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Werewolves Within : American Movie Reviews - by Alfred


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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred i am listening to alfred's american movie reviews i would like to talk about the movie werewolf switzer now where was within is very interesting you know when the trailer started playing i saw an ubisoft logo and i was wondering whether ubisoft has now gone into making movies you know that would be an ingenious move you know no video game company has chosen to make that switch even though it's a logical switch you know one would think that some will do that you know it's just like also a company expanding into uh from movies to games but you know creativity and ingenuity true ingenuity so when it came when it comes to business decisions you know and creativity apparently it's not um that rampant in any case this movie is actually a an adaptation of a video game that the the trailer actually playfully makes fun of a video game that nobody has heard about it's clearly it's not one of ubisoft's um popular games it is not um a game that people are really that aware of bets you know with games now being something that you can just download on your phone and play there are a lot of games that people don't know that is not really part of pop culture is not really recognized but it has millions of downloads you know or even hundreds of millions of downloads but it's still not part of pop culture you know it's still not popular so um this game um it's probably going to eventually end up close to that category you know especially if they choose to expand it as a franchise but werewolf within is basically about where was attacking a small town and the fox you know in that town you know it has a lot of comedy sweets so it's fun action and all of that but imagine if this was a christian film that would be much better you know imagine how much more awesome it's been you know the christian aspect fighting against werewolves an action hero you know and all of that and leading people on how you know the gospel of jesus christ is actually going to being tangled into this plot and of course um probably by um certain discovery or certain revelation there is a way to maybe switch werewolves back into completely human or actually um there is a lot of stuff that could actually be done you know that being said

i would like you to go to alfredo's vip and reach out to us if you are interested in the movie industry making crystal movies and you know actually reaching out to this world through the movie um industry you know perhaps even the video game industry we are looking forward to hearing from you and if you haven't given your life to christ click the salvation prayer link in the main menu on alfredo vip and see that prayer that pops up thank you and god bless you

Movie Trailer:

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