it a lot of times the answer you are looking for this step this specific step that you should take that you are praying to God for has already been made available in a book is you that have no credit you know it could be out there you know in a video in a clip somewh you know but you don't put yourself in the flow of wisdom and Vital Information you know listen to podcast that are built to help you listen to um be attracted to wisdom you know the the Bible talks about in The Book of Proverbs you know you know wisdom speaking saying that I go out to the market and I go out you know and I say and I call on to men to come onto me you know but that is the same way with men who ignore reading books men who ignore listen to sermons who listen to Wi podcast station you know you are ignoring wisdom and you are going to pay the price you know like it said so you know that being said you know a lot have been said and I advise you to listen to this podcast over and again and again and again until it becomes a part of you you know until this Miss sinks into you and you leave it out you know you go all in in what you are doing and keep in mind that all that you are doing you know whatever profession you choose it has to point to Leading people to God so use your position to talk to people about Jesus use your position to preach the gospel sponsor the gospel you know you don't have to give to Ministry you know or do that alone you yourself you can buy Bible and distribute it you yourself can chons or pickmons that you like and give it to people as gifts you know I will not forget you know many years ago in school it was a certain teacher's birthday this is a grown woman you know and I gave her this was the days of VHS tips I gave her it was 2003 you know the the name of the tap was um 2003 the year of laughter by Pastor chrisom I gave her this VHS and this grown woman L looked at me you know we you could see the the like with you know tears almost you know welling up in her eyes and say this is the most important gift that anybody has given me in my whole life this a this was a grown woman and as someone in school you know this was high school you know that really touched me and it show you know this is something that she can buy herself you know sometime times you have to understand you know that it is not about um the price of the gift you know but it is the impact that it will make you know that is what matters so you you have to understand this you know give people sermons as gift buy sermons that you like you know and give it to people as gifts you know and this is um I'm recording this around Christmas time so during Christmas time don't just give people foods and fruit baskets put in a Bible put in a sermon put in a teaching you know so um s go long way don't say they won't listen to it no let it be in their house a day will come where something will happen and they will open it up they will open up that book you know most people they will open it up immediately for example there something you have to understand that that is very funny if you give people tracks They may tear it up they may not read it they probably would not read it but if you give them a free book even no matter whether it is Jehovah wit or whatever you know um a religious book most people will open it because it's an entire book they at least open it and read you know let me see what is in it the same person that will reject you know a track or we collect the track and just skip it somewhere or throw it away when you not looking you know the same person we see a book you know so we have to use this like using comic books as a way to reach out to young readers you know you buy some chrisan comic books give it to your little nephews and nieces you know reach out to the gospel so when you are successfully in life use that position to see that the kingdom of God is spreading that light is spreading that the world is getting a better becoming a better place you know thanks to you being in that position so that's it you know for this broadcast thank you and God bless you

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