Why Hasn't The Republican Party Called For & Persisted On The Impeachment Of Joe Biden? : Alfred Speaks
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*Biden May Be Sleepy Joe But The Republican Party Has Always Been Asleep To Protecting Republican Voters*
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hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to ask why aren't there cause to impeach biden biden has done a million times more of what people claimed president trump did and yet there's not even a single call for his impeachment the democrats have control of the media the control of the security agencies the cia the fbi all of them are on the side of the democrats the celebrities so much is on the side of the democrats and they can't get away with anything but republicans control nothing this is sad and we as christians we need to basically from the maga movement grow out expand take over the republican party completely and truly and then do the same for the democrat party so both sides we are there and no matter who gets the crown or the of the seat of power we win for more check out alfred vip