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Naked Singularity : Movie Reviews - by Alfred


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When a successful New York public defender loses his first case, his life begins to unravel.

{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk to you about the movie [ __ ] singularity now that's basically a terrible name you know bets you know let me just read the official synopsis when a successful new york public defender loses his first case his life begins to unravel you know based on the trailer you know there is an african-american you know who i believe is a lawyer and he you know lost the case based on you know quote-unquote racism you know it's not overt from the trailer you know but you know that is basically the team you know and he's around people that it's like the justice system and all of that has filled him so you know the life of crime you know some people want to pull out a some basically a drug heist situation and it's like them convincing him to be a part of it and you know him agreeing to go along with them then at the same time still being a lawyer and all of that so it's a kind of um a whole jumbo situation that um that is you know there is much to be said about this but clearly this would have been much better as a christian movie this would have been much better if it was a movie that pushed for the gospel that you know sought to change lives and transform people's life with the gospel of jesus christ you know and um if you like to be a part of transforming this world with the gospel you know using entertainment and every single thing else reach out to us on you know if you want to start your movie studio your your music studio video against you that we make only christian entertainment it's just that god is with you you know take the first step when you take the first step you find out that you can take a second step and when you take a second step you find that i can take a third step and on and on and on and on just starts that's how to do it you know now if you've not given your life to christ go to and create the salvation prayer link in the menu when you do that the page will come out that has a prayer savage and say that prayer give your life to christ it's very important that you do that so thank you and god bless you

Movie Trailer:


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