Gingerbread House : A Rap Music Single by Alfred

Gingerbread House : A Rap Music Single by Alfred

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A Gingerbread House just might look like the Bomb … the Bomb

It might be pretty, All so pretty

Everyone might want to see it

But a Gingerbread House will definitely fall … will fall

Some people are living in a Gingerbread House

They built their house out of food on fine sand

It smells and looks good,  fairy tale come alive

It stops and enchants everyone passing by

They take pictures , and post it online

It's just a matter of time, it all falls down

The rain pours down, it all comes down

Sun's heat rise, over-bakes 'n' burns down

You build your house out of food, right on sand

That's what you do when you don't live for Christ

The building's your life, d' life support's the ground

Build your house on the Rock, the Rock is Christ

A Gingerbread House just might look like the Bomb … the Bomb

It might be pretty, All so pretty

Everyone might want to see it

But a Gingerbread House will definitely fall … will fall

A Gingerbread House just might look like the Bomb … the Bomb

It might be pretty, All so pretty

Everyone might want to see it

But a Gingerbread House will definitely fall … will fall

Are you building on the Rock, or building like the world

The Rock is the Word, The Word is the Lord

Build on God, He'll Rock your world

Live for God, don't live for the world

Living for the world is living in a Gingerbread House

It's just a matter of time, it all falls down

The good fortune of the world goes up to come down

Up & Up & Down, Up & Up Down

Like the market, today Up, today Down

But the Gingerbread house finally crashes down

Never to be rebuilt, it's the end of the line

And it's Hell for you if you don't have Christ

A Gingerbread House just might look like the Bomb … the Bomb

It might be pretty, All so pretty

Everyone might want to see it

But a Gingerbread House will definitely fall … will fall

A Gingerbread House just might look like the Bomb … the Bomb

It might be pretty, All so pretty

Everyone might want to see it

But a Gingerbread House will definitely fall … will fall


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