Is It A Sin To Take The Vaccine : Ask Pastor Alfred - by Alfred


Is It A Sin To Take The Vaccine : Ask Pastor Alfred - by Alfred

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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred i am listening to ask us to alfred the question of today is is it a scene to take the vaccine now the answer is quite simple what is sin you know sin is disobedience to god

does god want you to take the vaccine what is the answer no so that that answers itself you know the question answers is it a sin to take a vaccine does god want you to take the vaccine no so therefore taking the vaccine is a sin you know and there are some things that you cannot press the rewind button on so be mindful of that just like you cannot deny jesus christ and press the rewind button on that if you deny jesus christ before men he will deny you before his father heaven that is what jesus said there are certain things that there is no rewind button on do not take the vaccine back taking a vaccine is the same now you may ask what should you do if you have already taken the vaccine you know that will be a topic for another day thank you and god bless you

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