You Cannot Curse Who God Has Blessed : A Rap Music Single by Alfred


You Cannot Curse Who God Has Blessed : A Rap Music Single by Alfred

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He whom God has blessed, ... is Blessed

You cannot curse, .. who's blessed

He whom God has...

Your mouth was given to you for blessing not cursing

You were created for greater things not arguing & gossip

'n' bossing, 'n' hurting, 'n' hushing

'n' cussing, 'n' pouring, name calling

Ugh!!! the reason that lyes behind your lips

Is for you to use words to reshape destinies

Is for you to cast out demons, death, and disease

Is for you to prophecy, not just to eat

YO!!! isn't God the best for real

He's given us above all we can ever want or need

He's given us the tree of life within our lips

His blessings outshine our wildest dreams

He whom God has blessed, ... is Blessed

You cannot curse, .. who's blessed

He whom God has blessed, ... is Blessed

You cannot curse, .. who's blessed

He whom God has ...

It is written the cursed causeless, shall not come

Proverbs 26 verse Two is cannon and Law

No curse sticks to one who did no wrong

No hurt is owed 2 one, who hurt no one

Ugh!!!  Unless you hit somebody

Then somebody going reap pain in their body

Cause running over bodies makes you a crash test dummy

'N' you going reap a thousand fold of volts in Ur body

"Argggghhh!!!" It's shouldn't come as a shock

Be not deceived, God is not mocked

You reap, You sow, You reap, You sow

That's how it goes so watch what you sow

He whom God has blessed, ... is Blessed

You cannot curse, .. who's blessed

He whom God has blessed, ... is Blessed

You cannot curse, .. who's blessed

He whom God has blessed, ... is Blessed

You cannot curse, .. who's blessed

He whom God has blessed, ... is Blessed

You cannot curse, .. who's blessed

He whom God has ...


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