Alfred Speaks On The Herdsmen vs Farmers Crisis In Nigeria :

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hello everybody i'm alfred and i would like to talk about the headsman versus farmers issue now first of all it's very interesting how they are freezing its head men versus farmers it is basically the fulanis and the northern tribes versus the evils and eurobase and there is not something new when you understand the history of nigeria you know before the colonization and the mission of nigeria you know the northern projector rates and the certain projectories to form one country called nigeria you see the north has always been trying to conquer and take up land you know with usmanda and fulo keep in mind that these are different kingdoms and you know the funny thing is that this difference is still exists we are trying to hold on to something new that was created that perhaps wasn't meant to be perhaps it is best for nigeria to go back to the way it was before colonization because colonization could only function as the entire kingdoms on the piece of land that we now call nigeria as all those kingdoms being conquered and under the rule the unquestionable rule of england you see that is what united them you know otherwise we are not meant to function together because we don't get along sometimes people force people to get along that should not get along there is nothing wrong with nigeria dividing into different projections as far as it works and then there can be partnerships between different regions you know look at sudan you know look at certain nations that have divided look at korea not in north korea and south korea sometimes it is for the best that setting um people divide and then they walk across border they walk one country and another country and you know this is the kind of thing that the first biafra movement was all about and you know one issue you know with the way things are now is that first of all when you talk about biafra today it's like how many people want to be a part of that you know and when people look at biafra and say that biafra is the answer let me ask you a question the parts of nigeria that is governed by ebola's high visits the parts of nigeria that are governed by igbo leaders you know how is anambra states is it better than the rest of nigeria why do you think that fry is the answer it's not still the same ibu leaders that will be leader of that kind of food and what portion of land how are you going to divide the country you know you have to mix different tribes like for example under the fest's um biafra splits but harcourts would have been part of biafra but now the people in potakota and the people in nigeria and all of that don't want to be a part of it don't they don't see themselves as eboos in any way shape or form you know that kind of thing is very important so we have to look at it you know which direction are we going are we going to divide nigeria or are we going to stay together if we are going to stay together we must work together as unity and love each other and you know be one but if that cannot work then it is best to divide it you know and when you look at the way nothing has keep killing other tribes this is not new this is something that was there before colonization it continued during colonization and it expanded now during um bowery's reign and of course water is doing nothing about it because the truth of the matter is that these things are easily contained the funneling heads men are people who are coming around with machetes and cutlasses you know the nigerian military has guns the nigerian police have guns and you know with all the money that naive is making a time will come when the number one export of nigeria oil will no longer be asked for by the world because the whole world is saying go go green go green look at tesla a lot of the cars are now being uh are now using electricity very soon this will move to planes somebody is going to come up with a technology sooner or later and aeroplanes will be energy efficient they'll probably use one um form of energy that has nothing to do with petroleum so what happens to nigeria if nigeria can cause can be going through some sort of um serious phase of poverty you know at this stage you know imagine then with all the money that is flowing into nigeria if nigeria is going through poverty what will happen then when its number one export is no longer needed you know i'm happy that some people are going into manufacturing in nigeria like you know there's a company that manufactures cars in nigeria but let's talk about it they're manufacturing because as much of that is a good thing because they're manufacturing are still using petroleum and what are those cars compared to the cars that other people are manufacturing so it's not enough to go into manufacturing you have to manufacture things that are better than what other nations are manufacturing and then also exports you can't just manufacture and produce for your own people you're not helping your currency like recently we have the cbm banning nigerians from buying crypto that is the most stupid and evil thing that that's the cbn you know leaders have ever done since the history you know i would say perhaps the other stupid thing in german but it is very stupid and this is signing up nigeria for poverty it's very important for nigerians to buy crypto why would you ban crypto you know it is nigerian choice the choice of 95 they want to buy they should buy it you know the nigerian currency is based on the dollar the dollar is based on the feds and it is programmed to decrease in value you can see ever since um joe biden got into office you can see the decline of american commerce you can see the debt of jobs you can see the debt of a lot of industries he's pushing energy efficient look at the um pipeline that was that and all the jobs in the us that he lost he just used executive order to counsel you know in the name of the country has to be energy efficient other nations are not keep in mind that a distance is a gradual process when you allow innovation on capitalism the desire for people to make money is what is going to drive them as long as you put incentives in place for them to make um choices in a certain direction like there were incentives for people to become more eco-friendly so companies started going in that direction you know capitalism in itself people being able to innovate and create products and make money it goes in that direction but when you put the government hands you need to force people's hands and to try to control resources and to decide what to produce how to produce them and when to produce that you know what mana you know production should be done as even who should be employed and now it's employment based on risk you see situations like um them saying you know that um the vaccine and as much as i do not agree with the vaccine you know because that is just demonic but that is a different topic altogether they are seen and black people first african-americans face and now they are wondering that why is it that african-americans you know are not going for the vaccines well african-americans do not believe in the vaccines why didn't you know that you know they are complaining that the percentage of people who are getting the vaccines are white people the higher percentage even though the vaccines is prioritized to be given to african americans african americans are not going as long as it's not mandatory you have to understand african americans and what they believe and that is something that a lot of people don't even understand you know these libras and they just want to speak up and and you know take advantage of um the remotes that was feels towards african americans with regards to slavery and exploited to for their own aims and agendas that is sad but back to nigeria and this has main issue it is a simple matter if the government and leaders want to solve it they can't solve it and they should solve it you know because it is going crazy now the the killing has become um so rampant there's no longer news and it keeps expanding when there will now be retaliation people are going to now start talking and say that oh it is racism or it is um tribalism and all of that these things are very important all these things have to be um dealt with swiftly um you know as quickly as possible you know so that being said let me stop here you know make sure you like and subscribe thank you and God bless you

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