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Charming The Hearts Of Men : Movie Reviews - by Alfred

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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hey everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk to you about the movie charming the hearts of men let me read you the official synopsis a romantic drama sets during the politically charged early 60s where a sophisticated woman returns to a southern hometown and discovers her options are limited yet discrimination is plentiful with the help of a congressional ally she inspires the historic legislation which allows opportunities and protections never before afforded to women now of course this is hollywood and you know it's all about propaganda now that we're in the season of black lives matter madness you know making everything about race and you know making all african americans look like slaves or descendants of slaves or poverty-stricken people who need um to be saved by the government and you know in exchange everybody has to become slaves of the government you know this push for feminism and madness you know that is basically what this movie is it's terrible it's just one represent propaganda and nonsense you know it is not historically accurate and you know you have to understand timing and also pushing forth things you know at certain times there's a way to tell um certain stories with certain exemptions to actually forward an agenda and you know it's unfortunate that this is how um women subject themselves to be programmed and african americans subject themselves to be programmed in this direction you know it is so unfortunate that being said if you like to be a part of making christian movies movies that would take the world for jesus you know if you want to take be a part of taking entertainment for jesus movies video games cartoons sitcoms the world of sports everything that has to do with entertainment reach out to us on you know and be a part of our plan in what we are going to do to take this whole world you know for jails you know via a bunch of different means including entertainment now if you haven't given your life to christ also go to alfred.jip click on the salvation prayer link in the main menu when you do that the page of commander has a prayer salvation say that prayer give your life to jesus christ so that is it's thank you and god bless you

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