Are You Currently A Victim Of A Scam But Don't Know It : Alfred's Bible Club Podcast

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hello everybody I'm Alfred I would like us to open to the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 it says to keep Satan from getting the advantage over us for we are not ignorant of his ws and intentions now this from the Amplified classic version and it talks about the Wows and the intentions of the devil San always has strategies and devices to get to chrisan to ruin the world his go is to kill sin and Destroy and we have to be wise and not ignorant of his sches the devil is the original scammer he wants to scam us away from eternity in heaven he wants to scam us scam us away from God like he scammed Adam and Eve out of their rightful inheritance as the Lords of this Earth they were put in charge of this Earth this whole physical and Eve Satan SC there out of it and Satan is still doing all kinds of things to scam people and he has always been doing it to scam people out of their Destinies in Christ and their inheritance in Christ and their place in Christ to scam us out of God's will so we have to have the spirit of the serment to be able to tell apart what is his C from the devil and what is not and for us to have the sment we must have the spirit of God and the spirit of God you know is something that you know he comes with the word of God if you do not study the word of God even though you've had hands laid on you you do yourself a disservice it's like being related to someone you don't talk to even though you are related there's no relationship there you know so you can receive the Holy Spirit but you don't fellowship with the Holy Spirit you have the Holy Spirit but you don't talk to the Holy Spirit and you don't listen when the Holy Spirit speaks you are not tuned so he's just there and you are just there and you're not benefiting you are no different from somebody who doesn't have the benefit of having the Holy Spirit you know you are not enjoying it because there's no relationship there so that is the situation a lot of people are in you have to study the word you cannot get to know or enjoy the relationship with the Holy Spirit without reading the Bible without studying the Bible without guing in the world without falling in love with listening to Simmons by anointed ministers and preachers who know the word and teaching by the spirit deep call it onto deep so you be attracted to preachers that actually also speak by the spirit and speak in the spirit you know speak not semons that are just words you know AP Paul talked about you know my preaching was not m words but it was of power you know this the kingdom of God is Not About Words and Theology and talking it's about the spirit you know it's about wisdom there's a big difference between wisdom and just words a lot of people have puffed up words words words words and you can see especially in the fact that they have no results how many professors do you know that are broke they are professors of Economics they have all the degrees in all the financial disciplines from all the academic institutions of the world but they are broke however someone elsewhere who doesn't have all those degrees may have even dropped out of college like majority of the billionair of the world of today did and are in that state you know they are billionaires they are the richest people in the world so that person that made the millions out of the financial information that they have that they did not get from school that person has wisdom on financial matters but that Professor that cannot pay his bills but has all the degrees on finances all he has is puff up words so that's a big difference between puff up words and wisdom the same thing with the things of God they just puffed up words and then there's the wisdom so the spirit of God in you and when you stud the word you know the Bible talks about you know that the spirit of truth will guide you into all truth so the Holy Spirit needs you to read the word you can't just only have the Holy Spirit so and expect to Ben from that you need to St the word and the holy spirit to guide into all truth and then explain the things to you you know when you are in church or you listening to semon the Holy Spirit Will Enlighten you and give you deeper understanding and Revelations on what is being preached you will see even in most cases beyond what the preacher is saying and you know in cases where the that preacher says that some people do not understand you understand it because of the spirit you know so these are things that you have to keep in mind and when you have this and you keep on studying the word you fall in love with the word and it sharpens your spirit it sharpens your discernment your ability to desend by the spirit so you can tell one SC from the other because one of the things that is holding a lot of people back is either one lie or the other a lot of people are stuck in struggling in one sin or the other because they have brought into a SC Lie by the devil Satan is the master of Lies look at for example Evolution the whole idea of evolution is a Lie the idea that man came from monkeys is a lie why are still monkeys why didn't monkeys evolve you know when you look throughout history you will see a lot of species that remain the same there's no species that transition from one speci to another there's no time that we see that turned into a lion that the was changing you know we have kept records you know for thousands of years so far that we have I'm not talking about the records that we do not have you know I'm talking about you know the human records in liaries which evidence have you seen species evolving into another species then the whole nonsense of evolution come from where did the whole nonsense of the missing link come from which is actually racism you know to suggest that those from Africa are lesser humans than you know white people and those from European cultures that is that is something you have to realize so that is one of the many lies like another lie is telling people that born gay that this is who they that you are born homosexual that it is who you are that God made you like that and there are some people in the church some pastors who have looked at it because they put so much cred on what the world they believe so much in puff of words and degree so it's like oh this this is academic the academic said that people are born gay so they they they put it highly above the word of God you know the scure say let Bey every man but then they have looked at let me look like if I'm not so I believe that so they it and for to the idea from the from the Academia of the world that can be bornay for to marry it with aing they now come up with all kinds of new that that permit homosexuality in the church and and and allow for homosexuality in the church that is wrong that is not scripture and that is actually going to lead such preachers those those preachers have already signed thems up for Hell by by doing so you know so you have to understand and and the problem is because of this issue you know they rank puffed up world so much they rank the words so much above the word they do not put God's word first they do not put God's wisdom first they do not believe in the word of God because keep in mind all this nonsense that is happening with the homosexuality movement later on when study how things change they'll always in future be another movement of people who will condem homosexuality even in the world and say that it was all nonsense all this concept of a man should be able to enter a woman's bathroom if he says he a woman all of that is nonsense even the is going to condemn it down the line and in those what are they going to say about the church that look at this church was approved of it you know just like when you look at out of Hitler during his um the time he was doing all the nonsense he was doing in Germany there were some churches that supported Hitler you know so when people look at that and that is why most Jews hate Christians you know they most Jews when when they talk why they hate Christians they point at that you know you have to understand you know the world people need to understand something about churches anybody can start a church you know so you cannot look at a church and then see that oh because this church is doing this that is how the whole church is that is how all Christians are you have to look at the Bible what does the bible see it's what the Bible says that counts you know so you have to realize that just like for example let's say you're African if if an American if an African ameran elsewhere Robs a Bank does it mean that all African-Americans including you are bank robbers no you have enough common sense to to know that that is not how to think you you will say that is racism so in the same way that is how you should look at the church you know when there's story of a priest that molested a child or whatever that does not mean and that has nothing to do with every priest in the world or every Christian in the world it does not mean that you should now say that all Christians are child molesters or all pastors all molest that is bigotry you know just the same way if it was an afrian that robbed or did a criminal activity somewhere putting it on all African amans is racism so in the same way you know you are blaming all Christians for what one CHR Ed it's bigotry and it's hypocrisy of the highest level because a lot of people in the world how many teachers how many secular teachers are pedop and are child molesters I mean you can even see the Tik toks of all the teachers in the world especially in the western with the LGBT flag and are so excited about quote educating their kids about LGBT you know you can see the Dr Queen Story Hour those are all predatory behavior in your face you know an adult so passionate to teach a kid about homosexuality when the teacher was put there to teach ma to teach English wants to teach about homosexuality and it's proudly saying it and there people encouraging and clapping it on you know so we have to be aware of this and see the devil's hands in all this and in all what he doing then comes the part of what are our strategies we as Christians we never plan we never have strategies you know unfortunately most of us just pray and we do not understand prayer because when you pray you listen when you pray you are given instruction and you have to understand different kinds of prayer and the different purpos of prayer there are certain things that do not require prayer there are certain things that require certain types of prayers so that is an entire large discussion of you know for example say needs healing in their leg or somebody is having a pain in their body you can lay hands on that person and pray for that person and that person can receive instantaneous healing but let's say you want somebody to give their life to Christ you canot just say one prayer and expect them and I'm not talking about leading them in Salvation pray I'm talking about somebody that the world somebody has a relative that is not born again you know you can't just pray one prayer of and expect immediately that that person will now automatically they are just receive Christ and start believing in Jesus that requires intercessory prayer you know now it doesn't mean that if you pray once that that that you cannot just pray once and then something happens you know but you have to understand that in that kind of prayer that is situation you know but in the prayer of Fe that heals the sick you can expect an instantaneous miracle and you know the person acts out their Andes an inter miracle for their healing then there's also specifics as to you know understanding the spiritual world and the spiritual realm and how that affects things because for example you can see some people they pray for people to get to get healed some people get healed some people do not in the case of the people that do not what is the problem what happened you know why did the prayer work here and it did not work here you have to understand the spiritual world because you as the preacher looking at things from your perspective of I prayed in FA and you know they should receive there other things there other factors at work in the spiritual work first of all Satan has a claim on that person and he did not address that did that denounce the devil that walk from the devil and if that doing certain things that prevent froming like for examp holding a toward some or perhaps they have something that need to do res for before they get healing there you know a powerful story of about you know a church were two ladies that were that they had malice they were both in church both workers in church but they had malice not talking to each other when one comes the other just shift you know when one is sitting on this AIS you know the other one shifts I'm not sitting on that seat you know but after you know the you know something happened and they reconed and huged each other as soon as they huged each other one of them that had a Gro on her neck a immediately it disappeared you know it was healed the the the problem she had on her neck was healed you can see it was attached to what she was doing so all the prayers and all the other things that she was doing to serve God her did not bring the miracle in that case you know so that is what brought her Miracle she needed to let go of that um malice for her to walk into healing so this is understanding the spiritual world and how such things affect Miracles there are people who for example they faced in a difficult in their life and they give and they a seed you know a dangerous SE something that touches them you know aor that was going through so much he gave away you know all his suits EMP his bank gave away all his suits and the problem went now there are some people that you will do that and the problem will remain so what do you do in situations you have to understand the spiritual what exactly it is and most you have to do everything do everything have Leed to do you know some people you have to stand in fath there are people who have gone to a crusade you know they received the word from God but the miracle did not make manifest so they had to confess it confess it confess it they stood in F and then they saw the miracle keep in mind that was the same thing that happened with Abraham Abraham the prophecy was given that he would be a father of many way before he had his own son if you look at the distance it was a long time but he had to you know stand on his feet have that strong you know and not let his fa be shaken it took time it is not instantaneously that when God told Abraham that he have a son that he just had a son it took it took a lot of time there was a lot of time between him and you know umga and also a lot of time between him and Sarah you know because of the you know the two different boys that he had there was a lot of distance between that and a lot of time for Satan to come in with his ws and with his tricks and with his deception so you have to have that to understand and decipher the SCS there is always a SC you know it could be a special thing for you that Satan you know may have whispered in your ear because there are many Devils you know who follow the the of course they all under Satan and they follow the same blueprint of killing steing and destroying so may have convinced you that your time is up that you that you are at so and so age it's too late for you to chase your dreams you know just give up or it's too late for you to do this or do that just give up that is a scam you know there are a lot of scams that the devil has so you have to you know start the world believe in the world and you know surround with positivity listen to testimony listen to other people's testimonies it will help grow your faith fa come by hearing and hearing by the word of God one thing that also helps to greatly increase one's F you know sometimes even um more than um reading the Bible seron you know is listening to testimonies of people who received their miracles after an encounter with God or after reading the Bible or listening to a sermon or after you know a prayer after heing you know download testimonies from the internet you know listen to them over and over again you know you know testimony from reputable you know preachers and Ministries you know listen to them over and over again use it to help and recreate your mind so you begin to see things as anything is possible you begin to live in a realm of God did this here God did this here God did this there you know so your own F to be on a different level and you know when your faith is high what will trouble others when trouble you as a matter of fact many problems that the devil could bring he even bother to near you and the ones that he tries to bring near you would only Bea for him to embarrass himself so um thank you for listening to this God bless you

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