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Christians Need To Begin To Plan & Strategically Send Out Programming To Kids, Adults And Every Target Market In The World To Be The Light Of The World (an excerpt from a non-fiction Christian book by Alfred)

Matthew 5:14 KJV
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

    Everybody has a message. Everybody has beliefs and everybody is interacting with others in the a way that reflects and spreads their beliefs further into the world. Whether you are aware of it or not; it is happening. 
   Companies and corporations and owned and controlled by people who have beliefs too. The bottom line of a company might be to make profits but it is still controlled by people with beliefs so their beliefs would be reflected in how the company chooses to go about making profits. 
   If company executives believe it's ok to cut corners for profit; the company would do the same. 
   If the company executives believe in climate change; a lot of stupid climate change friendly measures would be taken into consideration and chosen in the way the company creates, develops and market products to customers even when doing so could affect the amount of profit the company makes. 
   The same goes for if the company executives are Woke. 
   Wokeness takes priority over the bottom line that keeps the business running. Even if their profit margins take major hits, they would keep on being woke as long as the company can still keep running. They would only cut back when the company goes into the red and it's been in the red for so long that they might lose their business. 
   Woke Executives create woke company cultures. They hire only Woke leaning people, reward Wokeness in the office, create woke policies, put Wokeness in their advertising and promote Wokeness in their product in one way or another whether the product is a Movie to be sent to Netflix or a Chocolate bar in a grocery store.
    The Advertisement for the Chocolate Bar would be woke and the packaging of the Chocolate Bar would have to have rainbows (as a tribute to the LGBTQ at least in June) or some write up or logo on the package about how eco-friendly and how climate change friendly the product production process was compared to other Chocolates.
   My point is everybody is putting out a message and influencing the world to change into an image that's in-line with their beliefs. 
    Christians who however have been given a mandate by God to be the light of the world don't take this work that they have been given seriously.
   We need to be plan and strategize to Christianize our world and the whole world at large. 
   Don't wait for every Christian in the world to agree with you or join you.
   You.... You as a person what are doing to make everything around you, everyone around you, and everyone in every country in the world become more influenced by your Christian beliefs and adopt it as their own?
   While you are busy not influencing the world with your Christian beliefs, the people of the world are busy influencing the world with their worldly beliefs and making it more worldly and making the culture more anti-Christian and hostile to Christians. Soon it would be difficult for you to practice Christianity. Soon it would be next to impossible to raise your kids to be Christian when the entire culture is anti-Christian and your kid receives anti-Christian messages from everything; from movies, music, video games, podcasts, tv shows, even teachers in school.
   This is all Satans plan. Satan takes evangelizing people away from God more seriously than Christians take Christian evangelism. 
   This must change. Every single Christian in the world no matter who you are must take Christian evangelism seriously.
   In fact, if you're a in a Church that doesn't have an active and effective plan that involves its members to Christianize the city it is in and win souls for God; that church is a joke. 
   Talk to your Pastor. If he or she doesn't change, go to a church that's interested in being the light of the world.

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