My Thoughts On Vax Mandate Protests In Netherlands & Global Freedom Protests : by Alfred


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Click Here To Download: My Thoughts On Vax Mandate Protests In Netherlands & Global Freedom Protests : American News Updates - by Alfred





- Adam Crigler: The world is against the mandates. Here is the Netherlands.  Their National motto is “I will maintain”:

- LUKE2FREEDOM: One more video from yesterday I forgot to post. A music artist performing a song. "Sling Shot" Medical Freedom Rally NYC (09-18-2021):

- LUKE2FREEDOM: Medical Freedom Rally NYC (09-18-2021) "My body my choice":

- LUKE2FREEDOM: Jamaican Man singing during the Medical Freedom Rally in NYC...(09-18-2021):

- Paul Joseph Watson: The Aussies are righteous in their rebellion. Enough is enough.:


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