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CODA : Movie Reviews - by Alfred


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{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred and i would like to talk to you about the movie coda now this is a very interesting movie a very interesting plot you know it's basically about a young female who is from a deaf family a family where basically everybody is there but she has dreams of being a musician and she wants to be a musician and of course that's apparently the only one in her family that can hear she has been kind of like a support for all of them and of course she can speak sign language but now that she wants to chase after her dreams there is the friction between her leaving her family and of course the issues that the family are facing and you know other factors like um have been in a relationship of or meeting someone and all of that so a lot of different things are happening but it is um properly structured and aligned the plot is quite good however this movie could have been much better as a christian movie expertly since you have a family where everybody is deaf you know the deaf you know receiving hearing or the blind receiving outside you know those are simple and common things that happen in laws in christianity and that you know every christian can do so same um a movie where um people get get to um meet with the truth of the gospel and then they get healed and they receive their hair and that's what have really been a great icing on the cake for a movie such as this you know it would have been really great and awesome in that way so that being said

i would like you to go to alfredo's vip and click on the service of prayer if you've not given your life to christ you know and say that prayer day also if you like to be a part of making movies you know and you know investing in watch in making movies crystal movies that will change this world and transform this wood and push the mixture of the girls but also reach out to us and alfredo vip we are looking forward to hearing from you thank you and god bless you

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