University of California Research Finds Teen Boys Are 6x More Likely To Get Heart Problems From The Vax Than Be Hospitalized By The Virus : by Alfred
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hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk to you about the research by the university of california you know it has found that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems caused by the works you know and then getting hospitalized as a result of the so-called you know covidi
you have to at this point be blind not to realize what is going on and you see it is very important that people fight back against this tyranny this is a plan that is clearly for the population of the world these are the same people that are telling you that the population of the world has to decrease the population of the world has to be caught by over 3 billion to in order to save the planets these are the same people yet people keep believing things that come out from their mouths because in most people's minds it's like oh this is coming from an expats it is so fascinating look if a doctor tells you jump off a cliff it's good for your health will you automatically say wow how this while i thought jumping off a cliff was stupid but now that a doctor have said it i think it makes sense let me jump off it of a cliff it's good for my health but you see that is the way people are today the more evidence that comes out that this whole thing is a fiasco the more evidence that comes out about this vex being dangerous and it is far more safer for you not to do anything than for you to get the facts no matter how much evidence comes out no matter how many lies are told that are unveiled and then a new life is told to cover up the old life people keep going with it because it's like oh this is what cnn says this is what msnbc says oh this is what the professional oh this is what the intelligence see of the world see this is what the intelligent currency oh this is a sophisticated crowd this is what they believe you see this is very dangerous and it is only going to lead to
a street of disaster now i would like to advise parents you know to start making ultimatums you know to the school system you are in charge you are you you are your kids parents it is not the states that is the kids parents the state does not take care of your kids the states did not give back to your kids it is up to you to decide the fates of your kids so make sure that you take your life back make sure that you take control of your kids back you take your kids future back from the government start placing ultimatums with the schools and telling them you won't do this and you won't do that this violates your beliefs these violate your beliefs start telling the school that you know it is unfortunate that many people are not on board but you have to stand you know if you stand for nothing as it has been said you know you'll fall for everything for more check out alfredo's vip