Jesus Is The Reason For The Season : A Rap Music Album by Alfred


Jesus Is The Reason For The Season : A Rap Music Album by Alfred



Jesus Is The Reason For The Season

Get The Merch:


Long Sleeve Tee:

Women's Comfort Tee:


Full Zip Hoodie:



Tote Bag:

Welcome Mat:

Samsung Phone Case:

iPhone Case: 

Tracklisting & MP3 Download links:

1) Vlogmas

2) Black Friday

3) Christmas Eve

4) Christmas Day

5) Boxing Day

6) Crossover Night

7) New Year Eve (Outro)




📻 1) Vlogmas 

Verse One:

Pull out your phones 'n' start a vlog.... vlog about Christmas/

It's vlogmas when your vlog's Christmas themed all Christmas/

This instant, record, don't procrastinate at all/

The video ain't gotta be perfect, in fact it's better served raw/

Bruh, from YouTube trend to tradition/

Every Christmas, we should bring back Vlogmas with intention/

Picture every YouTuber promoting Christmas to the world/

That's an open window to bring Christ to the world/

No wonder the devil 'n' his minions want Christmas gone/

Christmas is an opportunity to spread love joy peace to the world/

Which means Christmas casts out darkness, when Christ's the center of it all/

Therefore promote Christmas, 'n' protect Christmas at all costs/


Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Verse Two:

If you're private 'n' don't like to vlog.., still be involved/

You don't have to show your face, or use your own voice/

Animated avatars, masks, text to speech are options/

Still can't do any of those, show those who do support/

Like 'n' Subscribe, to Vlogmas content creators/

Donate where you can, or buy ads in their work/

Just, whatever you choose to do, don't do nothing at all/

Evil prospers when good men, do nothing at all/

We must break the chains of idleness, among children of God/

If we are to save the world, we must actually do some work/

It's up to you 'n' me to take the gospel to the world/

God already did his part, when he gave his son for us/



Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

Let's go, Vlog-mas

'n' conquer the web now

📻 2) Black Friday 

Verse One:

Some people complain about the over commercialization of Christmas/

But those people don't even pray to God all Christmas/

They don't do church, or the non - commercial side of Christmas/

Means that, their words 'n' actions, are all mismatched/

Let's be frank, what's more non commercial than gift bags/

Given out, to the homeless, needy, 'n' those who need that/

Christmas only over commercialized if you a selfish cat/

Shopping only for yourself when others can't even afford jack/

And you can afford to help em out, but you ignore that/

Saying Christmas too commercial, it should be about love not that/

But how better to show love, than giving that gift out/

Best wishes 'n' Feelings don't feed the hungry, or put clothes on their back/


You don't really know

Until you know, you don't know everything

You don't really live

Until you die to self, 'n' live for Him

You ain't living big

Until you give more than, you receive

Black Friday Night

Not about what you get, but what you give 


You don't really know

Until you know, you don't know everything

You don't really live

Until you die to self, 'n' live for Him

You ain't living big

Until you give more than, you receive

Black Friday Night

Not about what you get, but what you give 

Verse Two:

Black Friday is a day, many things are on sale/

And other things are price hiked to cover the prices on sale/

Either way, if you not a newbie, many things cheap today/

Buy value whenever you can, but get it cheaper today/

Then give it out, to more than friends 'n' family/

Give to strangers, enemies, friends 'n' family/

Isn't it written in the scriptures, love your enemies/

Who knows!! you might make a true friend out of an enemy/

Who in future might do more for you than your family/

Remember it's written, it's more blesseth to give than receive/

So take a page from Saint Nick, each Christmas make a list/

But whether folks been naughty or nice, everybody gets gifts/


You don't really know

Until you know, you don't know everything

You don't really live

Until you die to self, 'n' live for Him

You ain't living big

Until you give more than, you receive

Black Friday Night

Not about what you get, but what you give 


You don't really know

Until you know, you don't know everything

You don't really live

Until you die to self, 'n' live for Him

You ain't living big

Until you give more than, you receive

Black Friday Night

Not about what you get, but what you give 

You don't really know

Until you know, you don't know everything

You don't really live

Until you die to self, 'n' live for Him

You ain't living big

Until you give more than, you receive

Black Friday Night

Not about what you get, but what you give 


You don't really know

Until you know, you don't know everything

You don't really live

Until you die to self, 'n' live for Him

You ain't living big

Until you give more than, you receive

Black Friday Night

Not about what you get, but what you give 

📻 3) Christmas Eve 

Verse One:

There's no feeling like the Christmas feeling, when it fills the air/

Christmas carols, dancing 'n' singing, rejoicing everywhere/

Kids creating Snow Angels, God smiles ear to ear/

As Christian hymns rise like incense* to the heavens from earth/

Guardian Angels everywhere, can feel the peace in the atmosphere/

The devil 'n' his minions upset, so much happiness on earth/

So they rise up to fight Christmas, they want it dead/

Using every tool at their disposal, they strike everywhere/

Through politics, entertainment, even the school system/

They do everything they can do to get Christmas ousted/

From society, every calendar, every home on earth/

But we Christians say no, Christmas ain't going no where/


Christmas Eve is here, again

We praising the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, and we

Celebrate the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, again

We praising the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, and we

Celebrate the King of kings

Verse Two:

It's Christmas Eve, presents present under the Christmas tree/

And if you ain't got nothing, don't let it get to thee/

Don't be mad or jealous if your parents can't get you gifts/

They probably trying as hard as they can, 'n' don't want you to see/

How bad it really is, so you wouldn't worry/

Cos they wanna give you the best life they can give/

They give you gifts everyday when they pay them bills/

From food that you eat, to games, to your school fees/

So try to do something for a change, get your parents a gift/

Even if you have no money, you can make something/

Prove that school fees is not a waste, use your creativity/

Sometimes it's the taught that counts even more than the gift/


Christmas Eve is here, again

We praising the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, and we

Celebrate the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, again

We praising the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, and we

Celebrate the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, again

We praising the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, and we

Celebrate the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, again

We praising the King of kings

Christmas Eve is here, and we

Celebrate the King of kings

📻 4) Christmas Day 

Verse One:

It's Christmas day, no room for anything outside of joy today/

In fact because of Christmas day, it's expelled from every other day/

Tis it's true, this the season to be jolly, no blue mood/

Be comfy in the lovin' Christmas oxygen exudes/

Hmmm!!!  feel that warmth around you/

Nostalgia, love, peace, freedom, .. joyfully envelopes you/

Ain't nothing like the Christmas Spirit, getting a hold of you/

Give into it, as the spirit takes over you/

The Christmas Spirit is the sum total of all that is good/

During the Christmas season, unique to its time loop/

'N' every good 'n' perfect thing comes from the father of truth/

So let's celebrate, the way, the life, 'n' the truth/



Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have


Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have


Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have


Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have

Verse Two:

It's Christmas day, go out your way, to make someone's day/

This is the day the lord has made, 'n' we'll say hurray!!/

We'll be glad in it, and give Jesus the praise/

Singing carols about Christ, not reindeers & sleighs/

I have nothing against Santa, but Santa didn't save me/

Jesus did, so it's to him, I give the glory/

Shifting the focus from Christ to Santa only makes Christmas weak/

If the focus is on Santa, what are you celebrating/

It's only a matter of time before Christmas, loses its meaning/

Save Christmas, by making Christ the center to the masses/

Christmas a Christian holiday not a just a happy holiday/

Like we set apart a holiday to celebrate holidays/




Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have


Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have


Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have


Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have



Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have


Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have


Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have


Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord, Jesus is lord we have 


Merry Christmas everybody

Jesus is the reason for the season 

📻 5) Boxing Day 

Verse One:

Boxing Day, is a second chance to give that gift/

Remember it's mo' blessed to give than to receive/

A billion gifts received, less than one giving out/

So box 'n' give, box 'n' give, box 'n' give out/

Men!!! who said Santa Claus ain't real/

When you can be Santa to the world around thee/

Giving gifts that people need, 'n' only got in their dreams/

But you swoop in like Santa, 'n' make their dreams real/

Life would be heaven, if we met each others needs/

So let's create heaven on earth, if Jesus Christ lives in thee/

And we'll see, we all could meet, each others needs/

All along, loving each other, was the answer we need/


Box the goods,

What you want God to do

For you, depends on you

Would you help others too...

(If you could)

Box the goods,

What you want God to do

For you, depends on you

Would you help others too...

(If you could)

Verse Two:

Boxing Day is a fun day, if the love of Christ lives in your heart/

You love people, like he loves people, his heart is your heart/

Your heart leaps for joy, to bring joy to the Kats/

Who less privileged than you, 'n' don't have what you have/

Boxing Day's a day of giving, so give from the heart/

Box that gift like home cooking, made with love, from the heart/

Spread that Christmas love 'n' joy, that's what it's about/

Cos God gave his son for you, that's what Christmas about/

God gave the greatest gift, salvation to mankind/

Wrapped - up within his son, that all who receive the Christ/

Might receive 'n' get to enjoy, his eternal life/

Spread the love, give out stuff, plus the gospel of Christ/


Box the goods,

What you want God to do

For you, depends on you

Would you help others too...

(If you could)

Box the goods,

What you want God to do

For you, depends on you

Would you help others too...

(If you could)

Box the goods,

What you want God to do

For you, depends on you

Would you help others too...

(If you could)

Box the goods,

What you want God to do

For you, depends on you

Would you help others too...

(If you could)

📻 6) Crossover Night 

Verse One:

Give glory unto the lord, it's crossover night/

Hallelujah, praise the Lord, thank him for life/

Many who started this year with you, didn't get to tonight/

But here you are, that alone's a reason to sing out/

Sing out with gratitude, sing out tonight/

It's not your good works or merits, that let you see tonight/

It's God's grace, so thank him with joy tonight/

Whether or not you achieved all you set out to, at the year's start/


Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

Thank him you're, here tonight

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

You're worst days are behind

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

Thank him you're, here tonight

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

You're best days after tonight

Verse Two:

Much's revealed about you, how you spend crossover night/

Do you spend it in church, or in a party drinking with drive/

Beginning the new year drunk, can't see, that ain't a good sign/

Or do you spend it all alone, in pajamas 'n' snacks/

Like whatever.., it's just another night/

Another new year's eve, 'n' you'll sit this one out/

Like zero enthusiasm to begin the new year iz a good sign/

When you could have joined the church's prophetic crossover night/


Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

Thank him you're, here tonight

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

You're worst days are behind

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

Thank him you're, here tonight

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

You're best days after tonight

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

Thank him you're, here tonight

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

You're worst days are behind

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

Thank him you're, here tonight

Dance, Sing 'n' Shout

You're best days after tonight

📻 7) New Year Eve (Outro)


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