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Unasked Questions That Proves American Puppet Masters Engineered The Taliban Takeover : American News Updates


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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i want to address a few important questions nobody is asking about the taliban taking over the nation of afghanistan first of all america is so happy to use drone strikes to kill innocent people why doesn't the american government use any drones in this situation if they use drones it will solve a lot of problems to solve every problem number two why did the american army retreat let's understand something about this their decision to be retracted the forest retraction you know the all the soldiers yesterday returning hope was not fully in effect what embodied the taliban to move forward and what made the u.s army to recede why did they stop you know if there are soldiers on a military base just like if the embassy is attacked then most soldiers will be sensing why was the others given for instead of increasing you know the american presence or the ones that are on the ground taking charge and moving out why were they actually told to retreats this is planned at this stage and this is something that the military wanted it is all organized it is not like the target ban is more powerful than the u.s i mean the party the taliban is not there is something that as a matter of fact elio morse alone if he wants to kill all the taliban leaders he can easily send a drone with the that has facial recognition features and it will go to where this taliban leaders are and simply explode but this is what those people want you know so this is a victory this is actually part of a grand plan these are questions nobody asks for more check out alfredo's vip thank you and God bless you


- The Taliban Taking Over Afghanistan:

- Tensions high in Kabul as Taliban turns away fleeing Afghans from airport l ABC News:

- Candace Owens Reacts to Joe Biden's Afghanistan DISASTER:

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