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Gone For Good : Movie Reviews - by Alfred


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Guillaume thought he had drawn a line under the terrible tragedy which saw the two people he loved the most die. Ten years later, Judith, whose love has made his life worth living again, suddenly disappears during his mother's funeral.

{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i would like to talk to you about the mini series gone for good now let me just read the synopsis ghouliam thoughts he had drawn a line under the terrible tragedy which saw the two people he loved the most die ten years later judith whose love has made his life what living again suddenly disappears during his mother's funeral you know based on what i saw of the trailer it's basically a very interesting trailer you know that has a lot of twists and puns you know and which basically suits miniseries and the

trailer i saw was not in english you know probably there will be not just subtitles but voice over and english voice over you know if they are serious about um success because english is obviously you know the number one language you know so in as much as having movies in different languages you know has its place you know english is one of those languages that you cannot ignore that being said this movie has um smartly put together it may seem you know it would have been much better as a christian movie especially as they are dealing with the aspects of death you know and dying you know and of course there's the fear of death you know there are so many um angles to approach it from so the plots you know the story you know would have been much better as a christian story just like every other story now if you like to be a part of what we are planning to do regarding entertainment you know to take entertainment for god you know i you know you um wants to be on the right side of history and things reach out to us on alfred dot vip we are looking forward to hearing from you also note that

if you want to start your own studio whether it's a movie studio crystal movie studio crystal video game studio you know crystal music studio whatever just take the first step you know when you take the first step you will discover that you can take a second step when you take a second step you'll discover you can take a test you know that's just how it is you know that's the reality and that is what uh god is telling me to tell you so just start moving you know and do it for christ this is something that you have to do for christ you know the world does not need another worldly entertainment studio what the world needs is the gospel and the gospel needs to take over all of entertainment as well as everything else politics family life and everything else otherwise we keep on being victims of the darkness

it's that simple that being said you've not given your life to christ go to click on the salvation prayer link in the main menu when do that appear to come out of the house prophet saw we can say that try and give your life to christ thank you and god bless you


Movie Trailer:

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