The UK Rolls Out Rainbow Police Car Fleet : United Kingdom News Updates



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The UK Rolls Out Rainbow Police Car Fleet : United Kingdom News Updates


{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk about the rule outs of rainbow police cars in the uk i have said it on many occasions you see the lgbt community this is their making their tough this is what the nazis did they put the nazis sign and logo on everything this is to show their dominion this is to make that charity this is to show that they want things and this is what is happening why are you now having a rainbow fleet rainbow police cars is this not what the uk has turned to and this shows how they are promoting that agenda i have won on serious occasions and i've talked about christians taking every position of authority and power because guess what the devil and there are other groups you know that are aligned with the devil who are all in this race for for power in different areas and they want to transform the world and reshape the world in their image or towards their ideology but christians who actually have a message that we bless people are not doing this at all it is unfortunate we stick to the format of just building churches and the devil has brought all kinds of oppositions that those who are using that format of building searches and growing can't keep up you can't keep up with affecting the lives of your community if you are just bringing churches if you are just building choices expecting people to come to them because they're really doing everything else and the devil has put a lot of stumbling blocks in the people's mind like oh all those people who go to church they are stupid the pastor is taking advantage of them getting money from them or the priest is um touching the little boys all kinds of things oh those people are lame people cool people go to parties lame people go to church all those things the devil has put to make sure that that strategy doesn't work all this are more it's part of the fact that a lot of the leaders in a lot of churches are actually plants from sata satanic organizations so satan has that cover we need to spread that and do all that since this rainbow cast says a lot make sure to check out alfredo vip for more.




- Britain's New Police Cars...: 

- Former officer reacts in anger at police cars being repainted in support of the LGBT+ community:

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