If America Has A Problem : A Rap Music Single by Alfred


If America Has A Problem : A Rap Music Single by Alfred


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Verse One:

If America has a problem.., leave... America/

You could be anywhere in the world, why remain there/

Why stay in the most racist place on earth/

And buy the most expensive home U.S history's recorded/

YOU!!  can't be part of the one percent/

And at the same time also have street cred/

Unless you buy the whole street, build free penthouses there/

Only in America would YOU.., become a billionaire/

Only making music 'n' investing won't happen anywhere else/

Black culture exalts protesting, others inventing/

Our kids aspire to be protesters 'n' activists/

So other races change things while we excel in complaining/


If America has got a problem

What are you doing to solve them

If you're not solving the problem

You are part of the problem

If America has got a problem

What are you doing to solve them

Complaining gets you no where

Means you're powerless to solve them

Verse Two:

If America has a problem solve the problem/

Problems are for solving not talking about them/

Talking about problems only magnify them/

And shrink you and your ability to confront 'n' conquer 'em/

I admit, America has problems/

But we may have different diagnosis of the problem/

I imagine you're on, ...your BLM/

Turning the tables of racism, don't solve the problem/

A greater problem is the wars everywhere/

Funded by the U.S military industrial complex/

Paper printed by feds being more precious than African gems/

You would own nothing 'n' be happy, schemes 'n' presidents/ 


If America has got a problem

What are you doing to solve them

If you're not solving the problem

You are part of the problem

If America has got a problem

What are you doing to solve them

Protesting... only means that

U depend on someone else, to solve them/

And so my fellow Americans
Ask not what your country can do for you
Ask what you can do for your country

My fellow citizens of the world
Ask not what America would do for you
But what together we can do for the freedom of man 



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