Christians Need To Stop Sending Their Kids And Wards To Schools That Are Run By Leftists And Their Agenda (an excerpt from a non-fiction Christian book by Alfred)

Proverbs 22:6 KJV
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

   The scriptures make it clear that you should train up a child in the way they should go and if you do that when they grow up they would not depart from it. 
   Did the scriptures lie? No it didn't. 
   If you are having problems with your kids... if your kids end up wayward or not turning out right; your problem is this scripture. You didn't apply the wisdom Proverbs 22:6 gives. 
    According to Proverbs 22:6 if you are a parent and your child doesn't turn out right. It's your fault. No excuses. Don't blame the child, Proverbs 22:6 says it's on you. 
   I know that's difficult for a lot of you to accept but it's the truth. 
   Your child becomes what he or she is trained to become not what you think you're training him or her to become.
   Note the difference.
   Also note, the word train used in Proverbs 22:6 is the same as when you train a dog. 
    You can train a human being just like you can train a dog but a human being is more just complex.
    The same way you can mould a dog's character and make it react, obey, and act how you wish on cue; you can also train a human.
    Some of you own a dog that does not obey your commands. The problem isn't your dog. The problem is You. 
   You didn't train your dog in the way that it should go. Now your dog only obeys you when it feels like or not at all. 
   Some dog owners never learnt how to train a dog and never bothered to learn; they just winged it and did whatever came to mind they thought was training through the dog's formative years. So now even though the dog wouldn't bite them and won't poop inside the house; it's still not a properly and fully trained dog. It still eats food given to it by strangers and fights others dogs from time to time even when the master tells it to stop it goes on fighting or barking. Or a host of other problems that may arise from time to time.
    Sadly, there's no book out there yet (including the bible) that gives a step by step guide on how to train a human (at least that I'm aware of).
    However, the bible not only tells us it can be done but that we should do so with our own kids. 
    Interestingly, people however sometimes intentionally or unintentionally create organizations, systems, or avenues for training human beings.
   Schools are one of such organizations.
   Schools are for training kids. 
   Schools are supposed to train kids to prepare them for a future profession however it has long gone beyond its limits and trains kids Soul, Mind & Body.
    Schools sculpture the character, the souls, the beliefs, the ideas, the philosophy, the religion, the identities of kids.
    Schools train kids more than parents ever could. 
    Parents think that by being present, providing for, and talking to their kids everyday; they are training their kids. 
    That's not training your kids. Training is specific, planned, geared to change and control character. Training is way different from being there for your kid as important as that may be.
    Some parents have been by their kids side everyday of their lives but the never have for one moment trained that child.
    Even the Television is more influential and in a better place to train a child than a Parent today. 
    Now with the internet, social media, and celebrity culture it's another ball game. 
     Parents must take back the power to train their kids from everything else.
    To start with, get your kids out of schools that push the Leftist Agenda. 
    Any school that is not strongly anti - LGBTQ or leftist foolishness is not for your kids.
    Any school that doesn't prioritize parents influence over kids, over the teachers influence over the kids is not for your kids. 
     Any school that is not Christian to the core and is not in line with your denomination is not for your kids. 
    The Truth is; the best way to start taking back the power to train your kids from everything else is to Homeschool Your Kids.

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