Spotify Music Hides My Music From Search Results : Alfred Speaks
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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:
hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk about my artist channel on spotify that's my music at his channel or spotify i discovered that when you search for my name alfred i am not among the list of artists that show now i have more albums than a lot of other artists you know perhaps more than
um when it comes to releasing albums not singles perhaps in the whole world when it comes to the musicians that have released music i would say i would be in probably the top 30 but when it comes to music chants that have certainly been around for like 10 years i i have put out more music than them but yet when you search for my name on spotify it doesn't come up note that i have songs talking about basically everything that is happening now i talk about it's happening last year and you know because of what i say about you know the vox bill gates and all of that because i put that in the music
that also explains a lot as to why this profile will ban me understand that before this you know it is not even banning it's more shadow banning because i am still on spotify but you have to follow the direct link but if you search for me as an artist you won't see it you have to follow a direct link or search for my name and the name of the song if you search for just the name of the song i won't come up even if it says a a song name that i'm the only artist in the world who named that song that's you know so that's what spotify does you know who knows what other people do but note that ditto music who used to be the distributor i used you know after paying their yearly fee they also did a lot of data tricks to kick me off because last year i was releasing a lot of albums and songs about the quarantine you know the the uh the virus the whole scheme and that's the vox should be coming at the vax mandate plan and all of that you know so also i was making a lot of pro-trump music so that's annoyed a lot of people as a matter of fact when you look at the list of songs that you know people play list of songs that i've made that people play on spotify when you go directly to my spotify page you'll see one of the top songs is george floyd riots so they don't want somebody with my skin color saying that kind of thing you know so that's why the shadow bunny dero music actually kicked me off their platform it's part of the fact i played a few bits uh that that is due to a scene d-i-t-o music they are a distributor so i moved to distro kids so is this rookie that i'm working with understand that this rocket is owned by spotify so there's so much to say about that and also in addition to um that's you know there's there's more to be said but i'll leave that for you know other videos for now check out alfred those vip for more know that that is the short place for you to get my music for now you know i'm sure they're thinking of a way to kick me off of the hosting and also the domain name ownership because this is a matter of censorship they don't want people saying certain kinds of sins have a nice day
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