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The True Don Quixote : Movie Reviews - by Alfred


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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk about the movie the true don quoi you know this movie is basically about the crazy person who thinks he's a knight now you know he gets a young kid you know to be his um square and basically his adventures um going forward this is not the first time that the movie has been based upon you know a crazy person you know and it goes without saying since it's a comedy um i'm not sure that's the only way for it to work or so it would seem but it is going to end up being a slacker movie you know basically um what most people will call this tuna movie you know because um

you won't you you wouldn't really expect much from it you just expect jokes going forward but the thing that's um the aspect of the fact that the guy is crazy would make it more difficult for the jokes to really hit because i now laughing at a crazy person you know and that goes without saying when it comes to movies like this you know as a christian you know we have the opportunity like if we touch on this kind of thing we can bring the the aspect of divine healing you know people being divinely healed from insanity and mental illness and all of that you know that is an important factor you know to be brought to kind of sterilized like this and also the aspect of is a guy really crazy or or what of if he's not really crazy but he's doing this as a kind of smoke screen for something also because of something else you know so there's um um a lot that goes into it you know and a lot of playing around that we could actually do and at the end of the day give glory to god you know that being said if you're interested in making christian movies you know you like to be a part of creating the best in christian entertainment you know video games cartoons what have you just invested in it richardson alfredo vip you know we are looking forward to hearing from you that being said thank you and god bless you

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