You Won't Believe What Modern Feminists Celebrate Regarding Relationships : Alfred Reacts


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i waited two months to [ __ ] this guy raw and after we [ __ ] raw he goes to me yay i dated this guy that didn't have health insurance and that was his personal sti test yay i dated a guy who had me drive him to cvs to pick up my valentine's day present yeah i got played by a guy that wanted me first both the guys i were talking to you got girlfriends

the last guy i hooked up with doesn't remember my name

me and my twin sister had sex in the same room my boyfriend of two years had another girlfriend the whole time hi my name's stephania and i have more bodies than all my friends combined yay one time i dated a man for three months and he still never kissed me

i tatted my boyfriend's name on my chest and he cheated on me a week i later my ex borrow my car and he crashed it on his way to visit his other girlfriend

i went over to my girlfriend's house and she told me that i was just an experiment and she got back with her boyfriend

the bar i saw for men is so low that when he texts me out of the blue so he can use me again i get happy because he's choosing to use me again

the bar except for men is so low that when he offers to pay for my plan b i think he's a gentleman yeah the bar except for men is so low that when he told me he [ __ ] his ex and his best friend i said thank you for being honest yay

the bar i set for men is so low that when he comes to pick me up for a date and he actually knocks on the door i'm ready to propose yay the bar is separate man is so low that when he told me he didn't want to see me again i was happy at least hitting goes to me yeah i sneak my boyfriend and all my parents are sleeping i steal my dad's credit card to buy my boyfriend weed

i dated a really nice guy then broke up with him and dated his best friend

i lost my virginity in the back of a car i dated my best friend's brother

i went back to my cheating act

my ex has hooked up with all of my friends

i hooked up with my best friend's boyfriend i'm the only one

so i was talking to a guy for three years and he never made me his girlfriend yay the more society verse away from judeo-christian values and try to push away christianity and christian values from everything the more society declines and when it comes to the aspects of relationships thanks to this fight against judeo-christian values things keep getting worse and it will keep getting washed because the light is not there now you see christ is the light and if you do not have that light and if you do not have that light in you you are going to move and operate in the dark god's word is the light that god is this world without that light all that we have is darkness and you'll be a combination of wrong decisions you can celebrate your wrong decisions and have fellowship with people who make wrong decisions and heading deeper and deeper into destruction like you you can have fellowship and dance around people who are in darkness like you but guess what you are all just going to still end up in that location called destruction because here on the path of destruction you know and one thing i like to say about

women who are expecting so much from men when it comes to relationships my question for you is what do you bring to the table it goes both ways have you ever asked yourself what are you actually bringing and for the men who are going into the manuscript you know and you are constantly making videos about all the things that are wrong with women and females in the in relationship you just like those women put yourself in that situation you see because you choose to walk away from the word of god what does the word of god see about dating and the kind of person you want to be in the relationship it's you go stare the word of god you ignore the word of god now you are finding yourself in a situation where you are pulling out all your past relationships and showing everybody all the negative the things that happen and they are attributing it to how all women behave so both sides are toxic you know and the manuscript is going to end up leading towards being gay you see because when you are doing that all women are this way all women are this this way the same way the women on one side do all men are dogs or men are dogs when you are doing this the men are saying all women are you know they are not worth it and they are all about money what is going to now happen when it comes to the aspect of relationship it leads to us more of women married women or women going into relationships of a sexual nation with women and men doing the same thing with men which is going to lead to even more chaos and understand that this is all part of the devil's big scheme and plan so things are working out quite well for him but all of this is as a result of stepping away from the word of god you got yourself into the situation you are in because you stepped away from the word of god previous generations didn't have to deal with all this nonsense people got married and stayed married you know and the more it comes down the line the more it grows towards the generation the worse and the more difficult it is to be in a relationship or so it seems we have people who are celebrating who have been married for 15 years and they think it's something to celebrate

and they are celebrating it is as oh i have achieved something i've done something so difficult that is the problem you should be celebrating that the same way someone celebrates their big day not like oh look at what i have accomplished other people fell on the wayside some people made it five years some people made it 80s some people you know can't even make it a month before having a divorce better many 15 years previous generations never thought like that they never had a problem because they were much more closer and rooted into their christian values the more people go back to the bible the better for you you know so that is the solution it is something that's your your being in this position that you are in now and the way society is in the position that is enough is because of the lack of christian values pushing away the bible and the way out is also bringing back the bible so bring by the bible in your life believe in the bible and when you listen to the bible you won't find yourself in a situation where you regret some of you may be saying what about christians who get divorced christians who get divorced did not live by the word of god you know anybody can open their mouth and see a christian as a matter of fact if the church of satan wakes up opening and says that they are a christian church and they are now they say that their new denomination under the current laws that exist nobody can stop them they have the right to do that that goes to show you you know the the the reality of people saying they're christian anybody can say that they're christian you know there are people who have invented their own books and added to the bible and said that they are their own denomination of christianity there are people who don't believe in the bible there are people who pick and select what parts of the bible they believe there are people who are doing their own thing they are people who say they are christian but you know they believe in everything that is anti-christian

so that just goes to show you you cannot say oh but what about this christian and that christian being divorced no how many christians lived by the word of god in their lives especially in their relationship they obey the instructions of the word of god from choosing who they choose to make their spouse to living their everyday life with their spouse and with their relationships with men as well as their relationship with god you know having god included in that relationship so there are three people in that relationship god the man and the woman

when that is so then you would have a blissful life and a blissful relationship thank you and god bless you

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