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Lamb : Movie Reviews - by Alfred


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A childless couple, Marรญa and Ingvar discover a mysterious newborn on their farm in Iceland. The unexpected prospect of family life brings them much joy, before ultimately destroying them.

{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk to you about the movie lamp that's l-e-m-b lamp let me just read the official synopsis it shout childless couple maria and egnva discover a mysterious newborn on their farm in iceland the unexpected prospects for family life brings them much joy before ultimately destroying them now that's a good synopsis which puts a question you know in your mind you know and it creates you know a fascinating setup for different possibilities you know it's good setup for a plot the trailer was well put together except you know it would have benefited it you know for them to use text to put questions that would have driven curiosity all that was in the trailer are videos that will arise curiosity and race curiosity you know but as much as that is good you know it would have gone even further to really lead the people in the direction you want their thinking processes to go you want to lead people in the direction you want them to ask questions and so um that being said uh it's interesting how the movie turned out but note that every movie and every story would have been better if it was a christian story or movie the same thing with this especially with the movie called lamp you know and of course just as the lamb of god you know so you imagine how perfect this would have been if this was a christian movie you know and there's a lot of things that would go into it especially with a plot like this you know where a couple probably they can't have children of their own and then they mysteriously see a child you know in their farm so there are so many angles and so many ways to play about it you know from a christian listen if this is god's will did someone abandon the child you know what's the story behind it would the person come back you know them would they choose to go through a legal system to keep the child or would they just hide the child and then lie to their neighbors that um the child is there's you know where they came concocted because of fear of losing their children all of those kinds of things and then the child what it would shall grow up to be and if it's a horror there is the aspect of even the child being in nephilim or the child being you know something else or even the government experiment and you know it's like the child's growth is abnormal and the child grows up to have some kind of killer tendencies and all of that so that's a good setup for horror and all of that you know with a christian slant suite there are so many ways to go with that you know so um if you would like to be a part of making crystal movies you know because you know you want to start your own studio you know or you want to be part of what we are going to be doing with entertainment all around the world reach out to us on alfredo vip we are looking forward to hear from you now if you want to start your own studio you know your movie studio you want to make crystal movies on your own you know without them because you still have god and you know god is all you need all you just need to do now you know this with god god is with you just take the first step when you take the first step you will see that you'll be able to take a second step and when you take a second step you see that you'll be able to take a step step and on and on and on so just starts don't ask god how if you do you know if if god tells you how great but you know don't wait to have a full understanding of how you will get to from point a to point z just start working out abc just start going start start on the journey and you'll find yourself sooner or later at zev you know so that's that if you have not given your life to christ good so alfredo's vip click on the salvation prayer link in the main menu when do that page will come out that has a prayer salvation say that prayer and give your life to christ you know it's very important that you do that thank you and god bless you

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