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Sky Rojo : Series Reviews - by Alfred


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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk about the series sky road show now this is a netflix series under season 2 um the trailer just um came out and basically from what i see you know this obsession with um making women more masculine you know and you know the feminist aspect and you know the so-called taking it going away from the dancing and stretch to making women um tougher than men um it's crazy in some ways it's kind of like pawn for people who are into that kind of fetish you know for men you know people don't realize that the families who are pushing that don't know that um most means read that to me and the reality of the matter is that um on one hand apart from the fact that social media has been made since beginning of time you know the female who looks um

like the skinny model the slim fits um model not more or fits but you know it's actually beating up guys that are 300 times their size and all of that but you know the added feminist aspect kind of ruins the fetish also for those who are into that [ __ ] you know this concept of the actual movies where the women just beat up all the guys they are tougher than all the guys you know and they are smarter than all the guys it's kind of like changing gender rules changing rules you know putting the women as the male and putting the men as the female when it comes to um the outline you know interestingly even the the soundtrack that went with the trailer was talking about the new world order um this is why it's very important for us christians to actually be the ones who are actually leading and making movies and also shuts down the world's movies the movies that the world makes you know we can do that with um our dollars first of all from you know the aspect of not patronizing it and the aspect of buying up their studios and of course winning people to christ and all of that so there are many aspects of um attacking this issue but it needs to be attacked head on there are a lot of dangers to the continuous pushing of this because it's an agenda for propaganda to help program people's mind in a certain direction you know and based on the trial i can't even tell it has a if sort of lesbian vibe to it also so um these things need to really be stopped you know netflix is a big pusher of um just craziness now if you would like to be a part of making crystal movies or you know you would like to start your own studio you know you want to invest it also you want to be an actor and actress or whatever you know that goes into the production or even with when it comes to video games or anything of that nature racial tools and alfredo alfred.jip we are looking forward to hearing from you it's very important that you do that you know so um also if you've not given your life to christ when you go to alfred vip click on the salvation prayer link in the main menu when do a page commander has a prayer of salvation say that prayer telling god that you want to become a christian you want to give your life to christ you know and then that's your journey with god so thank you and god bless you

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