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For The UAE : A Nation With A News Media For Peace - by Alfred


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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred i am listening to for the uae

i would like to talk about the quality of news that circulates around the uae it is important that as christians we get a hold on that you know because the news is a powerful means of controlling

people because there you can manipulate the opinions their likes and their dislikes you can manipulate their future actions as well as their present actions through the news and you know if there's anything that the past you know administration in america has taught everyone you know when you look at the relationship with with the past administration and the media as well as the current administration and the media i'm talking about um the president trump administration and as well as the biden administration which is the current administration you know when you look at the relationship with the media like recently the white house press secretary was called on cnn and cnn was actually you know the brand's toyota i believe is his name you know was telling um josecki or you know the white house secretary was telling her how can we save you what is it that's um we are we are not doing rights you know how can a network how can a so-called journalist ask someone that's who is who they are supposed to be holding accountable you know look at the treatments that cnn gave donald trump and they gave the previous sec um his previous um secretary which was um um i believe i'm sorry how could be and then the new one which was imran mcnaney you know so i know i'm not really getting the pronunciations of their names right but um you know the people i'm referring to you know look at the treatments that cnn msnbc the the fake news media you know gave them then now with the body administration they are actually boldly and this is not something that a secret is something that they actually did publicly accent how can we save you what is it that you are doing wrong what do you how do you want to change how how do you want us to portray you you know so uh that is sad and that is something that is um you have to take a um um to accounts a lot of the media is all about manipulation so we as christians need to get a handle on um the media and control the media in the uae you know so that's it thank you god bless you remember to check out

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