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Day Off For Democracy Day : A Rap Music Single by Alfred


Day Off For Democracy Day : A Rap Music Single by Alfred


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Verse One:

Let's take a day off for Democracy Day/

Cos Democracy took a day off 'n' never returned again/

Guess it went to buy a cigarette, like a deadbeat Dad/

Or perhaps, it was never here, so it never left the pad/

The world bank, manipulates the house with cash/

The WEF chase power, citizens a hashtag/

Klaus Schwab goes out 'n' grabs nations like handbags/

He hangs up like trophies a trans kat brags about/

A trans humanist buying up democracies/

Germany, Canada, France, Argentina, etc/

Have one thing in common, their leaders are his kids/

Born from the WEF young global leaders retreats/


Where did Democracy go ooo

When will Democracy come back

Where did Democracy go ooo

will Democracy come back

Where did Democracy go ooo ooo

Is it ever going to come back

Where did Democracy go ooo

Let's go bring Democracy back 

Verse Two:

What democracy is there when they want your guns listed/

Then lifted out your possession like it's for public health/

Many mass shooters showed no previous probs, with mental health/

So to be safe, let's take your guns, 'n' leave you defenceless/

A sitting duck for criminals and the government/

Like they took the guns from Jews, before gas Chambers fumed/

If you don't learn from history, the consequence is on you/

Tech CEO's want your smartphone inside you/

The FDA approves a bio - chip being put in you/

Tracking and monitoring every cell within you/

Call that Democracy, you gotta be kidding me/

Democracy is dead and our inaction killed it/


Where did Democracy go ooo

When will Democracy come back

Where did Democracy go ooo

will Democracy come back

Where did Democracy go ooo ooo

Is it ever going to come back

Where did Democracy go ooo

Let's go bring Democracy back 

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