Hip Hop Is My 9 To 5 : a Rap Music Album by Alfred


Hip Hop Is My 9 To 5 : a Rap Music Album by Alfred



Tracklisting Download Links:

1) Why I Rap

2) A Little Sleep A Little Slumber

3) God Already Solved World Hunger

4) The War On Masculinity

5) Every Man Has Two Destinies

6) Misinformation Factcheckers

7) Learn To Make Anything To Protect Family


1) Why I Rap


You wanna know why 

Why I Rap

You wanna know why 

I make many songs

You wanna know everything

About me

Just sit back, I'll fill you in

I've got cha (back)

Verse One:

I don't do this for the culture, I do it for Jesus Christ/

The only culture I know is the Christian way of life/

Anything outside of Christ is not what I'm about/

I'm about the great commission, saving souls, saving lives/

The only reason I rap is to put the gospel in your heart/

Want the gospel rising in your heart, till it drowns all your mind/

So every thought out your mind, is Righteous and phat/

P.H.A.T, cause you have the mind of Christ/

WOW! everytime you walk by/

God's goodness and mercy's right by your side/

People look and cry, I want what he he has/

Then you tell em about Christ, how cool is that/

To be trusted by Jesus, to bring lost sheep back/

Think of that, matter of fact, chew on that/

To be honored with the honor of being steward of Christ/

It's Wow! an honor rapping, reppin' the Christ/


You wanna know why 

Why I Rap

You wanna know why 

I make many songs

You wanna know everything

About me

Just sit back, I'll fill you in 

You wanna know why 

Why I Rap

You wanna know why 

I make many songs

You wanna know everything

About me

Just sit back, I'll fill you in

I've got cha (back)

Verse Two:

Heaven and earth will pass away, Hip Hop will pass away/

Except Gospel Hip Hop, cos the Word won't pass away/

Fame 'n' Fortune's fleeting 'n' frail you can't take it away/

When earth's final chapter hits the last page/

Ooh! … a wise man once said/

Vanity is Vanity, so what did you gain/

If you gain the whole world, it is all in vain/

If you lose your soul, you've lost not gained/

So I do this for You, that you would be saved/

And receive eternal life and all that pertains/

To the inheritance in Christ, Christ's death gave/

We died & rose together with Christ, on the 3rd day/

So you rose on the 3rd day/

Died before your birthday/

So after you're born again you'll never die again/

So I grab the mic again, to get more men born again/


You wanna know why 

Why I Rap

You wanna know why 

I make many songs

You wanna know everything

About me

Just sit back, I'll fill you in 

You wanna know why 

Why I Rap

You wanna know why 

I make many songs

You wanna know everything

About me

Just sit back, I'll fill you in

I've got cha (back) 

2) A Little Sleep A Little Slumber


Weeds will grow

If you don't go 

See they don't

They'll sneak up on ya

Weeds will grow

If you sleep at home

Weeds will grow

They'll sneak up on ya

Verse One:

A little sleep, a little slumber/

A lil' let me rest a lil' longer/

And poverty would swoop down and capture you as plunder/

Wonder why, arms denied, use for long slumbers/

What you don't use, you lose, it's true, ask Yonkers/

It's Bonkers, you ponder, over laws, like lawyers/

When U should be using laws of how the world works too take you further/

Take you yonder, where no none has ever wandered/

Make you tougher, than any man has ever bothered/

May run longer, but the rewards forever hollas/

It speaks for itself, through time, space and borders/

legend lives on, all because you walked a litt' futher/

Than your peers, whose Laurels, made 'em rest, instead/

Of moving on, cause Yes, the Best, is yet to come/

Cos like Apostle Paul, I count myself, not to have got/

Forgetting things behind me, ever looking forward/

I press toward the mark, for the prize, of the high call/


Weeds will grow

If you don't go 

See they don't

They'll sneak up on ya

Weeds will grow

If you sleep at home

Weeds will grow

They'll sneak up on ya

Weeds will grow

If you don't go 

See they don't

They'll sneak up on ya

Weeds will grow

If you sleep at home

Weeds will grow

They'll sneak up on ya

Verse Two:

From today look as hard work as your best friend/

She'll bring you before kings and not mere men/

What use is talent if you don't work hard at being the best/

What use is your presence around the king without good ideas/

Woooo!!! because giving gifts will get you there/

Proverbs 18: 16, not about talent, my friend/

It's about generosity, being a rocket/

Of success, none else, it settles for nothing less/

Woooo!!! run and tell all your friends/

Hardwork 'n' dedication's now your best friend/

It's you and hardwork, forever to the end/

And by that I mean as long as you're on earth/ 

Do you know how many years you've slept, if sleep for half a day/

Or if you spend half a day in unproductivity/

That the same as spending half your lifetime in jail/

Work all day and learn to make money when you sleep or play/



Weeds will grow

If you don't go 

See they don't

They'll sneak up on ya

Weeds will grow

If you sleep at home

Weeds will grow

They'll sneak up on ya

Weeds will grow

If you don't go 

See they don't

They'll sneak up on ya

Weeds will grow

If you sleep at home

Weeds will grow

They'll sneak up on ya


3) God Already Solved World Hunger

Verse One:

Think so, your mind isn't bodied by nymphos/

With tricks sold, by schools, mainstream news, 'n' radio /

They trick folks, into thinking scarcity not rich bro/

So you feel so, the world's running out of food 'n' liquid gold/

Natural resources, are drying up 'n' soon/

The earth will be a giant desert if we don't live sustainable/

Which means the Elite's sustainability goals 'n' programs would/

Have to be the blueprint every nation 'ill use/

'N' anyone who refuse is a threat to the earth's groove/

So they write and control how we should live our life 'n' move/

Their plan for the world are the only ones acceptable/

Selling products to nations to be sustainable/ 

Like God who built the world somehow forgot to/

Make life 'n' natural resources, naturally sustainable/


We'll have no food


We'll have more food 

[Ta da da dal]

We'll have no food


We'll have more food 

[Ta da da dal]

We'll have no food


We'll have more food 

[Ta da da dal]

We'll have no food


We'll have more food 

[Ta da da dal]

Verse Two:

The solution to world hunger's in front of you/

Within the blueprint of every single food/

Within fruits, are seeds, when planted means more food/

Within the food that grows are more seeds, meaning more food/

So inside every seed is an unending supply of food/

That's the solution to world hunger in front of you/

Repeated like a mirror's behind 'n' in front of you/

Rear cows for beef which gives birth to more food/

Vegans only mis-lead, saying don't eat animals/

When over half of animals only eat animals/

And would continue to do so even if you stop eating meat/

So how can it help save the planet, if you stop eating meat/

Famine, War, and Poverty exploited by the Elite/

Veganism 'ill only help create fake food scarcity/


We'll have no food


We'll have more food 

[Ta da da dal]

We'll have no food


We'll have more food 

[Ta da da dal]

We'll have no food


We'll have more food 

[Ta da da dal]

We'll have no food


We'll have more food 

[Ta da da dal]

4) The War On Masculinity

Verse One:

They put Estrogen in our food, then market to dudes/

Now Testosterone in the West is less than dudes/

Manly - Men is Toxic, let's make them Wuss/

Get in touch with your feminine side, 'n' let it become you/

Get masculinity out of you, unless you weren't born a dude/

Get femininity into you, and we'll help you/

By putting transgender medicine in processed foods/

In little doses so you and your son would be Wuss/

Men are being Attacked, Men are being Attacked/

And you called a Racist Bigot if you acknowledge that/

Facts branded lies, if it offends Kats/

Hey! That's not P.C, Cancel that Kat/


The war on masculinity need to stop

It makes the…. It makes the….It makes the whole west weak

The war on masculinity need to stop

It makes em… It makes em… Ripe for conquering 

The war on masculinity need to stop

It makes the…. It makes the….It makes the whole west weak

The war on masculinity need to stop

It makes em… It makes em… Ripe for conquering 

Verse Two:

How best to conquer a land, by taken the men out/

Now women, children, and goods left to be plundered/

No men to protect, they're now womankind/

They drank the Kool-aid of Wokeness as facts/

They bought the lie the Male's not stronger than the Lass/

Female and Male are social constructs not facts/

Gender roles are racist, sexist, and bad/

Now the West is too weak for the Globalist's sneak attack/

Not enough men, Man enough to fight back/

All because women believed the lie Feminism propounds/

The 3rd wave of which, was made by the same Kats/

Who about to make em own nothing and be happy about that/


The war on masculinity need to stop

It makes the…. It makes the….It makes the whole west weak

The war on masculinity need to stop

It makes em… It makes em… Ripe for conquering 

The war on masculinity need to stop

It makes the…. It makes the….It makes the whole west weak

The war on masculinity need to stop

It makes em… It makes em… Ripe for conquering 

5) Every Man Has Two Destinies


One path is by God


The others without God


What path will you choose


What path will you walk


Verse One:

Every man has two destinies, which one do you pick/

Your destiny in God, or your man made destiny/

You either live for God, or live for your lusts/

Lust of the flesh, of the eyes, when man feeds, he wants more/

Vanity is Vanity, but it feels good I guess/

Like kids in candy shops, they awe in the vanity fare/

Ignoring there's more to life, until the very end/

Then they look back at the life that they've eyed wasted/ 

Chasing vanity, and living for themselves/

Instead of living for the God who made them/

Now they think it's unfair they'll spend eternity in Hell/

But they had their entire life on earth to choose well/


One path is by God


The others without God


What path will you choose


What path will you walk


One path is by God


The others without God


What path will you choose


What path will you walk


Verse Two:

It's a shame if you go to hell, even after listening to this song/

It means that, you really wasn't listening at all/

All the words of wisdom and warnings, all gone/

Over your head like base - balls you never caught one/

God is bigger than you, God is better than you/

God knows better than you, and he would always love you/

So why don't you let him lead and direct you/

He'll never leave you and he'll never forsake you/

He loves you more than anyone could ever love you/

And I mean everyone, including you too/

God's plans for you always beats your plan for you/

You need to dish your dreams, and pick his will for you./


One path is by God 


The others without God


What path will you choose


What path will you walk


One path is by God


The others without God


What path will you choose


What path will you walk



6) Misinformation Factcheckers


We don't need your fact checks at all

The Nazis did this same thing before

Deciding what is true or false

Reasoning is no more your choice

We don't need your fact checks at all

We can think, we don't need ya'll

Ministry of information

Telling us what's True or False 

 Verse One:

It seemed like only yesterday, we screamed never again/

We'll never let there be another Hitler again/

Never another Dictator/

Never concentration camps/

Yet here we are today/

Here we are again/

Australians are caged/

Within their own gates/

Lockdowns are placed/

Like they prisoners of state/

Rights taken away, like they're all slaves/

Take Freedom again, and never again give it away/


We don't need your fact checks at all

The Nazis did this same thing before

Deciding what is true or false

Reasoning is no more your choice

We don't need your fact checks at all

We can think, we don't need ya'll

Ministry of information

Telling us what's True or False 

Verse Two:

Misinformation, only means that you/

Are not allowed to view, News contrary to their views/

It's Nazi Germany, straight De Ja Vu/

You only allowed, to see one view/

One Rhetoric, One world view/

One Perspective, One false view/

Only see & hear, what the man tells you/

Because the man, knows what's best for you/

And when the government lies, it's for the greater good/

It's not misinformation when the government twists the truth/

It only is, when it's not State approved/

Facts Checkers are the Ministry Of Truth Reboot/


We don't need your fact checks at all

The Nazis did this same thing before

Deciding what is true or false

Reasoning is no more your choice

We don't need your fact checks at all

We can think, we don't need ya'll

Ministry of information

Telling us what's True or False 

7) Learn To Make Anything To Protect Family



Don't you know

WE Need 



Don't you know


Need to make guns 


Verse One:

You must be totally prepared to protect your family at every cost/

Don't count on the government, in fact they're the very one/

You may need protecting from in the future/

We may all need protecting from, so ready your guns/

If there has been anything that we've been taught/

From the handling of the plandemic and all they wrath/

It is clear as day, they don't care about us/

So learn to make guns, and also teach your sons/

To protect your daughters, protect mums/

While the moms school the kids, they want that structure gone/

They've pretty much done a very good job/

In destroying true education all around the world/



Don't you know

WE Need 



Don't you know


Need to make guns 

Verse Two:

The people should be more armed than the government/

If the government is more armed, the people will be all legs/

When trouble knocks at the door, 'n' it's the government/

The biggest crooks in the world, got the I.R.S/

I address, the menace, dressed in red/

She's seduced, U believed, now junk's in your head/

That you don't need to be able to protect yourself/

Just dial 911, and the cops with be there/

At the same time they want cops defunded/

Because they claim the police want all non - whites dead/

But want only them with guns, make it make sense/

What makes sense is being protected, from the government/



Don't you know


Need protection 


Don't you know


Need to make guns 


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NOTE: All Music, Audio Files, eBooks, PDFs, Games, Comics, etc That You Are Given Download Links For On This Site Are Free To Share. I Own The Rights But I Give Everyone Permission To Download & Share As They Please. Put It On Your Own Site, Package It With Your Own Digital Products That You Sell. Do Whatever. Just Don't Change The Content Itself Or Take Credit For It. Just put the "" logo or Audio Tag on it somewhere. You Also Have My Permission To Perform Any Of My Songs Publicly In Church Or Wherever. If You Want To Send Me A Thank You For That Too It's Appreciated