Nigerian Governor Of Rivers State Goes To A Church To Insult Christians Yet Again : by Alfred


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hello everybody i'm alfred and i would like to talk about the governor of river states in nigeria governor wiki going to a church you know or so-called you know to actually deliver a tangalashi now this is not the first time that he has done this and he needs to stop doing this you know he should go to church to listen not to teach christians need to stay clear of churches that are willing puppets for the government churches needs to be mindful of who they let speak from the pulpits you know that is a secret location the church needs to be

careful with the things that it does this particular church seems to be exchanging integrity for celebrity brand association you know governor wiki has no love or respect for christians or christianity neither does he believe in the benefits or positive impact of christianity in society that is why he went to that church i was told lasting christians if he wants to do that kind of thing and to bring out the rules of the nigerian people are complaining about all the things that nigerian people are doing wrong he should do it from the government's house he should do it on his own platform not come to a church and then from a church he's now speaking about all the things that nigerians are doing wrong in his eyes that is not how to behave because that means that he's talking to chris and that means that he sees christians as the problem that is what he's doing he's not going to try this at a mosque he's not going to go to a mosque or a gathering of muslim leaders and deliver that kind of tongue action you see there is no excuse you cannot say that well he's just talking to all nigerians not necessarily christians you going to a church you are speaking at the church you are talking to christians and you are told lashing them that oh this for that for that false you see

christians you know and churches rather than taking pride in being allowed to stand in a politician christians should only stand behind politicians that support the church stand only behind politicians that stand behind god that stand behind the bible that stand behind christianity that we support christianity not the ones that will come and deliver tongue lashes to you for more check out alfredo's vip

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