Thank You Letter To President Trump - from Alfred

Dear President Trump, 
I thank you so much for everything you have done for Americans and for Christians. 
Thank You for caring when no one else cared.
You have fought tirelessly against all odds and your time in the White House has given new meaning to the pharse "Me Against The World."
It really has been YOU against the World.
The Mainstream Media, Politicians, and often those whom you fought for and took bullets for turned around and betrayed you.
Yet through it all, you stayed strong and fought for America.
God has made you an icon of Strength to all the world.
You stand as an example of a True Leader and a True Patriot to World Leaders around the world. They respect you even though they may not like you because you stand for the people while all they want to do is to continuously take advantage of the people's fears, likes and dislikes to keep the people in permanent servitude.
It has been said that the greatness of a Hero is measured by the magnitude of the opposition he faces. 
Looking at all that has been thrown against you in the past four years. You are the greatest Hero America has ever known.
Thank you for your bravery. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for standing strong.
I want you to know we stand with you. We appreciate you. We love you.

God's grace and power increases upon you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

- From Alfred.

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