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All Answers Are In The Word : Breakfast With Alfred


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Scriptures Referenced In This Broadcast:

Proverbs 3:5 KJV

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

John 8:12 KJV

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

John 1:1-4 KJV

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] The same was in the beginning with God. [3] All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. [4] In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

{Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}:

hello everybody i'm alfred you are listening to breakfast with alfred i'm your host alfred

the title of today's broadcast is all answers are in the world let's open our bibles to the book of proverbs chapter 3 verse 5. i'm reading from the king james version of the bible i read trust in the lord with all thy hearts and lean not on thy own understanding praise the lord this is very important it says trust in the lord with all thy hearts and lean not on thy own understanding that means that you have to lean on god's understanding since you are not permitted to lean on your own understanding your own understanding is limited but god's understanding is going to lead you into a realm without limits god's understanding is deeper than yours god's understanding is broader than yours you know you cannot compare the wisdom of god with your own wisdom so it's saying don't depend on your own understanding don't lean on your understanding on any matter on every issue you should be leaning on god's understanding and you see that means that since you get understanding

from god from the word it means that the word of god speaks to every issue it means that the bible has the answer to every issue in this world it doesn't matter what you're going through it doesn't matter the situation that you find yourself in you can go into the world and find the answer you can find the solution you can't find the direction that you need by going into the word it is the word of god that is the

nature of god the mind of god given to us you see it is the word of god that would make it possible for you to have that relationship with the holy spirit and for the holy spirit to speak to you and of course everything that god tells you is going to be in line with the word with the bible you know it's not going to be outside of it this shows you the power of the word of god there are some people who look at for example the broadcast that i do and they notice that there is a bible verse attached to every single topic you know that is given and they are amazed like and they they think to themselves you mean to tell me that the bible has something to do with this that's you know it's stretching no it's not stressing it is realizing the truth you know everything that i give to everything that i say from on this broadcast series is the word of god it is an explanation of the word of god the more you look at the word of god the more you see you know apostle paul refers to it at the inexhaustible reaches of christ you cannot exhaust the wealth of god's knowledge and you have access to it through christ you have access to it when you fellowship with with the world by the holy ghost you know so that is something that you know you should know and there is something that will puts you above others you know it puts you in a position of advantage because you are not operating a man's wisdom or preaching on god's wisdom you have to have that respect for the word and understanding for the world let's open our bibles to the book of john chapter 8 verse 12 i'm reading from the king james version i read then spoke jesus again on to them saying i am the light of the world he that followed me shall not work in darkness but shall have the light of life this is amazing jesus is saying his light of he's the light of the world that means that if you follow anyone else you are following darkness you are walking in darkness if you do not have christ you do not have light and you do not have life you are just existing but you have said no to light and to life now when you read a lot of the books in the world there are so many books on the bookshelves you know when you when you go to you know the airports and when you go to you know waiting rooms for example you have an appointment with a company you are about to you know um strike a deal and you are in the waiting room or you know the conference um room for the in the case of where um they are going to be parties you know in most cases you see some books that they keep you know for people to read and all of that you know there are so many books everywhere so many psychologists and psychiatrists and people giving their opinions and suggestions on how to live life you know understand that all those things that they see if it is not in line with the word of god it is not the mind of god it is not an expression of god's word it is in darkness it doesn't matter if it seems like it works it doesn't matter if it seems like if it's wall street time a lot of photos success goes up to calm down but when you stay in god then you will find lasting success there you will find real success that is why you have to understand this this is reality all those books present is darkness if the word of god is not attached to it you know if the suggestions if the wisdom that comes from it is not inspired by the holy ghost if it is not from the mind of god it is inferior it is something that is um elementary um will not stand the test of time a lot of times you know it won't even um go past the date it's not practical you know a lot of people now are making millions from writing books about how to make millions you know it's an industry in itself in all of the people among those who have books on how to become a millionaire you know that um are leaders in that field a lot of them it is writing such books that they that made them their money you know it is speaking as conferences on um the lifestyles of millennials and all of that that made them millionaires so they are not true millionaires and whatever they say it is not based on even their experience and of course experiences differ and you know we live by god's word we do not live by human express even by your own personal experience you see you have to understand that god's word is lights jesus has said it's here that he is light and anyone that follows him is not going to work in darkness so you have to be wise and realize that all those books all those suggestions all those things you see on tv shows that um giving they are giving you suggestions on how to live life and what is right and what is not right because that is what a lot of tv shows are not all about you see when all those things are not coming from the word of god you know all the situations all their valuations on you know people watch reality tv shows and give opinions on um how they should act you know based on political correctness you know oftentimes you know all of that if you apply that in your life it will lead to destruction that is why a lot of these people have nothing but pain in their life you are building your life on quicksand not on the rock you know let's open our bibles to the book of john chapter 1. i'm reading from verse 1 to verse 4 using the king james version of the bible i read in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god and all sins were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men you see that that is what jesus is and jesus is word for it is written in the beginning was the word and what was recorded and the word was called you know that's what became flesh and what among us that is jesus so if you are ignoring the word you are ignoring life we are ignoring lights and operating in depth and darkness so let this be something that you

understand you know let this be something that sinks into you and lean not on your own understanding in any matter let the word of god decide the choices that you make and then you will see your life blossom and go in an amazing direction of success that being said

let us pray in jesus name alfred i bless you and for all those who listen to this broadcast i prove a lot further that your grace is going to be with them your wisdom is going to rest upon them they are going to understand everything that they had and they will begin to lean on your understanding and not on their own understand they are going to depend on your wisdom your word your advice your precepts and your direction and not on their own intellect and their own reasoning in the name of jesus christ they'll be submitted to your will they will put down their will and take up your will and they will see the beautiful results of that act in jesus name amen thank you for joining me in that prayer if you've not given your life to christ go to alfred vip and click on the salvation prayer link in the main menu when you do that the page commander has a prayer of salvation say that prayer and give your life to christ until next time god bless you

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