We Need To Use Legislation & Gorilla Warfare To Shut Down Leftist Media The Same Way Leftist Media Keep Doing Everything They Can To Shut Down Right Wing Media : an article written by Alfred


We Need To Use Legislation & Gorilla Warfare To Shut Down Leftist Media The Same Way Leftist Media Keep Doing Everything They Can To Shut Down Right Wing Media : an article written by Alfred

   Leftists from corporations like CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Rolling Stone to the leftist living with his mom who sits by his keyboard always do everything in their power to shut down any voices that they might consider even slightly right leaning.

   From making phone calls to companies saying that they should stop advertising on Fox to Billboard calling YouTube and asking them why they haven't taken down videos of Adam Calhoun to pressing Twitter & Facebook everyday to ban Donald Trump on both platforms before they finally did, to employees at Twitter Facebook YouTube & Pinterest taking it upon themselves to censor conservatives and create algorithms that shadow ban conservative posts never let them show up on recommends page or on the site's home page no matter how many interactions the post gets.

   Even illegal things like calling the cops to say you just witnessed a murder or there is a bomb threat at the private home of a barely conservative commentator like Tim Pool or the Quartering to get their homes Swatted with the hopes that they get killed by the Cops.

    The left does it all, and when a leftist does something illegal, violent, or just plain crazy to conservatives (like ANTIFA beating up Andy Ngo, shoving a grandma who supports Trump to the ground, etc), they never get cautioned or called out by the so called more rational or moderate folks on the left.

   Nobody on the left ever says burning up a white guy's car just because he's white is wrong. Just a fact that you should note.

We Need To Use Legislation & Gorilla Warfare To Shut Down Leftist Media The Same Way Leftist Media Keep Doing Everything They Can To Shut Down Right Wing Media : an article written by Alfred

   Naturally, we shouldn't do anything illegal but the same way the left comes up with new ways every single day to ban conservatives and stop every conservative voice or thought from existing in even the tiniest spaces in the most remote location possible, is the same way we should start looking to ban and stop any non conservative thought from spreading or even existing in the smallest spaces anywhere in the world.

   If we don't, soon truth would be extinct and only government leftist lies would be available covering the earth with its darkness and condemning the earth to the inevitable fate that darkness always brings.

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