Warface : Origins Season : Video Game Previews : Alfred


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A large-scale seasonal update "Origins" has been installed on the Warface servers. It features military-style content, an all-new Battle Pass system, technical improvements and much more. You are in for a new Ranked Matches season, log-in streak rewards, contracts and other novelties.  

{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i'm going to talk about the video game office now the origin season has been launched and it's a typical first person shooter it's okay it's good you know but it doesn't show anything extraordinary when it comes to the gameplay there is nothing really new that catches the eye and of course story-wise i couldn't get too much based on the trailer that i saw it is very important that as christians we get into the entertainment space and we can make games that rather than killing people will save lives so it is kind of like a first responder situation where you are going in to save lives and rather than shooting people to death you are destabilizing them you know you're stunning them or rendering them unconscious so that they can face justice delegate away that it's an interesting way to go that video games have not seen that can actually really revolutionize all these shooting in video games and change how people are because a lot of people say violent video games do not affect them everything you do affects you it influences you in one word whether now if you are fighting back negative messages but receiving negative messages even though it doesn't make you negative or creates an evil personality because you are fighting back you are still doing something that time could have been better spent from building yourself in a positive direction so this is a concept that will really revolutionize and change the way people are and to stop them from being this sensitized to violence when the whole thing is changed so if you like to be a part of making positive video games that will really change and revolutionize since richard wilson alfredo's vip will be looking forward to hearing from you be a part of our investor school God bless you


- Warface: [PC] "Origins" Season Story Trailer:

- GameTrailers: Warface: Origins Season - Official PC Launch Trailer:



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