Rare Beasts : Movie Reviews - by Alfred


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An anti rom-com about Mandy, a career-driven single mother, who falls in love with the charming, traditionalist Pete.

{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i want to talk about the movie red beasts now from the name you would think that it is um um kind of like in the genre of fantasy you know with beasts animals dragons you know that's kind of perhaps game of thrones kind of um scene or perhaps you know legend of the seeker kind of presentation but apparently this is a um goes for romance nowadays this is uh a so-called romance story and it shows a lot of what i've been talking about and you know the issues with the so-called um more than love them and try to you know figure out what that is the thing with movies like this is that you see in this case it is very obvious because of the jumble of stuff that is happening you know that it shows a strong need for christians to actually control the rhetoric and to actually make the movies and you know be the ones who are teaching ideas and concepts of love because there are a lot of things that are presented in this movie are situations that people find themselves in in relationships in the real world and you know most people will relate to them but those are people in the world who do not live by the world if you live by the world you will have the answers and as a matter of fact you won't find yourself in all those funny situations you know it's a jumble of so many things feminism you know the feminist approach to um marriage you know the questions you know and that um can be posed to some feminists in a movie that is supposed to promote feminism you know a whole bunch of um different things and it shows how confused people are you know we as christians need to um take the lead in this you know enough cannot be said about it now if you would like to be a part of um what we are doing to take over the entertainment industry what we plan to do plus if you like to be a part of um helping craft our future plans reach out to us on alfredo vip are looking forward to hearing from you that being said if you would like to start your own um christian entertainment company a movie company video game company or music company whatever just take the first step you know that's all it is when you take the first step you will see you can take a second step and then it did and then and the thoughts and so on and so forth that's just what you do now if you haven't given your life to christ go to salvation prayer without freedom of vip you'll find a salvation prayer day thank you and god bless you

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