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A Dark Foe : Movie Reviews - by Alfred


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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk about the movie a dark fool now the official synopsis of this movie is a guilt reading fbi stranded in the painful memory of the adoption of his sister would have to face off with the corning serial killer who took highway you know this is actually um an interesting movie it is something that i i just saw the trailer and i thought it was basically you know a serial killer and you know an fbi agent hunting down a serial killer and you know the action that goes with it but apparently it is very interesting because as a child he was um attacked by this guy his family was attacked his mother was cured his sister was taken away and um he ended up becoming an fbi agent and he still had um that nightmare haunting him so he was still on his own personal kind of mission to track down what's happened and to track down the sky and it's like um along this the waist something up popped up with that same emo you know so it's like the same guy and then he's you know after that so it's kind of like a revenge aspect to it and he's he's going after the thriller killer but

that is um it's i would say it is um it is a variation from the expected you know it's it's not like it's a new kind of plot it's something that is typical the action is not really there if it's really action but there is action in the general sense of the word action but not action like if you have like looking for an actual movie it's not really what you would go for you know it's more of like a detective trailer kind of um sort of thing you know that being said this movement would have been far better as a crystal movie and there are so many things that could have been done with this and if you like to be a part of taking over the entertainment industry movies video game sitcoms and every single thing that has to do with entertainment concepts shoes stadiums sports if you like to be a part of taking it with the gospel reach out to us on and find out more about our plans and be a part of our plans thank you and god bless you also if you haven't given your life to christ go to click the salvation prayer link at the main menu when do that page cannot have the prayer of salvation say that prayer and give your life to christ thank you and god bless

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