The Government Doesn't Care About White People : a Rap Music Album by Alfred


The Government Doesn't Care About White People : a Rap Music Album by Alfred



Tracklisting & MP3 Download Links::

1) Dictator Of Canada

2) All I Need Is A White Girl

3) The Purge

4) Impeach Justin The Terrible

5) Go Fraud Me

6) Morality Pill

7) Be Proud To Be A Boy



1) Dictator Of Canada


Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes your Rights a threat

Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes freedom's a threat 

Verse One:

There are more of us, than there are of them/

More of us see, they want us dead/

They receive instructions, from their cultist friends/

Whose taken over the government with a pen/

They make the laws, and they break them/

Laws for thee, but not for them/

Can't bury your dead, but they party with friends/

COVID is smart and knows the difference/

Between gathered for church, or BLM/

Go burn & loot for BLM/

But Truckers Honk an existential threat/

They terrorists, we don't negotiate with them/


Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes your Rights a threat

Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes freedom's a threat 


Verse Two:

Today everybody is a Racist/

A Bigot, Insurrectionist/

If they ever dare, to think for themselves/

And go against mainstream media messaging/

Everybody needs to fall in line/

Or they'll get to lose their bank account/

Crypto account, payment account, visa account, e-group account/

Nazi-ism reborn but in every nation at once/

Instead of a physical one, make it a psychological war/

Use indoctrination, to conquer every nation/

Hitler's ghost probably thinking/

Why didn't I think of that one/



Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes your Rights a threat

Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes freedom's a threat 


Verse Three:

All of Canada needs to stand together/

All of Canada needs to come together/

It can't be, only the truckers, being only the lovers/

Of freedom that bothers to be the protestors/

All the lawyers need to fall in line/

All the Bankers need to fall in line/

Refuse to shut down people's bank account/

Or democracy be bankrupt 'n' out/

Every Mum & Every Dad, Every boy & Every girl/

Get out now, join the protest/

Before you can no more protest/



Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes your Rights a threat

Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes freedom's a threat 


Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes your Rights a threat

Trudeau has gone full blown Nazi

Justin Trudeau believes freedom's a threat

Song Outro:

All cops, law enforcement, and military personnel that feel you have to do anything a politician says no matter anti human rights and the constitution it is.  

You no longer exist to protect and serve the people, you exist to protect and serve the politician. 

That's how every Dictatorship started in human history. Using the military and the police to force the people to do whatever the Dictator says.

2) All I Need Is A White Girl


White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl… White Girl

White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl

A White Girl

White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl… White Girl

White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl

A White Girl

(If I can't have a White Girl, I don't want to have anything)

Verse One:

I don't know about you but I know about me/

I need a White girl, nothing else works for me/

A blue eyed blonde, or redhead whose eye is green/

I can be her Johnny Quest, she can be Jessie/

We travel around the world, each day an adventure/

Saving the day everyday, like an action sitcom/

With stories out of this world to tell generations to come/

Of how we took this world for God, against all odds/ 

Indiana Jones'in around the world, not on a treasure hunt/

But taking the treasure of salvation to the ends of the world/

I need a White girl, like Popeye needs Spinach/

To inspire me, 'n' strengthen me, to kick ass/


White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl… White Girl

White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl

A White Girl

White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl… White Girl

White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl

A White Girl

Verse Two:

I need a White girl, like I got drafted in the NBA/

You know he's rich, when dark hands rest on hot White girl's waist/

I need a girl with class, a girl who's white/

A girl who cooks and cleans alright/

But she don't need to that, she's the wife/

Her wifely responsibility is in the bedroom at night/

Cooking 'n' Cleaning's for maids 'n' Cooks, already got that/

And a proper house also employs a Butler/

I'm the Gentleman type, I need a Grace Kelly by my side/

To fly with me to Monaco & afar/

I need a Jasmine to my Aladdin to help defeat Jafar/

White Girl come with me on a flying carpet ride/


White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl… White Girl

White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl

A White Girl

White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl… White Girl

White Girl… White Girl

All I need is a White Girl

A White Girl

3) The Purge

Verse One:

It's an Anti-White world, they want all things White gone/

It's not a racist to hate Whites, only is when you hate non/

It's funny how they changed Racism's definition/

To tell themselves they're not, while the help racism live on/

Pop - Pop - Pop, a little girl is gone/

But since the shooter ain't White,  her life's ignored/

No protests, No march, maybe next time we'll have luck/

And Whitey would be the one who's holding the gun/

Then we can get out our placards, and march and shout slurs/

Burn our own communities, and raid clothing stores/

Then blame Whitey as the reason we have no stores and jobs/

No other race in the world so self - programed to self - destruct/


White Purge

Why - Why - White Purge

White Purge

Why - Why - White Purge

White Purge

Why - Why - White Purge

White Purge

They wanna see all Whites gone

Verse Two:

C. R. T,  Oppressors and Victims/

All Whites are Oppressors, all non are victims/

Righteousness 'n' Evil, is based on the color of your skin/

Let's use abortion and immigration to make Righteousness win/

OOUFF!!  Talk about getting things mixed/

To eliminate a race in the name of ending racism/

CUTE! now all the commercials are mixed/

Promote bi-racial families in an ad for cleaning/

Race swop iconic characters, no hero should look like Whitey/

Use quotas to give dummies jobs, who needs skills/

Call complaints of their poor job performance, Racist/

Then be surprised tomorrow when America's no more A-List/


White Purge

Why - Why - White Purge

White Purge

Why - Why - White Purge

White Purge

Why - Why - White Purge

White Purge

They wanna see all Whites gone


White Purge

Why - Why - White Purge

White Purge

Why - Why - White Purge

White Purge

Why - Why - White Purge

White Purge

They wanna see all Whites gone

4) Impeach Justin The Terrible 


Oooh! Can't you see what they plan

What they,

think, and they dream, and they bring to the table

Verse One:

It's on record Justin Trudeau is one Communist poodle/

Political lap dog for the world economic forum/

Their hearts are stolen, obsessed with power like golem/

They'll lie, They'll cheat, They'll kill, they're up to no good/

They want you to own no goods, and be happy/

After they've programmed you with communist ideology/

While only them 'n' their clique own everything/

And your bread, will depend, upon your good standing/

Social credit points becomes the new currency/

A uniform universal income is spread across the scene/

But your income can drop based on your compliancy/

It's slavery redefined, for every race, non - discriminatory/


Oooh! Can't you see what they plan

What they,

think, and they dream, and they bring to the table

Oooh! Can't you see what they plan

What they,

think, and they dream, and they bring to the table

Verse Two:

Impeach Justin Trudeau and all crooks like him/

Let 'em know we ain't things to do with as he wills/

We ain't going stand with folded arms, watching plots unfolding/

We would fight, for our rights, cause freedom ain't free/

We won't dilly - dally, we won't pity - party/

Though we pity the commie - globalists who want us tippy-tappy/

Around the issues, like egg shells around shoes/

We would fight, fire with fire, trust me we wouldn't lose/

YOU!!! yes you listening to me/

It time you stand and fight, stop observing/

It time you get in the fight, do it for you kids/

Or else, you're signing your kids up, for future slavery/


Oooh! Can't you see what they plan

What they,

think, and they dream, and they bring to the table

Oooh! Can't you see what they plan

What they,

think, and they dream, and they bring to the table

5) Go Fraud Me


Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

Use Go Fraud Me

Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

See their scam

Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

Use Go Fraud Me

Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

Use orgs like that 

Verse One:

Is it Go Fund Me or Go Fraud Me, I think it's Go Fraud Me/

Frauding the people on behalf of the people that hate the people/

A for profit non - profit for funding leftist causes/

Fund bailing BLM 'n' ANTIFA caught rioting 'n' burning/

But fund PATRIOTS!, No that's Racist/

Funding Blue Collar workers is funding White Supremacy/

Let's cease all donations and redirect everything/

Into leftist causes if they don't all fill/

Complex forms before our deadline their cheese is forfeit/

And it will be funding what they hate like aborting/

White 'n' Brown babies in the name of free health care/

And there ain't nothing they can do we write the laws here/


Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

Use Go Fraud Me

Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

See their scam

Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

Use Go Fraud Me

Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

Use orgs like that 

Verse Two:

When they banned Laura Loomer from banks & payment hubs/

Airbnb, Uber, Facebook, Twitter and more/

You didn't care then, you didn't see a threat/

So they banned Lana from Red Ice, Alex Jones, then Trump/

Now Donald Trump can't use Bank Of America no more/

You didn't see how this was going to land at your door/

Now you can't use your own money how you want anymore/

They cease your own donations and redirect it to their cause/

And they want a cashless society with compliance credit scores/

EEEEWWWW!!! What could go wrong/

Except Freedom gone, never to return with a convoy/

Replace all Orgs & politicians with Christian Patriots/


Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

Use Go Fraud Me

Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

See their scam

Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

Use Go Fraud Me

Don't you, don't you, don't you, don't you

Use orgs like that 

6) Morality Pill


What has this world just become

The bible told us, this all would come

Get those brain chips on their skull

Neuro-link and control them all 

Evil scientists, hard at work

Verse One:

Drugging the public into compliance, big pharma's now in alliance/

With politics and leftist morals,  rolled into one appliance/

Bioethics, the dream of every evil scientist/

Using medicines to control human beings/

Hmmm! Where have I seen this movie before this/

I can't remember where but what could go wrong with this/

Let's make everyone incapable of refusing every government wish/

Mainstream media propaganda, no more cuts it/

Total compliance's the best defense in a pandemic/

Not the body's ability to fight off the disease/

Let's drug the public into obeying, every instruction we give/

Like patients in the psych ward, the the world's our loony bin/


What has this world just become

The bible told us, this all would come

Get those brain chips on their skull

Neuro-link and control them all 

What has this world just become

The bible told us, this all would come

Bioethics, control behavior 

Of humans & create a perfect world

Verse Two:

They plan to program the youth to dance to their tunes/

Through indoctrination centers better known as schools/

Lets use, science to, uproot white privilege in you/

Let's use, drugs to, crack toxic masculinity too/

Make men effeminate with transgender drugs put/

Into the food sold to men as health foods/

Decrease fertility in white girls through pharmaceuticals/

Tell em it's woke, they saving the planet, 'n' melting icicles/

Cancel any who links vax with menstrual cycles/

Brand them racists who run in insurrectionist cycles/

Now we see how the mark of the beast has mind control in it/

And what role Big Pharma and A.I plays within/


What has this world just become

The bible told us, this all would come

Get those brain chips on their skull

Neuro-link and control them all 

What has this world just become

The bible told us, this all would come

Bioethics, control behavior 

Of humans & create a perfect world

What has this world just become

The bible told us, this all would come

Get those brain chips on their skull

Neuro-link and control them all 

What has this world just become

The bible told us, this all would come

Bioethics, control behavior 

Of humans & create a perfect world

7) Be Proud To Be A Boy

Verse One:

Be proud to be a boy, be a proud boy/

Don't let nobody tell you different, only use male toys/

Toys trucks and water guns, never play with dolls/

It's video games for us, and action figures/

We'll always come first in cycling and skateboards/

Track 'n' Field, javelin, wrestling, basketball/

In every physical sport, the list goes on/

Because we are men, We are built different/

Designed to be protectors of children 'n' women/

Protect little sisters 'n' bros, don't let bullies get them/

But modern women are like, we don't need no men/

Until it's too late, and they've only got re - ee - gret/

So shout to women who still give respect/

Unto men, we reciprocate, your respect/

Shout out to women who still summit to their men/

Big Ups to good men, Shame on bad men/


Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

This one is for all of my Boys Boys 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

The world is trying to shame Boys Boys 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

Be proud to be a Boy boi

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

You've got to, Give some props to, who protects you 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

This one is for all of my Boys Boys 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

The world is trying to shame Boys Boys 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

Be proud to be a Boy boi

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

You've got to, Give some props to, who protects you 

Verse Two:

There's a war on boys in the western world/

Less white men graduate college than ever before/

Suicide rates among men blows out roof tops/

And don't get me started on those family courts/

A million times to one, they always favor the mum/

Women get a pat on the wrist or none for sexual assault/

Female Bill Cosbys and Harvey Weinstein's are not/

In jail, they become the Cardi B's & Kims of the world/

Hollywood's replaced the alpha male with soy boys/

They want no alpha male heroes admired any more/

Yet I remain a proud boy, No! I'm not with the org/

But I probably support every org the left wants destroyed/

Wokeness will be the downfall of civilization/

Diversity divides for conquer without lifting a sword/

So let's not fall for, men vs women anymore/

Let's not hate each other, we need each other, for sure/


Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

This one is for all of my Boys Boys 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

The world is trying to shame Boys Boys 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

Be proud to be a Boy boi


Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

You've got to, Give some props to, who protects you 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

This one is for all of my Boys Boys 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

The world is trying to shame Boys Boys 

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

Be proud to be a Boy boi

Bor - Bor - Bor - Bor

Boys, Boys

You've got to, Give some props to, who protects you 

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