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Language Lessons : Movie Reviews - by Alfred


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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk to you about the movie language lessons now this movie is very interesting when it comes to creativity it's something that's you know it's um it looks like it was shot during the lockdowns you know it's a very interesting concept even though it doesn't seem to be from the shayla that i saw but it is basically just through the screen i know that a lot of people are used to now watching youtube videos of those people talking so what's coming into 10 people or what passes for entertainment is different from what it was many years ago but still this is a movie and yes there's positions for creativity you know this is just basically an interaction a guy but um basically it's like his friend buys spanish lessons for for him to take online and you know like 100 punish um lessons and the female who is probably at the other side of the world you know they communicate through their computer and you know they get to know each other just about that dialogue now that might pass for content on a youtube channel but making it into a movie you have to understand certain traditions of the cinema even if you want to do it like it's a story that is being told true true the screen so you're watching people on the screen communicate to your shoulder you know it's like basically watching several skype conversations over a period of times to tell a story you know it creates a lot of limitations it is easier to shoot obviously since you only need um to set up cameras in just two locations you know around the pc and that is basically what we are showing you know since through the eyes of the screen you know bets since we have cell phones you could have gone into people's life and then they send video messages to people to the other side and that the world is seen through that and of course giving it that kind of camera view you know which is going to be basically like the opposite of a first person shooter view you know because in the first person shooter you are seeing things through the eyes of the individual that is going through the experience you know but in this case you are seeing chances like the camera looking back at the person so it would have been much more interesting but of course this is a movie that is not um originally um created directly from hollywood bigwigs you know there's something that it is um from the people you know people who just want to be creative and tell a story you know and that is from them and of course you can see of obviously this kind of movie is going to be very low budgets you know you can actually shoot this kind of movie for free which is you know a different point and something to learn from you know but that being said i have said quite a bit that could be used to make a lot of profit but the point is that you know we are christians should be the ones leading in all of this when it comes to creativity and putting out messages and of course you know seeing this kind of movie that requires zero dollars as he budgets churches should take notes and you can see that with this nobody needs an excuse no i mean nobody has an excuse for not making a movie you know anybody can make a movie you know because this is basically can you create a youtube video yes then you can make a movie also you know just about creativity and concepts you know and with the kind of thing that people put into the creation of their youtube videos which is timely you know that was a lot of youtube videos that are created after a certain time period it is no longer quite relevant it is now for historical archives especially when you deal with news content when a few days have passed or perhaps even that same day when a few ads has passed after that news has been broken you know your your video is no longer relevant per se you know it is just relevant in the sense of looking back at history or archiving history there is this only relevance because you know it's of um no longer any importance you are giving a view of something that happened when people know that it has happened it's over you know and explaining when it is something in news that is progressive you know that is changing you know it's like you give information before it cuts appearing after it cuts appearing that video you did is no longer relevant you need to post a new video about the outcome of the cuts hearing you know and all of that so um a lot of those videos are timely but yeah people put so much into it you could actually redirect your energy into something better which is actually making a movie because it will last longer and you tell a different type of story and tell a story that is timely you know you know i mean that is um classic you know a story that's you know wouldn't get out of dates or is indicted that being said if you like to be a part of um making movies and transforming the entertainment game reach out to us on you know if you would like to start your own movie studio you know just take the first step that's what it take when you take the first step you will see that you can take a second step when you take a second step you'll see that i can take a step step and on and on and on you know so that's just it if you haven't given your life to christ go to alfredo's vip click on the salvation prayer link in the main menu when do that repeat your command that has a prayer of salvation see that prayer and give your life to christ thank you and god bless you

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