Two New Afghan Refugees Have Already Racked Up One Pedo Charge & One Spousal Assault Charge Between Them : by Alfred
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hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk about the new story that has broken it's going viral right now you know that two afghan refugees you know have been arrested on charges of you know child sex abuse which is pedophilia and also spousal assault charges that's beating his wife first of all in afghanistan as as it is in certain cultures you know especially in islam it is okay to beat your wife that is part of their culture now when the western world when america europe and all these nations are bringing in people with all these cultures and are not vetting them what do you expect to happen so first of all the guy who will charge for assault isn't that in line with with islam and setting sec um portions of islamic doctrine so that is a violation of religious rights and freedoms and all the whatever virtue signaling leftists love to do for muslims so he is within his rights because it is in line with sharia and sharia law you know for him to beat up his wife now the aspect of child sex abuse that is no big surprise you know there are a lot of weird things that happen in a lot of these places when you were allowing people to leave afghanistan to come into america without being vetted you know and these are people that obviously the taliban allowed them to get into the airport and now they are americans who are stuck there you know and for most of them who has doctors actually christian organizations that flew in there a lot of people like to question and condemn preachers and christians who own planes well it is christian organizations who flew in there with their planes and brought out most americans sadly some were turned back you see by the u.s government not even by the taliban but that didn't make the mainstream media you know it was just um something that the person complained about that it's you know it's made um the 700 club news and all of that but these are things that people need to realize i talked about this that there will actually be a boost in terror attacks that is what is going to happen next because this is keep going to keep getting worse what did you guys expect you know this is what you voted for this is what you wanted when you kicked out trump and you went to work this is what workness creates for more check out alfredo's vip