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The Fountain Of Youth : A Rap Music Single by Alfred


The Fountain Of Youth : A Rap Music Single by Alfred


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It's under your nose

It's there to read

It's under your nose

Open your lips 'n' speak

It's under your nose

It's the holy spirit

You've gotta, believe, meditate, 'n' speak 

Verse One:

The fountain of youth has been under your nose all along/

Hidden in plain sight, the map is the word of God/

The Bible points all men, unto the cross/

And the all so greater glory, after the cross/

Many don't see, the total pack of salvation/

All they know is, what God has delivered them from/

What God has delivered them into is not even a thought/

So their inheritance in Christ, they never enjoy/

Called insearchable riches of Christ by  Apostle Paul/

Which means as long we exist we'll find more treasures/

One of those treasures is the long sort for/

Fountain of youth, it's within Salvation/


It's under your nose

It's there to read

It's under your nose

Open your lips 'n' speak

It's under your nose

It's the holy spirit

You've gotta, believe, meditate, 'n' speak 


It's under your nose

It's there to read

It's under your nose

Open your lips 'n' speak

It's under your nose

It's the holy spirit

You've gotta, believe, meditate, 'n' speak 

Verse Two:

The fountain of youth is within eternal life dudes/

What good is Eternal life without eternal youth/

How would that even work, how would that function/

If the body withers with age, but the heart remains young/

DUDE! use your number two/

New wine in old wine skin, ain't somethin' God would do/

He renews thy youth like eagles, Psalm 1.0.3/

If the same - spirit that raised Christ from the dead, dwell in thee/

He'll vitalize your mortal body, what you think that mean?/

DUDE! the fountain of youth's the holy spirit/

Romans eight Eleven, it was always there to see/

The tongue's a tree of life, believe, meditate, 'n' speak /


It's under your nose

It's there to read

It's under your nose

Open your lips 'n' speak

It's under your nose

It's the holy spirit

You've gotta, believe, meditate, 'n' speak 


It's under your nose

It's there to read

It's under your nose

Open your lips 'n' speak

It's under your nose

It's the holy spirit

You've gotta, believe, meditate, 'n' speak 

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