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Will Smith Pushes CRT & Doubles Down On Defund The Police


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hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk about will smith's you know doubling down on his workness and his defund the police you know rhetoric understand that in 2020 he actually did an interview you know with one of those um leaders from the blm crowd you know and a cnn contributor but an african-american woman you know and he actually pushed forth the the from the police agenda there so this is not new you know and you see we need to come to the point where i realized that all these celebrities especially you know all these hollywood acts these are pawns they exist for propaganda they exist for changing the rhetoric look at the situation that has been created hollywood has now been mapped by those who have money and those who really control things such that if you have certain viewpoints you cannot advance in hollywood if you are conservative you are christian you have to do your thing outside of hollywood hollywood does not accept you so all the people in hollywood have the same thoughts they all push forth lgbt they all prefer the same democratic you know political party they push for the same political party they put for the same agendas and at the same time all of them now they are moved away from focus on trump to let's move the focus to climate change and you know um look at how biting has bombed on so many things but everybody has kept quite everybody now acts like you know everything is better for african americans under abiding things are way worse but you don't see blm complaining or any of the blm higher ups complaining about um biden and what he's doing to african americans now understand something about the blm structure it was structured in a way where many of the chapters are not linked to the headquarters you know people anybody that can gather a crowd especially in 2020 who just come out and said they are doing it in the name of blm and then how they protest and all of that and they create a chapter and all of that and want to link it with the um headquarters you know and the entire network so that is an aspect of it it has that kind of broken apart system so that is why you see some people in new york who are blm protesting the mandates however understand that because it is not from the top that is why you do not see the media is not on it all of that is not on it the blm itself has been bought and paid for it was actually created by people who wanted to exploit and be the ones who would take over and run the um the entire movement of civil rights just like some people have co-opted a long time ago feminism feminism used to be about actually making sure that women were treated fairly and you know helping women but for a long time it has been taken over by people who just hates men and all kinds of crazy people and people who want people to vote for a political party so all of all these organizations a lot of them is just for political clubs you know for to get political favor for for people to manipulate policies that would make them wealthy and all of that you know so a lot of this is uh things that are going on that people need to be um aware of and open their eyes to but you see this hollywood system that has been created you know just like you know blm is owned um and it has it was created and you know and it's still being paid for by the globalists you know look at the biggest founders of um blm they are the most racist people in the world and the most anti-patriotic and the pro global village you know later let there be no brothers people you know that is what they want and that is part of the reason for this illegal mass migration they are it's it helps with the advancement of a new world order where individual nation states disappear you know understand that some nations are protected against this because they are not going in league with the u.n and only enough nations like afghanistan for now because they are under the taliban who hates the left a lot of that nations like china nations like russia russia is playing a foot in futile game you know nations like north korea it's ridiculous because most of these nations are perceived to be tyrannical most of them are to move to certain degrees but the fact that they are not under the new world order means that they are not going to their people are not going to be subject to those moves from that side but it doesn't mean that they are not making their own moves they are making their own moves that are in many cases detrimental to the people just like the taliban is making moves that are detrimental to the people of afghanistan you know when it comes to the the people having their freedom and all of that you know however they are not going along with the new new world quota you see what they knew what order is doing is going to end up creating a situation where

nation states will disappear that is what they want for you not to be able to differentiate london from pakistan for it not to be able to differentiate one nation from an inauguration for you not to be able to say oh this is destination where the world would have to have you know a leader that is you know the in charge of one of these there are u.n type organizations you know that is a consortium where different nations come to listen to and so the different nations are just um how life states

lieutenants for whoever is in charge of the u.n so it's actually more um of a player for power to want to be the head of the u.n you know or the of the world economic from which are positions that are not open to people because you know it is the billionaires that created them that have done it to control the world so it is just for them you know these organizations are more powerful than presidents and governors and politicians politicians are just pawns you know and that is what those um people are doing understand that the nation of war has changed back in the day war was fought by invading the other nation invented the other nation and killed people and took away this and all of that however we live in a different day and age now you what is about having spies getting into getting your foot your feet up on other nations manipulating the foreign exchange so that other nations will be poorer than your nation you know so you are manipulating a network of central banks and you are playing teams and and playing the investment scape in such a way that it puts your nation permanently above others you are making moves in that direction so that is how what is fought now you know what is fought now by infiltrating other people's governments what is fought now by controlling the media and when somebody you don't like wants to become the president of an enemy country you make them look like a tyrant on television and all through the media then you have somebody that is your man that is going to you are going to push us the solution that the one that is going to help the river right the one that is for the people in spite of the fact that the reality of the matter is that every politician has skeletons in the in their closets but they will show only the skeletons of the ones that they do not want that is how work is fought so we have nations like america that is interfering and has interfered for a long time in the elections of every other nation for a long time they do it through the media they do it through um secret service they do it through their ambassadors you know there are a lot of these nations that are funded via all kinds of under the table deals by certain politicians and past and the globalists you know the those people who believe in the one world government these secret societies you know this hand in the globe these deep states that wants to rule everything and have been making money and contributing so much for so long they're the ones who use these politicians promising them things that they do not plan to eventually give them because whatever temporary thing they give the politicians now who do they are bidding you know there is no position for them when the new world order is established you know and a lot of these people are four guys they are not intelligent enough to see justin trudeau is the four guy who is not intelligent enough to see that he's a full guy you see the real powerful people are the people you don't see that you don't know the people that are behind the bill gates you see the people that um their money is classified the people that own central banks because a lot of central banks in this world are private entities the people that have all kinds of behind-the-scenes partnerships with the government that they never need to advertise their company their company is never advertised they make their money and the remaining secrets those are the people that you should look out for you know the people that when you are passing all kinds of taxes like this little it doesn't touch them because they are the ones who are they who are writing it they are the ones who yeah before you where you know a lot of people don't know that a lot of landmarks are actually private um property for example the new york subways private property that is owned by individuals there are a lot of things that you know people look at and think that you know this belongs to the the state to the nation or to the states but now it belongs to an individual young young people's individual and private property especially when you look at people who use um terms like um foreign investment who are these foreign investors is it nations is that not um colonialism when you say you are attracting foreign investors what does that mean are you attracting another nation to invest and basically own the resources of your own nation and to invest in israel therefore it owns the growth and it's basically you know you are now conquered this is now a new way of fighting or is it individuals or companies you see companies like softbank that has a 500 year plan of how the future would look who has a 500 implant you know i did a broadcast yesterday about you know dynasties and having a 500 plan one thousand year planning you know and all of that you know even though um this may not reach that because of the rapture and all of that that is still your plan you know but there's a kind of people that plan in that kind of way soft bank has that kind of plan there are people who have planned for all the work that they have already stationed to happen and they have put things in place such things may happen such this may not happen they are playing chess with nations and with the world and with the future you know but that being said when you understand all this and when you look at others this is how hollywood has been set up you cannot be a voice in hollywood unless you see what the globalist wants to want you to say and that is what cancer culture is now some celebrities look like rihanna without [ __ ] they are now they are trying to break away and trying to be free but they will never get that freedom because they have already submitted today when you were hitting on trump and when you were burning people who said things that that you did not like you are okay with it now they are now holding you accountable for saying things that the new world order you know the one world government folks don't like so you have to abide by you know you help to create this monster you see will smith pushing for the defunding of the police and you know last time he said that you know um the founding of police that people look at it as um a bad thing that was with that and he was giving them stupid a stupid ideology that um a lot of people who do violent crimes that they actually what they need is uh medical attention you know that psychological problems there you know that that if the mental health workers that address them that seems to have been better what does that mean how would you know someone is planning to commit a crime before the committees are you also going to now force people before they commit crimes to have mental evaluations and to be monitored by doctors and to be monitored by mental services you know to make sure that rapists will not come to crime is that not the worst kind of control of the population that can ever be is that where he's heading to you can see that globalist and that new world order plan in his suggestion because when you take away police and you say that well if people talk to psychologists and psychiatrists you know so everybody now has to be forced to have a psychologist and a psychiatrist to evaluate them and to decide whether they are capable of committing a crime and to be monitored by them and all of that you know and okay if they commit a crime then they are submitted so everybody the whole world is now a mental asylum this is how during the long terms they made the whole world the prison so you didn't have to be imprisoned to be in prison they made your own home a priest they said you cannot come out of your house you're on lock down and that is what they want to do to those who don't take the facts now you can see this this authoritative you know if we do not stand up right now and the time come where we would not have numbers or the bravery or the courage or the opportunity to stand up that was the time for the jews to stand up and fight against the nazis they did not do it when they should have there were so many opportunities so many times they could have done it right from the time that you know jewish stones were attacked because jews were once the most powerful people in germany they were the richest people in germany when people started attacking jerusalem even before that even before that the jews have been persecuted and persecuted and persecuted but the persecution was getting washed through the centuries in europe jews have been persecuted but what did they do they they ended up you know just they said where there are a lot of christians who are always folding their hands and are currently back and you have pastors who always called um preachers who get into politics or want to talk about policies for sick the church should stand up the same way we have that there were jewish leaders who will push back the way jewish rabbis would be ah keep quiet and mellow you know and the persecution kept getting worse how could jews be the richest people in germany in one century then a little while down the road they are all taken to constitutional caps what happened when good men do silence when good men are silenced evil is going to prosper and you can see that with um what hollywood is and the whole state of the world now with will smith and these celebrities i have said on numerous occasions we christians we need to stand up and make sure that nobody becomes a celebrity that we do not want we need to control that understand that right now celebrity hood is controlled by the new world order for it to be a celebrity you have to be on the left you have to say leftists you have to be pro gay pro this pro any new thing they come out after they have come out to the vax you have to be that a lot of people who wear in hollywood they were pro everything but with these facts they are like ah but now it's like you have already subscribed to that you have to be you know you you whether you need or not you approve whatever they told you to be now you are pushing for their agenda so whatever next they come out with if they come out with all these obvious people we need to send them to this concentration camp and make them do all the work and all of that and then we'll be eating they'll be working in farms and then providing food for us and all of that you'll still have to go along with it because they will push forth all kinds of situations where for it to be a celebrity continues you have submitted yourself to slavery at the beginning you sold your soul you sold your freedom of speech you sold your individuality for so-called fortune or fame so for you to maintain that you have to go that way so you see it's very important this is a matter of saving the world with christians we must decide who a celebrity is we must pull down people who are not serious who are not um pro-christian who are not pro-patriotic who are not pro-god you know the one true god jesus christ you know we must have our own um industries our own um media our own you know companies that would take over and replace our solar panel of hollywood this is something that we have to do otherwise rule face the consequences of the new world order that is controlling hollywood this is just the beginning this is will smith and a lot of people who are white you know would imagine that will smith will not do this will smith is pushing crc criticalist theory and saying that he suggests he should be renamed to truth theory so now the truth according to him is that all white people are racist that all white people are bad that all all white people are the devil that you know whiteness is evil is that what will smith is saying now is that what he's pushing who would have imagined that will smith fell this way or we push this and these are people who have no soul who have sold their soul to the devil will smith has sold his soul to the devil for him to be pushing critical race theory and he suggested that critical race theory should be renamed to truth theory you know this is how they want to pre-package just like they repackage abortion as pro-choice we are giving the mother the choice to kill the baby or to not kill the baby you know we are giving the mother the right they won't want to use the word killed you know we are giving the mother the right to choose between having the baby and not having the baby if the mother didn't want to have the baby she could have kept her left closed and in spite of all the um technology the things that we have gotten thanks to a mass increase in in technological know-how there are so many ways for people to fornicate without having children you know yet they choose and they insist that nah you must get pregnant and will kill that baby because if people really care about you know the individual the mother why won't you push okay for example there are so many ways even when it comes to sexual operations and apart from that even when you look at um setting um accounts of egypt ancient egypt in the days of the pharaoh there were best control methods that were used in those days and there there's content about that how about now all the um the the methods of you know controlling you know the process of someone getting pregnant to make sure the person does not get pregnant understand that abortion is not best control abortion is mother you know when you are talking abortion the birth control parts have you have lost that one you know you did not control you know anything you know you you miss you miss that opportunity the opportunity to control they get having the child has gone but it's part of all this as a matter of fact there are people who who rape women and in spite of the fact that it is rape they do it in such a way that there is no evidence no evidence then you want to tell me that someone is complaining you know and of course rape is terrible and you know so nobody should take this video out of context but you see what i'm talking about this technique and the knowledge about sex and you know reproduction there is so much information out there when it comes to sex and reproduction that people can if you don't want to get pregnant you would not get pregnant you know and of course as a christian i would say that you should learn discipline so you discipline your body and you reserve yourself for one person and then you carry out your sexual activities with the person that you are married to you know but all of that being said to get back to this celebrity something in addition to the necessity to understand what these celebrities are and why those who are allowed to be celebrities are still being allowed it is because they are supporting a new one other other agenda you know and such a terrible thing for us me to actually say this he has a lot of um white fans you know a lot of parts of european descent he you know this is no this should come as no big surprise you know um when i really think about it you know but you know as somebody who has um come to terms with the fact that this is what hollywood is and hollywood is controlled by a new world order this should not be a surprise to you that this is what they are doing but we need to do something now you know and one of the things that i'll be doing on my end with um the investors club is to create a situation where we can practically come together you know invest start companies push our own mission our own vision for the world create a situation where if anybody has to be a celebrity they have to push for our own view which is not our view but god's view the bible's view are not a view of a so-called pastoral preacher there are so many of them who have been brought by the devil and who have been brought by the new world order and doing the work of the devil like the pope the pope had not believed in jesus for so long the pope is not a christian the pope does not love jesus do not care about jesus does not believe in christianity the pope does not believe in the bible the pope does not believe in the bible you know that is something that is obvious there is something i've said for a long time but um most people are just only now having their eyes open to that but that being said you see um this is something we must act upon it is very important that we have this that we do this you know we take power and we move fast we must also make sure we do things you know when you reach out to me on alfred dot vip and you know get to be a part of the investor school we'll talk about plans that will come up with plus to make sure that there is no so-called celebrity that is a celebrity that is not chosen by christians true christians by the church those who are jesus actually not those who are claiming to be christian not those who have made a religion out of christianity no the trash itself must decide

that basically for more check out


- Angela Rye: Will Smith talks Defund the Police:

- TheQuartering: Will Smith Promotes CRT & Demands Defunding Of Police While Getting Police Escourt Everywhere:

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