Winter Is Coming : a Rap Music Album by Alfred

Winter Is Coming : a Rap Music Album by Alfred

Tracklisting Download Links:

1) Darker Days Are Coming

2) Winter Is Coming

3) Hunger Is Coming

4) Natural Disasters Are Coming

5) Chaos Is Coming

6) The Anti Christ Is Coming

7) The Globalists Are Coming

1) Darker Days Are Coming

Verse One:

Darker days are coming, but don't start running/

Knees knocking, means working's, Fear knocking/

You bucking, means coming's, free fallin'/

You working, means God is, not coming/

To your RESCUE, But that's not TRUE/

God never FAILS, He always comes THROUGH/

Ta - da ta - da ta - da, he's always on Cue/

He's always on time, He always gat Chu/

Only Believe, then you would see/

Ta - da ta - da ta - da, What no one'll believe/

Ain't no weapon that's been forged, can prosper, against you/

When you walk with the King, victory is De Ja Vu/


You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

When the storms of life break

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

When the high wire breaks

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

When you have gun in your face

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

Relax, Relax

(You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed)

Verse Two:

See No… Peep No, Hear no… WHAT/

Think No… Feel No, Smell no Prob/

Speak No… Teach No, Say no Stuff/

BINGO … BINGO, You are our dog/

WHAT?...  I don't think so/

I'm nobody's dog, It is written, I am a god/

WHAT?... Isn't it written in your law/

Isn't it written law in your, he says "ye are gods?"/

It does, but the government wants us dogs/

Lab rats for the Vax, for the virus, they manufactured/

Don't take a genius, to figure, the Vax don't work/

Fully vaxed, Full boost, still caught the virus/


You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

When the storms of life break

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

When the high wire breaks

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

When you have gun in your face

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

Relax, Relax

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

When the storms of life break

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

When the high wire breaks

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

When you have gun in your face

You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed

Relax, Relax

(You don't know the Lord if you're not relaxed)


2) Winter Is Coming


Be prepared, Be prepared

Winter is coming

It's coming real soon

Watch, and Pray

Winter is coming

It's coming real soon

(like a thief in the…)

Verse One:

The United Nations enslaves Nations/

Political mafioso, pulling strings through stations/

Stationed, On - Occasion, as Protestations/

Of the people, By the people, but it's all manipulation/

Thorn beds like Greta, planted by them/

Campaign for them, what's heard next is the people's heard/

When they bow to Greta's wishes, which is in fact theirs/

They exploit our fears, listening to them created/

The world would end, The world would end/

If you don't use Green products we've patented/

You'll burn in Hell, Hell On Earth/

If your Taxes don't feed Green Charities we created/


(Be) prepared, Be prepared

Winter is coming

It's coming real soon

Watch, and Pray

Winter is coming

It's coming real soon

(like a thief in the…)

Verse Two:

The UN may change their name, but the Globalists remain the same/

They control media, Education, and the political landscape/

What happened to Brexit?, It took the back seat/

When the plandemic hit, now back seat's empty/

We're losing our rights, swiftly/

We're losing our lives, cheaply/

Do we, See the, Atrocities, in our cites/

ANTIFA burns streets, BLM free 2 steal/

Down under, show your papers to the Australian police/

Your Freedom is now a piece of paper that's given to you/

Or a QR code, so you already know soon/

It'll be the mark of the beast, forehead or right hand please/

Do U want to continue to be free, take this micro-chip under your skin/

It's no secret, to those who Think/

Winter is coming, people get ready/


(Be) prepared, Be prepared

Winter is coming

It's coming real soon

Watch, and Pray

Winter is coming

It's coming real soon

(like a thief in the…)

(Be) prepared, Be prepared

Winter is coming

It's coming real soon

Watch, and Pray

Winter is coming

It's coming real soon

like a thief in the night

3) Hunger Is Coming

Verse One:

Bill Gates & friends are grabbing up land like mud pies/

He went from stealing windows to lifting up farmlands/

After unleashing viruses that helped drive the price down/

His gain of function research has real farmers locked down/

All part of the plan, His master plan/

Make real food scarce, make GMO's fast/

Create Problem, Create Solution, Then Monetize/

Get called the Hero who saved mankind/

Not PC enough for your Mac, do U prefer people-kind/

Not smart enough to see how Wokeness distracts humankind/

New World Order takeover, under the nose, under your mask/

Under the guise of science, under saving mankind/


You don't know

You don't See

You don't Feel 

What it is

Happening around you 

You don't know

You don't See

Because you feel

Safe to believe

Nothing's Happened 

Verse Two:

Buy up the land, Control the food supply/

Serve Climate Change lies, make real food scarce/

Only your GMO's are available to buy/

Hike up the price, Cheers to Politicians you buy/

Use Climate Change legislature to make it a crime/

Or near impossible, for man to live off his own land/

Plant his own food, Grow his own cattle/

Dig his own wells, Wear his own cattle/

Make fishing & hunting illegal or require a license/

Make GMO fruits with seeds that expire/

So they'll have to come back to you like renew my license/

Call those who expose you, deniers of science/


You don't know

You don't See

You don't Feel 

What it is

Happening around you 

You don't know

You don't See

Because you feel

Safe to believe

Nothing's Happened 

You don't know

You don't See

You don't Feel 

What it is

Happening around you 

You don't know

You don't See

Because you feel

Safe to believe

Nothing's Happened 

4) Natural Disasters Are Coming


If You Don't Know The Lord

The Time Would Soon Be Up

What Are You Waiting For  

Tomorrow Might Be Time's Up


Verse One:

We 'bout to see natural disasters like the world has never seen/

Ring Side participation not just viewing/

All looking, 'bout to see the bible's not fooling/

We are in the last days, Chaos new beginning/

No Shooting, the messenger, hell is brewing/

No looting, like scavengers, death is cooking/

No booking, escape flights, outside rapture's airstrips/

No reversing, No kiddin', No Undo switch/

WEEEee!!! gotta be prepared for the worst/

But expect the best so faith don't work against us/

It is written in the scriptures that these things must come/

But this too shall pass, and we'll live in heaven with God/


If You Don't Know The Lord

The Time Would Soon Be Up

What Are You Waiting For  

Tomorrow Might Be Time's Up


If You Don't Know The Lord

The Time Would Soon Be Up

What Are You Waiting For  

Tomorrow Might Be Time's Up


Verse Two:

Hurricanes and floods, typhoons and storms/

Earthquakes, Wildfires and volcanic eruptions/

The foundations tremble, the earth is out of course/

All of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God/

WHAT…   does God want of us/

In this day and time, Revelations speaks of/

OHH!!! What needs to be done/

First of, don't worry or Fear at all/

You afraid, is what the devil wants/

You must take, the Bull by the horn/

You must speak, and command the storms/

Be the one, to be mightily used of God/


If You Don't Know The Lord

The Time Would Soon Be Up

What Are You Waiting For  

Tomorrow Might Be Time's Up


If You Don't Know The Lord

The Time Would Soon Be Up

What Are You Waiting For  

Tomorrow Might Be Time's Up


5) Chaos Is Coming


Create Chaos

After That

They'll need a Savior

Create World Peace

After That

They'll need continuity 

Create A Treaty

After That 

They'll need Enforcing

And for that to be, all power and authority, must be given to ...

Verse One:

Out of chaos comes order, the new world order/

The further we rather not bother, of deeds done yonder/

The longer, and tougher the battle to free the younger/

The hunger that Paupers conquer do not thunder/

Loud, Enough!, to paint a picture/

Of what the new world order, has in stock for us/

Their pieces move into place, while they distract everyone/

With Him vs Her, White vs Choc/

Feminists vs Men, Straight vs Not/

While we Bicker over new Leftist terms and definitions/

They swallow institutions of power, no hesitation/

It's a world-wide power, consolidation/


Create Chaos

After That

They'll need a Savior

Create World Peace

After That

They'll need continuity 

Create A Treaty

After That 

They'll need Enforcing

And for that to be, all power and authority, must be given to ...

Verse Two:

They create Chaos, create Mayors, Selfishness tailors/

Make favors, that favor, the major expansion of their stations/

Hold nations under captivity with spells and incantations/

Via control of the media, religion, and education/

They Fund, the BLM ANTIFA riots/

But compare January 6th to Pearl Harbor/

Creating autonomous zones is not insurrection/

It's only protesting the stealing of an election/

They sponsor all wars, Stir up all wrath/

Decide which cause can protest, and which cannot/

They allowed BLM to burn and Riot/

But march against the vax, they Australia the lot/


Create Chaos

After That

They'll need a Savior

Create World Peace

After That

They'll need continuity 

Create A Treaty

After That 

They'll need Enforcing

And for that to be, all power and authority, must be given to ...

Create Chaos

After That

They'll need a Savior

Create World Peace

After That

They'll need continuity 

Create A Treaty

After That 

They'll need Enforcing

And for that to be, all power and authority, must be given to ...

6) The Anti Christ Is Coming


The Anti-Christ is here

The Devil is here

The Demons are here

But the Holy Ghost is also here

Verse One:

The Last Days are here, The Last Days are here/

Matter of fact the last days started since the Spirit fell/

Tribulation is Near, Tribulation is Near/

Matter of fact we're pretty much a little way from there/

BUT FIRST..., comes the Rapture/

Where we pretty much disappear outta here/

In a twinkle of an eye, we are no longer there/

Caught up in a flash, to meet Him in the Air/

The dead in Christ rise first,The dead in Christ rise first /

And other signs for the end must be history first/

Then and only then can that man be revealed/

That man of sin, who receives power from the Beast/


The Anti-Christ is here

The Devil is here

His Demons are here

But the Holy Ghost is also here

The Anti-Christ is here

The Devil is here

The Demons are here

But the Holy Ghost is also here

Verse Two:

The Anti Christ is around the corner but many are blind/

Churches believe he's far away down the line/

No need to be prepared for when the trumpet shall sound/

This night, Tomorrow night, or any in your lifetime/

The ignore the instructions, of God/

Be prepared Everytime, Be prepared Everytime/

That day cometh like a thief in the night/

Prepare your Oil lamps, Prepare your Oil lamps/

Are you wise or Are you foolish, Matthew 25/

The time is short, You can't afford to waste time/

Win souls with all your might, pour out your whole life/

And no matter what, Fear Not the Anti-Christ/

Fear Not the Anti-Christ, Fear Not the Anti-Christ/

Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world/


The Anti-Christ is here

The Devil is here

His Demons are here

But the Holy Ghost is also here


The Anti-Christ is here

The Devil is here

The Demons are here

But the Holy Ghost is also here

The Anti-Christ is here

The Devil is here

But God's Angels are here

And the Holy Ghost is also here


The Anti-Christ is here

The Devil is here

But God's Angels are here

And the Holy Ghost is also here

7) The Globalists Are Coming

Verse One:

Nation states are gone/

Patriotism is gone/

Patriots who remain, are refugees, on their own soil/

If they had known they would have joined the infowar/

Could Have…., Should Have…../

God used Pastor Chris/

To warn all countries/

Warned of mandates before a vaccine/

Warned of vaxed & unvaxed, two class society/

Could Have…., Should Have…../

Got on your feet/

Taken Action/

Shown these Globalists, Slavery is a choice/

And let them know, which one's your choice/

Could Have…., Should Have…../


Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight for your Freedom

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight while you still can

Verse Two:

They banned Laura Loomer/

They banned Lana Lok(teff)/

They banned Alex Jones, They banned Donald Trump/

Should've known sooner or later they'll come knocking at your door/

Could Have…., Should Have…../

Seen a Red Flag, when the sight of the US flag/

Gets them triggered like Vampires in the Sunlight/

They want every U.S monument in dust & ash/

Could Have…., Should Have…../

Seen how the elites, control both parties/

Seen the how the media are owned by the same peeps/

Seen how the government has no transparency/

Could Have…., Should Have…../ 


Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight for your Freedom

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight while you still can

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight for your Freedom


Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight Fight, Fight Fight

Fight while you still can

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